Rise of the Triad: Difference between revisions

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Interestingly, the shareware and "registered" (full retail) releases of the game have no single-player levels in common (the retail version did include the multiplayer levels from the shareware version). Apogee sold three different versions of the game: a basic floppy-disk version, a CD version that included additional levels and other bonus material, and a Site License CD version. The Site License version allowed for installation on up to 11 computers and included multiplayer levels designed for big games, a signed license certificate "suitable for framing", and 11 individual license cards. Apogee also sold a bonus pack that added some of the CD bonus content to the floppy-disk version of the game. The full version of ''ROTT'' supports user-made levels. Additionally, the bonus pack includes the RANDROTT random level generator which can generate a set of up to 100 levels for either single-player or multiplayer.
Unfortunately for Apogee, ''Rise of the Triad'' hit the streets two weeks after id Software (who once used Apogee as a publisher) rewrote the PC gaming rulebook with the release of ''[[Doom]]''. ''ROTT'' was based on an evolution of the ''[[Wolfenstein 3D (Video Game)|Wolfenstein 3D]]'' game engine and, like its progenitor, only supported walls laid out on a square grid at 90-degree angles to each other. Although staircases and bridges could be built using floating platforms (and players could go both under and over a bridge, which you could not do in ''Doom''), the floor and ceiling heights throughout each level were fixed. Jumping was only possible through the use of fixed jump-pads. Next to Doom, which featured walls at any angle, variable floor and ceiling heights, and ambient lighting effects, ''ROTT'' looked dated. However, despite being graphically behind the times, it was still a damn fun game.
Apogee/3D Realms have since released the source code to the game and there is at least one enhanced Win32 port of the game available. You will need the original data files (which remain copyrighted) to play it, though. (The data files for the shareware version are still available for free.)
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* [[Batter Up]]: The magical Excalibat weapon.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: The stuff El Oscuro says when you fight him is actual Latin; phrases include "Deus tuus sum" ("I am your god") and "Mundus tuus morietur" ("Your world will die").
** A sound clip that was cut from the game (you can find it on the game CD or the downloadable ROTT Goodies Pack), intended to have been played when Snake Oscuro sees you, apparently translates to [[Commander Keen (Video Game)|"Eat Your Veggies"]].
* [[Bloody Hilarious]]: Even the violence isn't taken very seriously - look closely when you blow up an enemy soldier and you can see his severed hand fly by ''wagging its middle finger at you''.
** Also, the smiley face on the charred skeletons of baddies toasted by the Flamewall weapon.
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** ''NME Mine'' from the same add-on takes it [[Exaggerated Trope|Up]] [[Up to Eleven|To Eleven]], making you fight against '''four''' '''NMiEs'''. [[Bullet Hell|Just try to dodge all the stuff that flies at you.]]
* [[Expansion Pack]]: ''Extreme [[Rise of the Triad]]'', with 42 new [[Nintendo Hard]] levels exploiting various engine tricks to add new features like teleporters and [[Macross Missile Massacre|"Ballistitowers"]].
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]]: You are the member of H.U.N.T., after all...
** The '''EKG''' (Engine Killing Gibs) mode, which cranks the gore [[Up to Eleven]].
** Also NME. Pronounce it out loud.
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* [[Nonstandard Game Over]]: If you fail to destroy all the larvae in the final level before killing the boss, you'll get an alternate ending where the world is destroyed and you're required to start the level over again.
** In addition, when a boss dies, [[Made of Explodium|he blows up]] ([[Justified Trope|justified]] because bullet weapons and melee attacks don't do anything - you have to use missiles, magic, or some combination of the two). If you happen to die in the explosion, you get a [[Game Over]]. [[Game Breaker|Even with maxed out lives]] ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af2yentsL84#t=7m01s this guy] had 63).
* [[Overdrawn At the Blood Bank]]: [[Fun Withwith Acronyms|Engine Killing Gibs]] mode causes enemies killed with missiles to spew gallons of blood in all directions.
* [[Punny Name]]: "Taradino Cassat", for Spanish speakers, if you consider that ''tarado'' is a slang word for ''idiot'' and even ''retard''.
** '''I'''an '''P'''aul '''Freeley''' [[Lampshade Hanging|hangs his own Lampshade]] in the ending wherein he complains about how he saved the damn world, but people only care about making fun of his name.
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* [[Self-Imposed Challenge]]: There's one, which makes the entire game [[Trial and Error Gameplay|Nintendo]] [[Luck-Based Mission|Bloody Impsossible]] (think of ''[[I Wanna Be the Guy]]'') instead of just [[Nintendo Hard]]. All you need to do is: <ref>Go get WinROTT</ref> <ref>Look for ''config.rot'' file and set the ''[[Super Hard]]'' option to 1</ref> <ref>Open [[Win ROTT]] itself and set 'TIMELIMIT 36000; MAXTIMELIMIT 36000; WARP (fully optional) [number of level you wish to play]' in the command line, without quotes. Time limit gives you a possibilty to have infinite lives during those 10 hours of play.</ref> <ref>Select the hardest difficulty. '''Never''' use savegames.</ref> The basic purpose of this challenge is to polish your missile-dodging skills SO throughoutly you wouldn't even imagine. The catch is: every Lightning Guard wields one of the many lootable rocket launchers (or, considering there's no sprites of them carrying a RL, rocket pistols). Should only you be [[A Worldwide Punomenon|unstrafeful]] for a split of a second, you'll be thrown back to the drawing board. Considering Low Guards and Lighting Guards tend to change between each other randomly, the challenge will become ''purely'' luck-based. [[Have a Nice Death|Have fun dying!]]
* [[Shareware]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: Krist's full name is [[Red Dwarf (TV)|Sebastian Doyle]] Krist, and one of the music tracks is titled "Run Like [[Red Dwarf (TV)|Smeg]]". Similarly, entering the console command "[[Red Dwarf (TV)|Nodnol]]" would cause the level to go foggy. A couple [[Commander Keen (Video Game)|Dopefish]] also show up.
* [[Standard FPS Guns]]: Subverted. You've got your pistol and machine gun, but from there the game offers several rocket launchers with different functions, a magical baseball bat, a literal [[God Mode]], and an alternate Dog Mode.
* [[Tennis Boss]]... No. [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|Tennis Player]]. Let's face it: you '''had a lot of trouble''' while dodging ''your own'' projectiles that {{spoiler|Snake Oscuro}} mirrors?
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* [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]: According to the game's opening, it takes place "one year in the future".
* [[The Walls Are Closing In]]: In early versions, [[Deadly Walls|even touching an approaching wall causes instant death]]. While walls usually were independent movers, there are some places where sections of walls move back and forth to crush the player and one level where it appears the walls are closing in when you hit a touchplate but stop at the last second.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: This game was [[Divorced Installment|originally meant to be a sequel]] to ''[[Wolfenstein 3D (Video Game)|Wolfenstein 3D]]''. The final game uses an engine based on ''Wolfenstein'''s, and it still retains some features from [http://www.3drealms.com/rott/originalspec.html the original design document].
** Less drastic is that originally, certain enemies were supposed to have alternate versions who would be randomly cycled in with the regular ones, many of which were [[Distaff Counterpart|Distaff Counterparts]]. The severe increase in RAM it would've required (by 1994 standards) meant that none of them were used, but a single frame from each one can be seen in the staff roll.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]] Natrually.