Rose of Versailles/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Blooper]]: The manga actually has one. In volume two, Marie's [[Pimped-Out Cape|cape]] shifts from one arm to the other in the space of one panel. And in case you think she just decided to shift it, remember that she was just 14, and would have had to have moved several square yards of fabric, trimmed with several feet of [[Gem-Encrusted]] [[Pretty in Mink|ermine]], in a matter of a couple seconds.
* [[Fake Nationality]]: While the director of the film was an actual Frenchman, most of the actors were British.
* [[No Export for You]]: Sort of. Ask any anime fan whose native language is English about Rose of Versailles, and you're more likely than not to get a blank stare. Although the anime was a hit all over Asia, Continental Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America, an official release remains conspicuously absent in the Anglosphere. That's because the original creator has vowed that her work shall ''never'' be translated into English. Why? Apparently she bought into [[Eagle Land]] paranoia and believes that everything that touches American shores is [[4Kids! Entertainment|heavily censored or dumbed down]], despite the fact that nowadays, nearly all anime and the vast majority of manga come over completely uncensored.
* [[Portmanteau Series Nickname]]: "BeruBara"