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** A very large portion of [[Slash Fic]] with Harry in the main pairing has its authors vilifying Ginny in any number of the ways detailed above. This has become increasingly common in fic written post-''[[Deathly Hallows]]'': ironically, it's ''especially'' true in fics that try to conform to canon up to and including the epilogue. Needless to say, the things they make Ginny do to shatter the obvious happiness Harry feels at the time of the epilogue are often downright heinous.
*** What's particularly odd is these fics almost always contain the canon next generation, so apparently the fanfic authors don't mind the kids; it's just the women they don't like. Unfortunate implications, indeed.
** Ginny becomes a Death Eater or sympathetic to Voldemort in fanfiction about as often as Ron does, partly owing to fan theories that she is still possessed by Voldemort after the second book, or should have been in Slytherin (or simply that it would have made her [[Rooting for Thethe Empire|a better written character]].)
** Some fics have use a mixture of this trope and [[Alternative Character Interpretation|alternative character interpretation]], with Ginny and Harry breaking up after the events of the last book for Harry to then be with someone else (normally [[Foe Yay|Draco]]. The idea they use is that Ginny fell in love with the idea of Harry as a hero when Harry just wants to be normal. Not helped by the fact they have so little screen time together, particulary in the films.
* The [[Love Potion]] thing isn't limited to Ginny demonization- in general, fic writers will frequently [[The Reveal|dramatically reveal]] that the person [[Die for Our Ship|they wish death for their ship upon]] has been [[Slipping a Mickey]] to make the other person fall in love with them (e.g. Ginny in the above example, or James if the author is a Snape/Lily shipper) and thus [[Was It All a Lie?|the entire relationship is based upon a lie]].
* The Weasleys in general are prone to this sort of treatment. In [[Alternate Universe Fic|Alternate Universe Fics]] in which the Hat put Harry in Slytherin, Draco will usually be put in leather pants and the Weasleys will suddenly become the biggest assholes in the world. Often, it is Ron who gets the worst of it with the rest of his family acting little to no different (especially the twins), though there have been instances where ''all of them'' will look upon and treat Harry with disdain just because he's not a Gryffindor.
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** Oftentimes, it's established that the Dursleys have just started treating Harry this way, which, it is frequently pointed out, makes no sense at all. Logically, if they were going to beat him, they would have done it when he was seven rather than wait until he's a teenager when he's not only physically stronger, but has wizard friends who will no doubt rescue him if he doesn't show up at Hogwarts.
** Notably most "Dursleys abuse Harry" fics are really "Vernon abuses Harry" fics. The fandom tends to view Vernon as completely evil, but sees Petunia and Dudley as redeemable. Admittedly, this is somewhat justified by canon, since both Petunia and Dudley have [[Freudian Excuse|Freudian Excuses]] while Vernon does not. And at the end of the series, Dudley has a minor [[Heel Face Turn]], Petunia has an [[Ignored Epiphany]], and Vernon just continues to be his usual asshole self. So when Vernon's behavior is made even worse than in canon, Petunia and Dudley will (a) be mentioned so little you'd think Vernon and Harry were the only people living in the house, (b) be too scared to stand up to Vernon, (c) get redeemed, or rarely (d) act as Vernon's minions.
* Similarly, Lucius Malfoy, who is ''already'' plenty evil, often turns out to be an abusive bastard who beats Draco, giving the latter a [[Freudian Excuse]]. Narcissa tends to be [[Chickification|cast as a battered housewife]] in this scenario. Blame [[The Draco Trilogy (Fanfic)|Cassandra Claire]]. There's an irony to this in the canon, because by the end of the series, the Malfoys' love for each other is pretty much their ''only'' canonically redeeming quality. Earlier examples can perhaps be excused, though, as their family mechanics were not deeply explored before we see Narcissa weeping over her son and husband's fates in ''Half-Blood Prince.''
