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=== This band provides examples of: ===
* [[Beautiful All Along]] - Tim McIlrath as explained by [http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwdrxb6hnv1qfhtouo1_500.jpg this comic.]
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* [[Break Up Song]] - "Everchanging", "The Approaching Curve", "Blood To Bleed".
* [[Careful With That Axe]]
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]] - "Survive" has the F word in it four times, which is a unique deviation from the band's [[Precision F -Strike|usual style]].
* [[Crossover]]: With [[Flobots]]. Tim McIlrath performs the lead vocals for the group in their song ''White Flag Warriors''.
* [[Dual -Meaning Chorus]] - Many of their songs can be interpreted in multiple ways.
* [[Downer Ending]]: ''Hero of War'': {{spoiler|the man in the story fails to stop his friends from committing war crimes ([[Does This Remind You of Anything?|which are suspiciously similar to some committed by US troops in a certain prison in Iraq]]), and then falls to peer pressure and joins in. Later, he ends up killing a woman who was unarmed and holding a white flag. The man ends up going home, broken and defeated, with his love of country tainted by what he's seen in war.}}
* [[Driven to Suicide]] - "Heaven Knows".
* [[Hidden Track]] - There's a a rather faithful cover of "Any Way You Want It", [[Mood Whiplash|of all things]] on Revolutions Per Minute, which plays about a minute after the last song ends.
* [[ItsIt's a Wonderful Failure]] - Inverted in the music video for "Re-education (Through Labor)", the characters of the video are watching Chicago burn, but that was their aim.
* [[In Memoriam]] - "Make It Stop (September's Children)" was written to address the growing problem of homophobia, and to honor the memories of those that perished in the September 2010 suicides and those who have committed suicide for bullying, for whatever reasons, throughout time. It even quotes the names of the victims: Tyler Clementi (18), Billy Lucas (15), Harrison Chase Brown (15), Cody J. Barker (17), and Seth Walsh (13). The [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP4clbHc4Xg video] makes this even more apparent.
* [[Join the Army They Said]] - "Hero of War" and "Survivor Guilt"
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* [[Music Video Overshadowing]]
* [[New Sound Album]] - Starting with Siren Song Of The Counter Culture, they began to ramp up the political tone of their lyrics, while acquiring a more polished, mainstream sound. Opinions on this direction vary, but are generally positive.
* [[Non -Appearing Title]] - Played straight in many songs, averted in others.
** ''Make It Stop (September's Children)'' is half an example, as "Make it stop" is a line in the chorus, but "September's children" is not in the song.
* [[Obligatory War Crime Scene]]: ''Hero of War'' is essentially a string of these after the first chorus.
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* [[Power Ballad]] - "Swing Life Away"
* [[Protest Song]] - Well, duh. Endgame, in particular, is almost a Protest ''album''.
* [[Precision F -Strike]] - "Rumors of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated", "Survivor Guilt", "Architects", and "State of the Union"
** : Other instances are in "Dead Ringer" and "To The Core". The band is very fond of this trope.
* [[Signature Song]] - Arguably ''Prayer of the Refugee'', ''Savior'', ''Injection''.