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* [[Big Bad]]: Daedalus in the second game. The Angels in the first game.
* [[Black Dude Dies First]]: Inverted. The very last person to die in the Holar Tower level in Resistance 2 is {{spoiler|Benjamin Warner.}}
* [[Bloodstained -Glass Windows]]: The first game's infamous Manchester Cathedral shootout.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: The Titans' roars in ''Fall of Man'' can damage you if you're standing too close to them. The same can be said for the Angel during the start of the "Angel's Lair" level.
** The Kraken and Mother Spinner's roars can also damage you in ''Resistance 2''.
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* [[Chainsaw Good]] / [[Deadly Disc]]: In R2, the Splicer. Its main fire mode launches circular saws that ricochets on walls and splices everything that gets in their way. And with the secondary mode, it can rev up the saw (it can double as a melee weapon during this phase) and when fired, it hits the enemy and splices it from within. For bonus points, some fans call it [[Fan Nickname|"Evil Chainsaw"]].
* [[Check Point Starvation]]: ''Fall Of Man'' was pretty bad about this: each level only had 1 or 2 checkpoints, with many major firefights between each checkpoint. Given how quickly you can go from full health to completely dead in this game, it's very common to get booted back 15-20 minutes of progress or even right back to the beginning of the level just as you're about to hit the next checkpoint. The sequels used a much more conventional and forgiving checkpoint system.
* [[Continue Your Mission, Dammit!]]: Your allies in R2 will often yell at you to move as fast as possible to cover the fact [[Take Your Time|there's no actual penalty or consequences for being slow.]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Hale's U.S. Ranger battalion gets utterly ''slaughtered'' during the first level of ''Fall of Man'', and U.S. forces are not seen again for the rest of the game. The British resistance seen later in the game, by comparison, are still outmatched by the Chimera but manages to do noticeably better. The remarkably poor performance of the U.S. troops is attributed to the fact that the American leadership didn't even bother to brief their soldiers regarding the threat they were facing, so the Rangers went in expecting to fight Ultranationalists and ended up facing infectious aliens backed up by [[Humongous Mecha]].
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]: Resistance 2's control layout is different from that of Fall Of Man.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: Going steadily further with each game.
* [[Deadly Gas]]: The secondary fire mode of the mutator from R3.
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* [[Decoy Protagonist]]: {{spoiler|Hale is the protagonist for the first two games. However, in R2 he finally succumbs to the Chimeran virus and is killed by Capelli. Capelli himself takes up Hale's position as the main protagonist in R3.}}
* [[Downer Ending]]: In ''2'', {{spoiler|America is in shambles, and Hale becomes fully Chimeran. His only surviving teammate shoots him.}}
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Though he doesn't appear in person, James Grayson is mentioned in a few co-op intels of ''Resistance 2'' before his debut in ''Retribution''.
** The protagonist of the Vita game ''Resistance: Burning Skies'' was rumored to be one of the survivors living in Haven, Oklahoma during the first few chapters of R3.
* {{spoiler|[[Earn Your Happy Ending]]}}: Capelli certainly does this in ''Resistance 3''.
* [[Eiffel Tower Effect]]: In the part of ''Resistance 3'' that takes place in St. Louis the Gateway Arch is prominently depicted, though the game is set well before it was built in our own universe.
* [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower]]: In ''Resistance 2'', {{spoiler|after Hale defeats Daedalus, he touches him and gains rather interesting abilites. He can basically cause chimeras to spontaneously explode by waving his hands around.}}
* [[Elite Mooks]]: Steel Heads, Iron Fangs and Berserkers. [[Oh Crap|And other giant Chimera...]]
* [[Enemy Civil War]]: Feral Chimera (mostly Grims and Leapers, with a few Widowmakers around) against Military Chimera (Hybrids, Brawlers, Longlegs, basically any Chimera that is armored and can carry a gun) in ''Resistance 3''.
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* [[Scary Scorpions]]: Arguably the Leapers and Rollers, which look strangely like a Chimeran version of modern scorpions.
* [[Scenery Gorn]]: Beautiful 1950s America and England, utterly destroyed by warfare and alien flora and fauna.
* [[Second -Hour Superpower]]: In the first game, Nathan doesn't get his signature regenerating abilities until a little while in. In fact the only way to restore your health in the first level is to get killed and be booted back to a checkpoint.
* [[Sequel Escalation]]: ''Resistance 2'' is bigger and insaner than the first game, with several humongous bosses and more War Sequence levels. ''Resistance 3'' actually ''reverses'' the trend, with an even smaller setting than the first game, and telling a much smaller-scale, more personal story. This even extends to the gameplay, with much fewer war sequences or boss battles in favor of ''Half Life 2''/''Metro 2033''-style survivor communities to interact with, as well as removing the protagonist's Chimera superpowers and thus taking away the series' staple regenerating health and replacing it with more traditional medkits.
* [[Set a Mook To Kill A Mook]]: Hitting an enemy with the upgraded mutator will cause it to charge other enemies before exploding.
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* [[Tsarist Russia]]: The opponents of the West in the post-WWI Cold War and the first victims of the Chimera.
* [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]]: The American Government's propaganda machine, which covered up the Chimeran invasion of Europe as an influenza pandemic, and dismissed all warnings that the Chimeran invasion was only a matter of time. This doomed the continental U.S. to retreating to the "Liberty Defense Perimeter" (which got overran anyway).
* [[Viewer -Friendly Interface]]: The Chimera computer just shows an attack plan of the Chimera, which... consists of a map and a line.
* [[Was Once a Man]]: All the Chimera, but special mention goes to Daedalus, whose former identity ({{spoiler|Jordan Shepard}}) is a major plot point.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: The foot soldiers are more-or-less things to be thrown at humans until the humans died, and dead humans are collected and formed into new Chimera.
* [[Why Am I Ticking?]]: The Titans in ''Fall of Man'' will look around questionably after the cooling unit on their back overheats and beeps loudly, and then roar with defeat when they realize they're about to blow up.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: In R2, {{spoiler|if Hale fought back against the Chimera, he'd open a portal and doom humanity. If he didn't fight back, the Chimera wouldn't need the portal to kill everyone.}}
* [[X Meets Y]]: The game is more or less ''[[Halo]]'' meets ''[[Call of Duty]]'' meets ''[[Gears of War]]'' meets ''[[Mass Effect]]''.
* [[You Don't Look Like You]]: Cartwright is inexplicably blond and blue-eye in the comic series.
* [[Your Head Asplode]]: The Boiler's attack method in Retribution consists in running at you to [[Action Bomb|detonate themselves]] this way. [[Pink Mist|They explode either way]] with a single shot [[Boom! Headshot!|to the head]].
** In R3, this happens to {{spoiler|Mick Cutler}} after Capelli {{spoiler|shoots him in the chin with a Magnum, and then detonates the bullet.}}
* [[Zerg Rush]]: The main tactic of the Grims, which are unarmed but almost always charge you in huge swarms and deplete your ammo VERY quickly. Leapers also do this.
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[[Category:Play Station Vita]]