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''Resistance'' is a series of [[First-Person Shooter|First-Person Shooters]] (beginning with ''Resistance: Fall of Man'') by Insomniac. Yes, the guys who did ''[[Spyro the Dragon]]'' and ''[[Ratchet and Clank]]''.
[[Alternate History|In this era]], [[World War OneI]] was mostly contained to Europe and its ideological fallout greatly diminished by the lack of US intervention and the triumph of the Russian Monarchy over the Bolsheviks. With the only conflict being a simmering tension with Moscow, and with the lack of American capital to fuel rebuilding- and to go under during the Great Depression- the nations of Europe are forced to unite to both reconstruct themselves and to contain the Russian Czar, who isolates Russia from the world behind the 'Red Curtain'. As a result, the mutual hostility within the West largely fades away and the the economy is quickly rebuilt. As such, [[Adolf Hitler]], [[Joseph Stalin]], [[Mao Zedong]], [[Benito Mussolini]], and their compatriots never rise to power, and [[World War Two]] never happens.
Or, rather, never in a way humanity could have predicted.
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Cue a long slog through the UK, and the destruction of a Chimeran Angel (more or less a telepathic General) which allows the humans to kick the Chimera out of Britain and allows a stalemate in the European theater to ensue. In the end Hale is kidnapped by American troops for unknown reasons.
''Resistance: Fall of Man'' came out on the same day as the [[PlayStationPlay Station 3]], and was the system's [[Killer App]] for several months as Sony tried to figure out what they were doing.
Insomniac released ''Resistance 2'' in 2008. In that, the US has captured a strange Angel called "Daedalus". Its appearance has caused the Chimera to greatly increase their tactical capabilities, and they have [[It Got Worse|stage a massive invasion of the United States from the West and East coast]]. Nathan Hale is put in a platoon of soldiers who can also resist the Chimera virus and sent to track down the Russian scientist who can stop Daedalus. Notable for hinting at major revelations regarding the origin of the Chimera. The [[ARG]] ''Project Abraham'' was a lead up to ''Resistance 2'' that detailed what happened before ''Fall of Man''.
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=== This series contains examples of: ===
* [[Action Bomb]]: Leeches in R2 and R3.
* [[Advancing Boss of Doom]]: Satan/The Creature in R3 becomes this during a short mine cart section.
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* [[And Now for Someone Completely Different]]: ''Resistance 3'' gives the player control of Joseph Capelli, the man who {{spoiler|killed Nathan Hale}}.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: Both ''Fall of Man'' and ''Resistance 2'' are guilty of this; ''FOM'' sees Hale going up against an inanimate nuclear reactor - once the four cooling rods are destroyed, it's over. ''Resistance 2'' does have a proper final boss in the form of Daedalus, but you don't actually fight him - instead you destroy the machinery in the room. Both bosses are very easy and don't really live up to the tension set by the [[Nintendo Hard]] stages that precede them. ''Resistance 3'' repeats the pattern; just like the first game, the final boss is an inanimate reactor... also, unlike the first game which at least had a massive firefight between British and U.S. soldiers and Chimera elite troops and sub-bosses, the reactor fight in ''Resistance 3'' is just you vs. a few squads of Chimera and one non-unique [[Giant Mook]].
** The Leviathan also counts - after being hyped up in every single trailer and preview, and catching glimpses of it throughout the preceding level, the inevitable boss fight turns out to be a largely-automated interactive cutscene.
** The battle against Mick Cutler is just a short [[Button Mashing]] cutscene.
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: {{spoiler|Usually your teammates...and Nathan.}}
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* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Appears in several screenshots and in the teaser trailer, but nowhere in the games themselves.
* [[Badass Abnormal]]: Nathan Hale. In fact, all of the Sentinels, by definition.
* [[Badass Normal]]:
** Cartwright in ''Fall of Man'' manages to single-handedly survive several impossible situations, made even more impressive by the fact he's an unaugmented human without Nathan Hale's Chimera powers. On at least two occasions the game leads you to believe he's been overrun and killed by Chimera, only for him to turn up unharmed and kicking ass.
