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{{quote|'''[[The Hero|Quinn]]:''' [[Unspoken Plan|Anything happens, you know what to do.]]
'''[[The Lancer|Creedy]]:''' Eh, no, I have no idea.
'''Quinn:''' Me neither. }}
In [[Next Sunday A.D.|2008]], 12 year old Quinn Abercromby, stumbles upon a sleeping dragon recently unearthed at a construction site in London. Said dragon then awakens, and proceeds to decimate the construction site and kill everyone present, except for young Quinn. Before long more dragons hatch and proceed to multiply across the face of the Earth at an exponential rate, burning human civilization as they go. Paris is burnt to the ground, attacks in Kenya kill dozens of people, [[Nuke'Em|until the humans just decide to nuke the dragons out of existence.]] [[Hoist by His Own Petard|Unfortunately, this backfires, and rather than killing the dragons it ends up]] [[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It|wiping out human civilization as we know it.]]
Years later, Quinn ([[Christian Bale]]) is the leader of a small band of surviving humans living in an English castle. The people hope to survive by keeping their heads down until the dragons run out of food, and starve themselves to death, as fossil evidence in Antarctica suggests they had before. Unfortunately a dragon follows some of the people back to the village and burns their crops. Days later, a band of professional dragon hunters, led by Denton Van Zan and Alex Jensen, come to the village. After killing the dragon that burned the crops, Van Zan reveals that [[Our Dragons Are Different|all of the dragons seen in the world are female, and there is only one male, who fertilizes the females' eggs like a salmon.]] If this dragon can be slain, the dragons will be unable to reproduce.