Riddling Sphinx: Difference between revisions

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** There are multiple subspecies of sphynx, of which the gynosphinx is the most like the Greek one. One supplement lists potential riddles for her to use. One riddle, which she uses when she's too hungry to play fair, has the answer "Kill me."
** Module I3 ''Pharaoh''. Inside the tomb of Amun-re the [[PC]]s can encounter an androsphinx who offers to play a [[Riddle Me This]] game with them. If they can answer one of his riddles he will answer a question from them about the tomb. Riddles he can ask include the [[Riddle of the Sphinx]] or a [[Knights and Knaves]] (Group A always tells the truth and Group B always lies) logic puzzle.
** The gynosphinx is not present in the 4th Edition, but there are sphinxes with magical powers that make games of riddles more dangerous. A normal sphinx (presented as a guardian of tombs and sacred areas) is bound to ask a riddle and let intruders pass if they can answer it. However, if they answer wrong, the sphinx becomes stronger. In game terms, it gains a temporary bonus to its attack rolls, defenses, one action point, and a second use of a powerful ability it can use to heal itself.
** The sphinx mystery is an even deadlier creature that is much like the gynosphinx (often challenging prey with riddles for fun instead of attacking outright). One powerful supernatural ability she has (called "Riddle Me This", appropriately) is a mild curse that causes mental damage to a victim if he doesn't at least try to answer her riddle once per round, and does not end until he tries to answer it. If the victim gets help from an ally, the spell is broken, [[No Fair Cheating| but he takes damage one last time.]] The Game Master doesn't even need an actual riddle; the victim needs to make a History Skill check to solve the riddle. While a wrong answer ''will'' end the curse, it also gives the sphinx mystery the ability to reuse a very powerful physical attack called Corrective Mauling; given what the usual penalty for a wrong answer is, this clearly gives her an advantage. Also, a sphinx mystery is under no real obligation to let a victim go if he answers correctly; Riddle Me This is an At Will ability that it can even use while fighting, so in theory, it could ask riddles over and over again during combat. However, the source does say that it might not attack at all if a potential victim simply plays along and answers them.
* The ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (Tabletop Game)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]'' card [http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ordeal_of_a_Traveler Ordeal of a Traveler] forces your opponent's monsters to win a guessing game if they want to attack you; the art depicts a traveler being questioned by a sphinx.
** In the video game ''Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008'', the player has to solve Duel Puzzles, with the opponent being a monster called [https://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Guardian_Sphinx Guardian Sphinx].
== Theatre ==