** Retribution's protagonist, James Grayson, definitely counts. He's just an average soldier with no special abilities who can plow through armies of Chimera on his own. Not to mention he decides to go out on his own and destroy ''26 conversion facilities'', just because he's angry.
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** Riley in ''Burning Skies'' is neither a trained soldier nor a superhuman Sentinel, yet manages to kick just as much ass.
* [[Badass Preacher]]: Jonathan Rose from R3, who defines the Chimera invasion as God's final test on mankind, and fights to get through it. And he identifies a giant Chimera living underground as Satan.
* {{spoiler|[[The Bad Guy Wins]]}}: Big time at the end of the second game.
** Averted in R3. {{spoiler|Capelli manages to destroy the black hole over New York, resistance groups around Earth start reporting successes against the Chimeran forces, and humanity starts to rebuild after several years of war (a shot of the Statue of Liberty being repaired is shown during the credits).}}
* [[Beehive Barrier]]: The Super Drone's shield, and the Auger's secondary fire.
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* [[Chain Lightning]]: The Arc Charger and the Atomizer. The first one shoots a bolt of energy that jumps from enemy to enemy, and gets stronger with each body it passes through; the second one shoots lightning at its enemies
* [[Chainsaw Good]] / [[Deadly Disc]]: In R2, the Splicer. Its main fire mode launches circular saws that ricochets on walls and splices everything that gets in their way. And with the secondary mode, it can rev up the saw (it can double as a melee weapon during this phase) and when fired, it hits the enemy and splices it from within. For bonus points, some fans call it [[Fan Nickname|"Evil Chainsaw"]].
* [[Check Point Starvation]]: ''Fall Of Man'' was pretty bad about this: each level only had 1 or 2 checkpoints, with many major firefights between each checkpoint. Given how quickly you can go from full health to completely dead in this game, it's very common to get booted back 15-20 minutes of progress or even right back to the beginning of the level just as you're about to hit the next checkpoint. The sequels used a much more conventional and forgiving checkpoint system.
* [[Continue Your Mission, Dammit!]]: Your allies in R2 will often yell at you to move as fast as possible to cover the fact [[Take Your Time|there's no actual penalty or consequences for being slow.]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Hale's U.S. Ranger battalion gets utterly ''slaughtered'' during the first level of ''Fall of Man'', and U.S. forces are not seen again for the rest of the game. The British resistance seen later in the game, by comparison, are still outmatched by the Chimera but manages to do noticeably better. The remarkably poor performance of the U.S. troops is attributed to the fact that the American leadership didn't even bother to brief their soldiers regarding the threat they were facing, so the Rangers went in expecting to fight Ultranationalists and ended up facing infectious aliens backed up by [[Humongous Mecha]].
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** {{spoiler|''Finally'' subverted in R3, where it turns out the Chimera had [[No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup]] for the wormhole leading to their homeworld.}}
* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: The Chrysalis ({{spoiler|Raine Bouchard}}) to Daedalus.
* [[Decoy Protagonist]]: {{spoiler|Hale is the protagonist for the first two games. However, in R2 he finally succumbs to the Chimeran virus and is killed by Capelli. Capelli himself takes up Hale's position as the main protagonist in R3.}}
* [[Downer Ending]]: In ''2'', {{spoiler|America is in shambles, and Hale becomes fully Chimeran. His only surviving teammate shoots him.}}
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: Though he doesn't appear in person, James Grayson is mentioned in a few co-op intels of ''Resistance 2'' before his debut in ''Retribution''.
** The protagonist of the Vita game ''Resistance: Burning Skies'' was rumored to be one of the survivors living in Haven, Oklahoma during the first few chapters of R3.
* {{spoiler|[[Earn Your Happy Ending]]}}: Capelli certainly does this in ''Resistance 3''.
* [[Eiffel Tower Effect]]: In the part of ''Resistance 3'' that takes place in St. Louis the Gateway Arch is prominently depicted, though the game is set well before it was built in our own universe.
* [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]: In ''Resistance 2'', {{spoiler|after Hale defeats Daedalus, he touches him and gains rather interesting abilities. He can basically cause chimeras to spontaneously explode by waving his hands around.}}
* [[Elite Mooks]]: Steel Heads, Iron Fangs and Berserkers. [[Oh Crap|And other giant Chimera...]]
