SF Debris: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Don't look at me though, [[Catch Phrase|I'm just a viewer with an opinion]].''|SF Debris' Opinionated (Voyager / Enterprise / TNG / Deep Space Nine) Guide}}
[http://sfdebris.com/ '''''SF Debris]''''', once known as Sci-Fi Debris, is a website run by Chuck Sonnenburg, a long-time member of various ''[[Star Trek]]'' and ''[[Star Wars]]'' online fan communities as well as a big fan of ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]''. What he and the website are mostly known for these days are his "Opinionated [[Star Trek]] Episode Guides", [[Snark Bait|snarky]] reviews of the ''[[Star Trek]]'' franchise.
Since 2008, he's taken his reviews onto a video format on [http://www.youtube.com/user/sfdebris YouTube] and [https://web.archive.org/web/20101214081336/http://sfdebris.blip.tv/ Blip.tv], growing in popularity. His style, a mixture of serious analysis peppered with deadpan humour played over clips from the show, has begun to catch on with other reviewers (including [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara]], who borrowed one of his ideas). His site also features a few essays (including a history of how [[Spider-Man]] has [[Dork Age|declined in quality]]) and his (two trilogy, 250 chapter) crossover [[Fan Fiction]], [[The Unity Saga]].
Often compared (and paired) with [[Confused Matthew]]. Rather than having his own forum, CM has been kind enough to give him a dedicated sub-forum; particularly useful as the two have a similar fanbase anyway.
On May 12, 2011, ''all'' of his ''Star Trek'' reviews were removed from [http://www.youtube.com/user/sfdebris Youtube], as a pre-emptive measure when [[CBS]] (which has been cracking down severely on other ''Star Trek'' fan channels as well) filed a claim against his "Trials and Tribble-ations" review. As the [[BBC]] has already done the same with his ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' reviews, under the Youtube "three strikes" policy, he now has only one strike remaining. As with ''Red Dwarf'' and other non-''Trek'' reviews, they will now be uploaded exclusively to his [https://web.archive.org/web/20101214081336/http://sfdebris.blip.tv/ blip.tv] account, though he will continue to use his Youtube for trailers.
You can visit the site [http://sfdebris.com/ here].
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** In his ''Star Trek VI'' review, when the "Klingon" assassin turns out to be Colonel West (Rene Auberjonois) in disguise, he says that the disguise is so good that West [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|must be a shapeshifter]].
** In the recap of Fellowship of the Ring at the start of his The Two Towers review he comments on Boromir's death with 'Ha! Dodge that, [[Sharpe]]!'.
** And if there's one thing Commander Gaff hates, it's [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|skinjobs]]!
** Deckard drunkenly plinking out the ''Indiana Jones'' theme on his piano. Also, the obligatory "Snakeskin? [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why did it have to be snakeskin]]?"
** Stoned [[Seth Green]]: "For a minute I thought [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|I'd turned into a werewolf!]]"
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* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: Many characters, especially Janeway and Archer, have all their actions [[In-Universe|viewed through the lens]] of the kind of characters they would be if the writers knew what they were doing. In the case of those two, it's genocidal tyrant and complete lunatic respectively. His interpretation of Janeway, in particular, has become so popular he's taken to [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshading it]] in more recent videos.
** This does have the fortunate side effect of making Janeway a [[Memetic Badass]] almost on par with Sisko. In SF Debris' [[Gag Dub]] of 'Splashdown' she's willing to shoot down an entire fleet just to protect her stash of Romulan Marijuana.
*** In the coda for [https://web.archive.org/web/20120401210132/http://sfdebris.com/startrek/v840.asp the ''Tuvix'' review], Janeway is overtly compared to another crazy female: {{spoiler|[[GLaDOS]].}}
** Outside of the VOY reviews, Janeway is portrayed as the omnipresent, over-arching [[Big Bad]] of the entire franchise, responsible for everything from Shinzon to Lore (she once worked as Dr. Soong's code monkey).
