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** An interesting inversion happens in [ Flames of Betrayal], where Ron is one of the few people that supported Harry's innocence.
* In [[Dark Fic]] or [[Revenge Fic]], this sometimes happens to '''Harry''' himself as well whether he joins forces with Voldemort or not, to the point where he becomes little more than a [[A God Am I|cruel blend of Voldemort, Snape and Bellatrix Lestrange]], which the author ''[[Misaimed Fandom|expects the readers to sympathize with and root for]]''. Apparently, having Harry becoming a psychotic, sadistic murderer on par or worse than Voldemort is what should have happened in canon post-Order of the Phoenix. Often, these stories are rife with the Manipulative Dumbledore and Abusive Dursleys examples explained above as an excuse for Harry to go to [[The Dark Side]]. Not surprisingly, one of his worst victims is <s>usually</s> always Ron, even if he ''didn't'' turn against Harry.
{{quote| "Diffindo." And his right arm was gone, blood spurting from the stump. Ron screamed again. Harry smiled sardonically, not even bothering to move as blood started seeping toward his feet. - ''[ Traitorous], Chapter 12''}}
* In most fanfic where Harry has a sibling, and is not or mistaken not to be the Boy Who Lived, James and Lily Potter end up being examples of this trope to the point where the Dursleys look like saints. They belittle, abuse and/or ignore him while heaping praise upon Harry's brother or sister, who is usually also a huge [[Jerkass]] that flaunts his or her status at every opportunity. Often, the three of them despise Harry for the mere fact that he exists, and more so if he befriends the wrong people (Snape, the Malfoys, or any Slytherin in general). Ron is usually portrayed as little more than a Gryffindor equivalent of Malfoy who often hates and mocks Harry for no reason at all. And '''heaven forbid''' if Harry ends up sorted into ''any'' house besides Gryffindor.
{{quote| "I can not believe that you were put in Huffelpuff! You have disgraced your family and their fine Gryffindor heritage. We would have even preferred Ravenclaw over this. You will not be coming home for the Christmas holiday, that is your punishment." ''Mr. & Mrs. Potter'' - ''[ The Chronicles of Merlin: The Return], Chapter 1''}}
* Face it, "Wrong Boy Who Lived" stories are pretty much a hodgepodge of every single example above and then some. Dumbledore is at best a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] who chooses the wrong child because he thinks the scar on him or her is something Voldemort would be more likely to mark someone as his sworn enemy with, even though Voldemort was just going there to kill all the Potters outright. Sometimes, even if Voldemort doesn't attack them, Harry's brother or sister is still called "The Boy/Girl Who Lived" even though this makes [[They Just Didn't Care|absolutely no sense whatsoever]].
* A number of Harry/Hermione fics, usually from the [[Die for Our Ship]] [[Vocal Minority]] portion of the fandom, do this to Ron and Ginny as a matter of course. Sometimes Mrs. Weasley and Dumbledore will get this as well, the former trying to gain Harry's wealth and fame for her family, the latter pushing Harry down the path he needs him to go down in order to defeat Voldemort and/or [[Take Over the World]].