Royals Who Actually Do Something: Difference between revisions

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* [[Utawarerumono|Hakuoro]], once he takes over the country by force. After that he's a very responsible leader, but not afraid to kick ass when necessary. On the other hand, the other emperors also tend to take a very hands on approach to war and politics.
* In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (anime)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]'', the spirit of the Puzzle is a pharaoh, and not only is he one of the lead characters (and therefore takes part in everything), but in the Memory World arc he fights on the front lines with the rest of his court and the army.
* Silvia Lautreamont in [ Seikoku no Dragonar] and her sisters are this.
* The Saillune royal family in ''[[Slayers]]'', natch. Princess Amelia is a White Mage/Shamanistic Mage who is [[Modest Royalty|very willing to take on the]] [[Walking the Earth]] lifestyle in order to help others, which she does several times, namely sending out for medical aid for the impoverished kingdom of Taforashia in the anime. It's also been shown that she is a decent diplomat (or at least tries to be). [[Big Fun|Prince Phillionel]] also believes in going out in order to [[They Fight Crime|fight crime]], and is a prime example of the [[Charles Atlas Superpower]] trope. It's implied that Amelia's [[Missing Mom]] was also a sorceress.
** [[Averted Trope]] with Princess Martina, a [[Princess in Rags]] and [[Rich Bitch]].
