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** the fact that she wasn't present with Wesker during his final misson in RE5 only makes it obvious. Or she jumped ship at the right time.
*** Maybe she's actually [[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya|Haruhi?]]
* Ada has been in deep cover for so long she probably lost her own identity. In fact, [[Resident Evil 3 Nemesis]] hints at this. More or less [[Becoming the Mask]].
* Resident Evil 5 hints at a biohazard incident in "the Orient" that Chris and Jill handled in the early days of the BSAA (but still pre-[[RE 4]]). Given a name like Ada ''Wong'', dollars to doughnuts says that she was probably involved in that as well.
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== Mike from RE4 was a Transformer. ==
Come on, it's so obvious! We never see him leave the chopper. When you actually get a good look at the chopper, there's no one inside. It also explains why Leon is so upset. You see, Leon was excited because he was going to get some help from an alien super-robot, but Saddler killed Mike before he was actually helpful! Leon didn't really care about saving Ashley after that, he was just trying to get revenge on Saddler for destroying his robot friend. In addition, Mike was supposed to give Leon the name of a good bar, but he was destroyed before he could. No one comes between Leon and his alcohol.
* Like Jock from [[Deus Ex (Video Game)|Deus Ex]]?
== Umbrella managers have (had) no idea what the ''hell'' they were doing ==
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== Wesker is either or has been a Player, the Composer, or a Reaper. ==
[[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|Obligatory link to home series]]
Wesker's more or less omnipotent, right? So here's what I think: he played a Game after getting speared by the Tyrant and managed to win, but made his first choice to come back as a Reaper. That means everyone in RE is dead, and Wesker's been trying to get them erased. Chris in this case would be the Composer -- except he's not a jerk and wants Players to come back. So Wesker absolutely hates him for that reason; he doesn't want Players to survive. This explains why he's obsessed by RE5 -- he wants the role of Composer.
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** J.J. reappears again (in duplicate) in [[Resident Evil 5|RE5]], in a ship that just departed from West Africa.
== Leon and Ada have been in a relationship between [[Resident Evil 2 (Video Game)]] and [[Resident Evil 4]]. ==
When you play as Leon, Ada will occasionally leave letters and notes around for Leon. She seems to have kissed them. [[Let's Play]] has a walkthrough that points out that those two only knew each other for a day six years ago... Unless it was during the time-skip. It also would explain how Leon isn't going, "OMG!!!1!1! I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" instead saying how he knew she was working for Wesker.
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* Yeah, that's what they said in the Caliban Cove novel, and we all know how the rest turns out.
== [[Resident Evil]] takes place in the same universe as [[The X -Files]]. ==
Jill during the Mansion Incident looks like Scully at about that time in the series...
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*** Actually, there is a lot of canon info that pretty much says that. Not the kidnapped part, but a VERY small percentage of people even 'can' become Tyrants, and they wouldn't succumb to the virus under regular circumstances. Even a smaller percentage can become a Nemesis.
== In ''[[Resident Evil Afterlife (Film)|Resident Evil Afterlife]]'',, the Executioner Majini is Movie-Umbrella's Nemesis 2.0 ==
The Executioner is never explained in the film, so I came up with this one myself. The Executioner and Nemesis share many characteristics -- Giant T-Virus-Infected [[Implacable Man|Implacable Men]] that don't speak, wield huge weapons, are ignored by Zombies, and were Homegrown by Umbrella. After the Nemesis failed, Umbrella reengineered the Nemesis Project as a [[Glass Cannon]], making it faster at the cost of its endurance.
** For bonus points, LJ was the one they mutated into the Executioner.
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* Another example is Darkside Chronicles, seeing as how it's Leon retelling the events of [[RE 2]] and RE: CV (which he wasn't present for). That could also explain the completely different architecture in the boss fight with Steve. Claire probably didn't go into very much detail about it, because Steve ''died'', so Leon described it differently, based on what he thought it looked like. That also explains why Steve's heart is exposed, Alexia looks much more like a plant, characters were working together at points in time when they wouldn't, Wesker and Chris didn't fight Alexia while Claire dealt with Steve, etc. He just interpreted based on what he was told by Claire, thus explaining why Chris's portion wasn't touched on while Claire was in Antarctica.
** It also explains why Alexia is so much more evil: somehow, I doubt Claire was very charitable when it came to describing that witch.
* Yet another is Umbrella Chronicles' interpretation of [[Resident Evil 3 Nemesis]]. Wesker is the narrator. He had almost no way of knowing the order of events and what happened, because there's no way that Jill would be on speaking terms with him after what happened in the Arklay mansion and there weren't surveillance systems set up. That explains why the places Jill and Carlos fight the Nemesis are unusual, where his mutations happen are different, Jill is able to access the other side of the police station than in [[Resident Evil 3 Nemesis]], Nicholai and Mikhail aren't there, Carlos lost his accent, Jill's kept in roughly the same area throughout the whole thing, the Gravedigger comes up out of the ground in the middle of the city rather than the graveyard, Jill doesn't get infected, etc.
== The t-Veronica virus can make you ''really'' nearsighted. ==
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== Jill's {{spoiler|genetic testing (thing)}} [[RE 5]] was turning her into [[Metal Gear Solid|Solid Snake]]. ==
In [[Resident Evil 5|''Desperate Escape'']], when you play as Jill, she walks the exact same way Raiden does in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty]]'', has the exact same hair colour, the same outfit, just as gender confused... now since Raiden was basically wanting to be Snake, Jill is another Raiden, that is another person who did the same video game testing (which is what {{spoiler|Wesker did to her before and during [[RE 5]]}})... It changed her hair colour to make her more like Raiden. {{spoiler|Wesker}} did all of that because if he had Snake on his team, he wouldn't have lost.
** Next step is becoming a mutant ninja cyborg!
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The creator's will try to add a little sexyness to the new game.
== [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 (Animation)|Agent Bishop]] is one of the Wesker children. ==
If you think about it, he has superhuman strength, speed, and being enhanced. However, after being abducted by aliens, it is assumed that he wants nothing to do with Spencer, his creator, and this is why he changed his last name from Wesker to Bishop.
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Explaining why just about all of her special moves involve kicking instead of upper body action. Judging by how skilled she is with her knife she could specialize in Escrima.
== HUNK is [[Monster (Mangamanga)|Johan Liebert]]. ==
It would appear that after leaving the hospital, Johan goes to work as a mercenary for Umbrella. Disillusioned by how they work in the use of viruses, his mind has cracked even more and he begins to wear a gas mask to hide his face and is renamed as HUNK. In that persona, he is calm, but cracked.