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* [[Everybody's Dead, Dave]]: By the third game, which continent hasn't been completely overrun?
** Since you asked: Australia has yet to be touched by the Chimera...but it has seen brutal civil war and martial law, after the influx of millions of refugees from Europe. Nowhere is truly safe.
*** To answer that question: Australia, {{spoiler|Europe (though it was overrun and then retaken)}}, Japan, and {{spoiler|part of North America.}}
*** And most likely South America.
**** As of Resistance 3, {{spoiler|nowhere}}.
* [[Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods]]: The Kraken in the second game.
* [[Evolving Weapon]]: In the third game, weapons upgrade via use, much like ''[[Ratchet and Clank]]''.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: The Leapers? They leap at you. The Rollers? You should get the idea.
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** The Goliath walking tank in ''Resistance 2'' also counts - they are many times bigger than they were in ''Fall of Man'', scaled up to emphasize Insomniac's "bigger and better" approach.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Chameleons can kill you in one swipe of their claws but also die to a single blast.
* [[Good -Looking Privates]]: Col. Parker from ''Fall of Man''.
** All the Sentinals look good, if you like beefy manly men.
* [[Gorn]]: And quite a bit of it. Somewhat averted with the Chimeran Hybrids, as you can blow up bullets inside of them and they stay in one piece, {{spoiler|until the end, where Hale temporarily gets the ability to blow them to pieces with his bare hands}}.
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* [[Left Hanging]]: While ''Resistance 3'' isn't as definitively conclusive a finale as ''[[Gears of War]] 3'' or ''[[Halo 3]]'', the ending is ambiguously hopeful enough to serve as a finale (and [[Word of God]] is that their current plans are for it to be the last game). By the end of the game, the true nature of the Chimera is left unrevealed, the hinted-at True Chimera are not encountered, and the Cloven fail to play any role in the main plot despite the significant build-up they receive throughout the series. Hopefully, ''Burning Skies'' will answer these questions.
* [[Les Collaborateurs]]: In ''The Gathering Storm'' novel, President Noah Grace {{spoiler|attempts to make a deal with Daedalus where the Chimera are left to conquer the rest of the world unopposed as long as the United States are left alone. Daedalus is not impressed and Hale kills him for trying to betray humanity.}}
* [[Lost Technology]]: The Gray Tech, technological objects found in Chimeric towers but not originating from the Chimera, suggesting an even greater force than the current Chimeric threat. The half chimeric/human Cloven who watched both sides scrambling for the unknown artifacts obtained the objects themselves in hopes of wiping both sides out, resulting in them collecting the most Gray Tech. Unfortunately for them (and fortunate for humanity and the Chimera), the only use the Cloven found for the Gray Tech was as objects of worship. Had they reverse engineered the components instead of holding rituals for the objects they could have potentially wiped out all the other combating races.
* [[Magnetic Weapons]]: The Longbow in Retribution.
* [[Majorly Awesome]]: Major Blake, Hale superior in R2.
* [[Melee a Trois]]: Several times in ''Resistance 3'', between Capelli and the human Remnants, the military Chimera, the feral Chimera and a group of ex-prisoners called the Wardens.
* [[Mono-Gender Monsters]]: Pointed out in ''Resistance: Retribution.'' All the Chimeran soldiers were apparently male. In ''Retribution'' we get to see where they were taking all the female humans for conversion. Then inverted in Resistance 3, where the Remnant leader mentions that Feral Chimera ''can'' breed.
* [[More Dakka]]: The Wraith cannon boasts a fire rate of 1200 bullets per minute.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: In R2, {{spoiler|it's heavily implied that literally ''everything'' Hale did in the game was all part of Daedalus' master plan.}}
** It was. {{spoiler|The nuclear bomb kick-started the Chimera global tower network (which had been routed to [[Thanatos Gambit|Daedalus' ship]]) and opened a gigantic wormhole above New York City}}.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: Related to the above: {{spoiler|Daedalus' [[My Death Is Only the Beginning]] master plan was entirely contingent on the superportal remaining open long enough to bring the Pure Chimera to Earth. It also had the effect of causing the Chimera to lose their leadership structure as well as lose control of the lesser Chimera lifeforms, which helps accelerate the Chimera's downfall once Capelli closes the portal and causes the Pure Chimera to fail to show up to start running things.}}
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: The Resistance series is ''significantly'' tougher than any of its major contemporaries (i.e. ''[[Killzone]]'', ''[[Halo]]'', ''[[Gears of War]]'', or ''[[Modern Warfare]]''). ''Resistance 2'' takes the cake by a wide margin, as even on Normal difficulty you'll die more than a dozen times even in many regular encounters, and unless you progress through a firefight using the ''exact'' piece of cover the designers want you to, you'll end up mowed down by pop-up Chimera. It's not clear if this is because Insomniac games doesn't know to properly balance level design because they don't specialize in FPS games, or if they're just sadistic bastards.
