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* In stories where Harry ends up in Slytherin, for any reason (Unless he turns evil. SOMETIMES.), then both the Slytherin House and Gryffindor House will get [[Flanderized]] but switch roles: the Sltherins will be good if not saints while the Gryffindors will become so evil, they would make the Death Eaters blush. And each house's respective professors (though for some reason this happens more with Dumbledore rather than Minvera) and even family members (more so in the case of the Weasleys or Order of the Phoenix members) will follow suit, with usually Ron being the absolute worse and Draco being Harry's new BFF (and often love interest). There are even instances where the DEATH EATERS are portrayed as the good guys (along with the Slytherins) and the Order of the Phoenix, The Ministry of Magic, and Dumbledore are betrayed as being the real evil threat.
* It's not just the Slytherin!Harry fics, or even the Draco fics. There is an entire ''subgenre'' of fanfic where Harry's "chest monster" turns out to be because [[Yandere|psycho stalker]] Ginny is dosing him with love potion. Often they also throw in that Ginny got the potion from her mother, who is secretly an ambitious shrew hoping to enrich herself by having her daughter marry Harry and then inherit all his money if/when Harry dies fighting Voldemort. Things like Ron having been hired by Dumbledore to spy on and manipulate Harry are very frequent in such fics as well. Oddly, even in the worst fics of this example Arthur Weasley and the older Weasley brothers (Bill, Charlie and the twins) still remain honest, well-meaning people (except Percy, but he's an asshole in the canon, so it's not like he's any different). It's just Molly and her two youngest that get their characterizations done over.
* Stories in which [[Wrongly Accused|Harry is framed for a crime he didn't commit]] and sentenced to <s>[[The Count of Monte Cristo|the Chateau d'If]]</s> [[The Alcatraz|Azkaban]] for life tend to have this happen to just about ''all'' of the characters except usually Snape, Neville, Luna and <s> a random Weasley or two</s> the Weasley Twins and <s>almost</s> ''never'' Ron, and sometimes at least one of the older brothers who are [[Flat Character|barely mentioned in the series]] immediately becomes Harry's new [[Big Brother Mentor|best friend]]. Common murder victims include Neville, Hagrid, Ginny, and the Dursleys. Those who were supposedly his closest friends and trusted adults will suddenly denounce him as being evil on par or worse than Voldemort (if not [[Rule of Two|joined with him]]), exaggerate or ''[[Malicious Slander|outright lie about his past misdeeds]]'' (often in the [[Kangaroo Court|Wizengamot]]), [[Kick the Dog|assault or torture him]] (sometimes by illegal curses or means that should get ''them'' thrown into Azkaban), and destroy/break/burn all of his prized possessions, ''especially'' [[Break the Cutie|the photo album with pictures of his parents inside]]. Rarely, they may also go to the extreme of ''[[Moral Event Horizon|brutally killing Hedwig right in front of Harry just to spite him]]''. Despite all of this, they will act like nothing has happened and ask for forgiveness nearly the very ''moment'' Harry is proven without a doubt to be not guilty, almost always by Voldemort [[Evil Gloating|telling everyone the full details of how he set up Harry and turned everyone against him]], even though there is usually [[What an Idiot!|still no solid evidence of Harry's innocence]].
** The second chapter of ''[ Betrayed Having a Father: Sixth Year]'' has many of the betrayal examples listed in the entry above (and is also a [[Dead Fic]], which many "Harry is Betrayed" fics end up as). Close to the end (after Harry's "trial"), Ron, Hermione, Remus and Sirius suddenly hack up into [[Complete Monster|cruel, vengeful demons without an ounce of decency or mercy]]. One of the worst and most clichéd examples, but nearly ''all'' fanfics of this type [[Follow the Leader|follow the same basic template]] with few variations:
*** Someone (usually Ron) screaming that Harry's a bastard or traitor after finding out about the murder(s) or by [[The Corpse Stops Here|discovering him at or near the scene of the crime]].
*** Harry watching helplessly as his photo album is reduced to ashes (again, usually by Ron and sometimes followed by a [[Big No]]). Usually, he's also cruelly mocked by his house-mates at the same time.
