• Gatleos, for being one of the best GM's since Sean Mirrisen. Makes sprite sheets, artwork, and animations for the game, all of which are ASCII and completely awesome.
  • Derm manages to pull one off every ten turns or so when he rolls a 7.
  • Derek manages one when he dives straight into an advancing horde of Mini-Mecha spiders, hacks into them, makes a gigantic mecha spider (later named Marshall Coburn) and rides like a badass out of the chittering swarm.
  • Highendnoob manages to throw a knife which manages to kill two guards, decapitate three more, slice anothers arm up badly, miss a bystander, and return to his hand. In a single toss.
    • Gatleos "Holy crap."
  • Three characters (And a combat droid) fire off what ammounts to a gigantic drill shaped Kamehame Hadoken, on fire. It blasts through about 15 layers of hyper resistant metal and leads to the next plot room. They can do this about three more times.