Robe and Wizard Hat/Playing With

Basic Trope: Wizards wear a conical hat and robe

  • Straight: The wizards of Magica wear normal outfits
  • Exaggerated: The outfit is mandatory for all wizard, doing otherwise is punished by death.
  • Downplayed: The outfit is just portrayed a normal wear for all of Magica, being wizards is unrelated
  • Justified: Someone who knows what they are doing can read possible future spells through a wizard leg-work and, like traditional Kendo garb, the robe hides this.
    • The stone towers where wizards often live are very drafty and cold. So, they started wearing warm robes. Wizards started wearing conical hats because the shape helps collect and focus ambient magic, like a radio antenna.
  • Inverted: Every BUT the wizards wear robes and conical hats.
  • Subverted: The first wizard seen wears this garb, but it turns out he's only claiming to be a wizard, and no real wizards wear it.
  • Double Subverted: But said con-man winds up learning magic and keeping the garb
  • Parodied: If you're a wizard, where is your robe?
  • Zig Zagged: The wizard character's outfit is Depending on the Artist, and never really clear if it's a robe and wizard hat or not.
  • Averted: No one wears these outfits
  • Enforced: How else will the audience know they are wizards?
  • Lampshaded: Do all wizards wear that?
  • Invoked: Bob decides to wear this outfit to claim to be a wizard.
  • Exploited: An opponent grabs a wizard's robe during a fight.
  • Defied: A wizard considers wearing the outfit, but dismisses the idea as its stupid.
  • Discussed: Why do Wizards wear that?
  • Conversed: ???