*** If Sirius is alive, most of the time he will be on the side of the accusers despite the ''same thing'' once happening to him! [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Seriously]], <s>most</s> all of the "good" characters will become Ron The Death Eater or [[Anti -Hero|Anti Heroes]] in these stories without exception.
*** As for Harry, being locked away in a hellish, dark, damp prison patrolled by monsters that [[Emotion Bomb|feed on emotions]] and [[Ghostly Chill|make everything extremely cold around them]] will do great wonders for him, in the process becoming a [[God Mode Sue]] who turns out to be more powerful than everyone else combined and (very often) destroys Voldemort [[Boring Invincible Hero|with no effort whatsoever]].
*** In the extremely uncommon instances where Harry ''doesn't'' become a [[One -Man Army]], once released from Azkaban he'll invariably turn into a depressed, [[Driven to Suicide|suicidal individual]] and [[Deus Angst Machina|some of those who betrayed him will only hate him all the more, especially Ron]]. They may also go as far as labeling Harry a [[Evil Sorcerer|Dark Wizard]] and look for (or invent) ''any'' reason to try and put him back in prison, even though he '''''did absolutely nothing wrong and was found innocent!'''''
*** [ At least one fic averts most if not all of those tropes]. Must have something to do with it being among the first. ''Betrayed'' also largely averts it, but [ The oldest one I can find] already has it all.
** An interesting inversion happens in [ Flames of Betrayal], where Ron is one of the few people that supported Harry's innocence.
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* In most fanfic where Harry has a sibling, and is not or mistaken not to be the Boy Who Lived, James and Lily Potter end up being examples of this trope to the point where the Dursleys look like saints. They belittle, abuse and/or ignore him while heaping praise upon Harry's brother or sister, who is usually also a huge [[Jerkass]] that flaunts his or her status at every opportunity. Often, the three of them despise Harry for the mere fact that he exists, and more so if he befriends the wrong people (Snape, the Malfoys, or any Slytherin in general). Ron is usually portrayed as little more than a Gryffindor equivalent of Malfoy who often hates and mocks Harry for no reason at all. And '''heaven forbid''' if Harry ends up sorted into ''any'' house besides Gryffindor.
{{quote| "I can not believe that you were put in Huffelpuff! You have disgraced your family and their fine Gryffindor heritage. We would have even preferred Ravenclaw over this. You will not be coming home for the Christmas holiday, that is your punishment." ''Mr. & Mrs. Potter'' - ''[ The Chronicles of Merlin: The Return], Chapter 1''}}
* Face it, "Wrong Boy Who Lived" stories are pretty much a hodgepodge of every single example above and then some. Dumbledore is at best a [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] who chooses the wrong child because he thinks the scar on him or her is something Voldemort would be more likely to mark someone as his sworn enemy with, even though Voldemort was just going there to kill all the Potters outright. Sometimes, even if Voldemort doesn't attack them, Harry's brother or sister is still called "The Boy/Girl Who Lived" even though this makes [[They Just Didn't Care|absolutely no sense whatsoever]].
* A number of Harry/Hermione fics, usually from the [[Die for Our Ship]] [[Vocal Minority]] portion of the fandom, do this to Ron and Ginny as a matter of course. Sometimes Mrs. Weasley and Dumbledore will get this as well, the former trying to gain Harry's wealth and fame for her family, the latter pushing Harry down the path he needs him to go down in order to defeat Voldemort and/or [[Take Over the World]].
* Emancipated Harry fics are always guilty of this. Usually right after the events of Order of the Phoenix, Harry will suddenly [[Ignored Epiphany|forget everything he learned in Dumbledore's office]] and realize that Dumbledore is just using him. Ron is ''always'' either a spy planted by Dumbledore in their first year, or else just too dumb to realize what's going on. Molly Weasley is usually helping them in exchange for Harry marrying Ginny. Ginny herself escaped Death Eater treatment as often as not, and Hermione is usually loyal to Harry, but not always.