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** The Fight Caves minigame has Tz-Tok Jad at the end, his attacks are fairly easy to dodge<ref> You can use Protect from Range and Protect from Magic prayers which block all damage of that type, and you have to watch Jad's attacks and switch to the correct prayer before it hits.</ref>, but if you mess up, he can easily [[One Hit KO]] you and you have to start from the beginning of the caves, which typically takes 2-3 hours to complete.
** Plane-Freezer Lakhrahnaz's room is covered in [[Frictionless Ice]]. It has a knockback attack it loves to spam.
* [[Hate Dumb]]: Many of the detractors refer to Runescape as a dumbed-down knockoff of [[World of Warcraft]] or [[Ever QuestEverQuest]], despite a) the game doesn't play ''anything'' like either of those and b) [[Older Than They Think|it was first released months before World of Warcraft was even announced]].
* [[I Knew It!]]: The Rewards Trader is Marmaros.
* [[Internet Backlash]]: Oh so many times, most infamously after the removal of the old Wilderness [[PvP]] and free trade in 2007. It continued long after that, and three years later Jagex decided to [ undo that particular change].
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** Coordinate clues require you to use a very clunky navigation interface to find a spot to dig. What's worse, some of them send you to dangerous places like the Wilderness where stopping to use said interface would be problematic. Many players regard these as de facto [[Guide Dang It]] moments.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Quite a lot between the [[Player Character]] and [[Badass Adorable]] Cave Goblin chick Zanik. Crosses over into [[Interspecies Romance]], and, if the player is female, [[Les Yay]]. One of the letters pages reveals that Zanik does indeed have feelings for the player, but wants to go off on her own so she won't be stuck in your shadow.
* [[Tear Jerker]]: The [[Villain Episode|Vengeance!]] [[In Another Man's Shoes|saga]] is a [[Sympathetic POV|surprisingly poignant]] [[Perspective Flip]] from the view of a female Forgotten Warrior in Daemonheim. The saga begins with you in control of a normal adventuring party comprised of a few player stereotypes (one who's [[Blood Knight|obsessed with killing]], a role-player, a rule breaker, and their [[Only Sane Man|sane team leader]]), after entering a room and seemingly killing everyone within it, you then take control of one of the victims who's [[Not Quite Dead]]. She awakes, poisoned, and surrounded by her dead comrades and her dead little brother (Taevas). She continues to wander through the dungeon, the poison slowly killing her, as she runs into more dead friends (each with their own examine info as she fondly remembered them), confronts and kills the members of the adventuring party that attacked them, and struggles with her own madness as her thirst for revenge begins to warp her mind, [[Not So Different|turning her into one of the very killers that she hunts...]]
* [[That One Boss]]:
** Nomad. The custodian of a minigame as a fight, shouldn't be hard, right? Well, he's been gathering the souls of everyone who's died there for a year, and has harnessed their power for himself. He will freeze you, hit you to the literal maximum your body can withstand without disintegrating, summon land mines in a circle around you, and call up clones that fight at 100% power. What's that, you think you're going to win? He heals himself once you get him to a quarter of his health, and if you do it again he'll knock off the nonsense and just smack you around faster than you can blink. Your reward is a solid red or blue cape. Enjoy.