* [[Ominous Floating Spaceship]]: Huge ones appears in the R2 when the Chimera invade LA.
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*** It gradually averts this as the game progresses. The earlier levels which take place in areas where humans are still dominant are mostly brown, while the later levels which take places in Chimera-controlled areas are mostly green, blue and grey. The multi-player in the game shows this off, with humans being color-coded yellow-brown and the Chimera being colored blue.
* [[Redshirt Army]]: Absolutely everybody in this series: the Chimera die like flies but are limitless, and the Humans are better trained but less powerful and are running out of replacements.
** The crown goes to the Army Rangers in the first level of the first game, who get utterly ''slaughtered'' by artillery, Chimera, and even [[Every Car Is a Pinto|exploding cars]]. The British resistance forces later in the game do noticeably better during war sequence levels, although they still need your assistance to make any headway.
* [[Regenerating Health]]: ''Fall of Man'' utilizes a segmented health meter. As long as their was some health remaining in one segment, it will refill as long as the player avoids getting shot. To restore a fully-depleted segment, you have to pick up a Sym-bac canister.
** R2, on the other, does away with the health meter and uses the "bloodied-screen" effect commonly seen in other shooters.
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* [[Smug Snake]]: Roland Mallery in Retribution (He stole a lot of things from people who needed them most and undermines James Grayson's efforts just because he doesn't like him), and U.S. [[Our Presidents Are Different|(corrupt) President]] Noah Grace in the novels {{spoiler|(who sets up a fascist regime in the United States, refuses to send aid to Europe, kidnaps and tortures Adam Shepard's, (Daedalus) wife to lure him, and when finally Daedalus meets him, he tries to force him to spare his life in the event of a Chimeran invasion to the United States).}}
* {{spoiler|[[Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb]]}}: The ending of the second game.
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: You actually can swim in ''Resistance 2,'' but the waters are almost all invariably filled with "Furies," who kill you instantly the moment they swim up to you and cannot be harmed in any way. Therefore, avoiding water like it's lava is essential, and a few times you have to hop onto cars or whatever else is in a flooded area to proceed. ''Resistance: Retribution,'' conversely, has lots of watery areas for you to traverse and if you're in Infected Mode you can even hold your breath indefinitely.
* [[Thanatos Gambit]]: {{spoiler|Daedalus engineered the events of the second game.}}
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: See [[Half the Man He Used To Be]] examples.
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* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: In R2, {{spoiler|if Hale fought back against the Chimera, he'd open a portal and doom humanity. If he didn't fight back, the Chimera wouldn't need the portal to kill everyone.}}
* [[X Meets Y]]: The game is more or less ''[[Halo]]'' meets ''[[Call of Duty]]'' meets ''[[Gears of War]]'' meets ''[[Mass Effect]]''.
* [[You Don't Look Like You]]: Cartwright is inexplicably blond and blue-eye in the comic series.
* [[Your Head Asplode]]: The Boiler's attack method in Retribution consists in running at you to [[Action Bomb|detonate themselves]] this way. [[Pink Mist|They explode either way]] with a single shot [[Boom! Headshot!|to the head]].
** In R3, this happens to {{spoiler|Mick Cutler}} after Capelli {{spoiler|shoots him in the chin with a Magnum, and then detonates the bullet.}}
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[[Category:First-Person Shooter]]
[[Category:Play StationPlayStation 3]]
[[Category:Play StationPlayStation Vita]]
[[Category:ResistanceVideo Games of the 2000s]]