* James Potter is often the subject of this- while canonically he ''was'' a [[Jerkass]] as a teenager, he was also a fiercely loyal friend and (later) devoted family man who gave his life to protect his wife and son. James the [[Jerk Jock]] who is personally obnoxious and is nasty to people he doesn't like is canon- James the abusive user who has minions instead of friends and spends his days doing nothing but thinking of new ways to hurt people (in other words, Tom Riddle 2.0) is not. Also, the fact that Lily (who previously wanted nothing to do with him) married him implies that he at least somewhat grew out of it, as does some dialogue from Remus Lupin (generally the most levelheaded and reliable of the Marauders).
** This is kind of helped by the fact that he was the childhood nemesis of Snape, a major recipient of [[Draco in Leather Pants]] treatment; as such, while it's fairly clear that James could be a cruel bully to Snape when they were growing up, this can be exaggerated to [[Complete Monster]] levels in order to make Snape more sympathetic. One of the more extreme examples being fans who have claimed that his use of Levicorpus in the flashback during [[Order of the Phoenix]] was the equivalent of raping him.
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* Snape has a large fan following, but there's still a vicious group of haters out there doing everything in their power to make him look like a bigger asshole than he already is, including degrading his love for Lily and his requests for Voldemort to spare her as a desire to keep her ''as a sex slave''. [ There's even a fic] that has him ''raping female students and then erasing their memories of the incident.'' Often in 'Super Powered Harry' fics, Snape will attempt to use legilimency or even outright attack Harry or one of his friends. Harry will then use his ultra amazing superpowers to defeat and utterly humiliate Snape in front of everyone. Snape is usually revealed to still be a Death Eater and then either gets killed horribly or goes to Azkaban for life. It's more often than not the former.
** And there are people who will justify James Potter and Sirius Black bullying him when they were students as " pre-emptive karma" and try to claim that they ''should'' have killed Snape then and there, with "no great loss" to the story. They don't seem to realize how bad a light that casts Sirius in, by making him not only a bully and ''capable'' of attempted murder (say whatever you want, it was well-established in canon that in a fight between a human and a werewolf, the human will lose and often end up dead), but saying "[[Double Standard|it's okay because it was Snape]]." ''Furthermore'' there are haters who claim that Snape was confirmed to have killed "many" people, when in fact the only person he was ever confirmed to have killed was Dumbledore, and even then (1) that's only one person, (2) that kill wasn't motivated by revenge or hatred, but {{spoiler|Dumbledore's [[Gambit Roulette]] to defeat Voldemort}}, and (3) {{spoiler|''he didn't want to do it''}}. This can be said of all characters who get Death Eater'd, but it is truly ''astounding'' how far people will go in their hatred of a character. (And, in the case of Snape-haters, how oblivious they are to the fact that a lot of what they say to justify their hatred of him makes them look like bigger [[Jerkass|jerkasses]] than Snape himself, which is saying ''a lot''.)
** And the less said about his portrayal in ''[[DumbledoresDumbledore's Army and Thethe Year of Darkness (Fanfic)|Dumbledores Army and The Year of Darkness]]'', the better. Even people who aren't interested in Snape or openly dislike him have expressed their disgust as its horrible portrayal of him. Three words - attempted student assassination. Interestingly, this appears to have been an accidental example. The author claimed that he meant to write Snape as a canon-compliant [[The Mole|mole]] whose benign elements were hidden from the students of the titular organisation, but ended up getting a bit carried away and depicting the guy as ''way'' more evil than he'd intended.
** Then there are those who will argue that Snape's inability {{spoiler|to beg Voldemort for James's life}} was an outright [[Murder the Hypotenuse]], completely ignoring the fact that Voldemort was [[Stupid Evil]] and that even {{spoiler|asking him not to kill Lily}} was an extremely risky undertaking.
** Snape haters also claim he's an [[Fantastic Racism|unrepentant pure-blood supremacist]] who calls his students "Mudblood". While he may have supported pure-blood supremacy as a schoolboy and in his first days as a Death Eater, he immediately abandoned it {{spoiler|once he turned spy for the Order.}} And the only person he's confirmed to have called "Mudblood" is Lily Evans, and even then (1) that's only one person, (2) it was spoken in the heat of the moment, and (3) {{spoiler|he was ''immediately'' remorseful for it and actually tried to ''apologize''}}.