Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: Difference between revisions

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|'''Comic Book Guy'''|''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]''}}
This is what happens in [[Role-Playing Game|role playing games]] when the [[Game Master]] gets utterly fed up with the players: he kills them ''all'' spectacularly.<ref>Well, he might want to, but he'll more likely kill their ''characters'' spectacularly.</ref>
Precisely what drives a GM to this extreme varies. Perhaps somebody was a [[Rules Lawyer]] once too often. Perhaps the gaming group mocked his plotting skills a bit too much. The players might have spent all their time going [[Off the Rails|everywhere but where the plot wants them to]]. Maybe the group consisted entirely of [[Munchkin]]s. Maybe they didn't like that [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|"totally awesome"]] [[GMPC]] as much as the GM did and tried to kill him in his sleep. Or maybe the players are just [[Too Dumb to Live]]. Or maybe, just maybe, the GM is a [[Killer Game Master|sadistic bastard]] who's determined to see the players fail ''at any cost''.