** This has also led to jokes about Harry being Janeway's [[Chew Toy]].
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** Admiral Ross is a corrupt bureaucrat who likes to have a good time with his secretary, and orders sex toys with Starfleet funds.
{{quote|'''Sisko:''' What are ''you'' doing up?
'''Ross:''' I was just on my way to get a piece of...[[I HaveNeed to Go Iron My Dog|water]]. }}
** That in the more miltaristic [[Nothing Is the Same Anymore|post-Wolf 359]] Starfleet, the lower decks are filled with pissed off or extremely apathetic scientists who want nothing more than to study botany and comets, dammit!
** Bones' remedies for problems seems to revolve around giving his patients a perscription of heavy drugs, booze, or taking them to strip clubs. He is either insane, a drug addict or the ''best'' damn Doctor in Starfleet!
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{{quote|'''Janeway:''' Sooo... you're in ''the cargo bay''! You know who else likes ''cargo bays''? HITLER!!
'''Chakotay:''' Hmmmmmmmm... that's just the KIND OF THING HITLER WOULD SAY!! }}
* [[Hitler Cam]]: Chuck notes the show's tendency to make Janeway and/or Kate Mulgrew seem taller than she really is in his review of the episode "Parallax", showing a montage of such shots as the song "Big in Japan" plays.
* [[Hold Your Hippogriffs]]: He criticises Voyager's use of these, such as "I didn't want to be a third nacelle", arguing that we still use phrases now such as "putting the cart before the horse" out of habit even though technology has moved on.
** [[Hypocritical Humor|Then]], several months later, Chuck himself uses the phrase "taking the short starship to school".
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{{quote|'''Chuck:''' It's probably obvious that I don't care for Janeway one bit - at least, as the protagonist. Nothing confuses Janeway fans quite like telling them, "I ''love'' Janeway! She's my favorite villain!"}}
** Contrast his vitriolic loathing for Neelix, Pulaski, Okona, or pretty much anyone from ''Enterprise''.
* [[HitlerLow-Angle CamShot]]: Chuck notes the show's tendency to make Janeway and/or Kate Mulgrew seem taller than she really is in his review of the episode "Parallax", showing a montage of such shots as the song "Big in Japan" plays.
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** When reminded that ''Insurrection'' is supposed to be 'lighthearted and fun'' Chuck's rejoinder is that the last person who tried to combine Moral Dilemma + Lighthearted and Fun was the Clown in "The Thaw."
{{quote|"You know, the '''''VILLAIN!'''''"}}
** Michael Pillar was convinced that LeVar Burton should have took his [[Raymond Chandler]] parody with [https://web.archive.org/web/20131106062334/http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Banean avian-headed femme fatales and cops] and submitted it for Emmy consideration.
{{quote|"I'm sure Ed Wood thought ''[[Plan 9 from Outer Space]]'' was brilliant, too."}}
* [[Space Jews]]: Takes a hammer to the concept in his ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' review - or at least, the idea that the batarians match to Arabs because we've seen a lot of batarian terrorists and there was one batarian religious fanatic.
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* [[Take a Third Option]]: Neelix gives us the chestnut of "When the road before you splits into two, take the third path." Chuck responds, "The third path...would be back the way you came."
* [[Take That]]: A writer's room reenactment of Ronald D. Moore. ("Genesis")
{{quote|'''RDM:''' You know I'm a sucker for dark corridors and phones with cords on them. Hell, [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|I could do a whole series on that!]]}}
** For Vulcans, a repressed memory can cause brain damage until the patient tries to lobotomize himself. "Kind of like what happens when you watch an [[Uwe Boll]] film."
** Fed up with the pomposity of first-season ''TNG'' in "The Neutral Zone," where the show tells us acquiring things is evil, he points out that it ''still'' costs a pretty penny to collect the show on DVD, and that even Gene Rodenberry himself has ripped people off in the past (he cites an incident where Gene wrote unused lyrics for the original ''Star Trek'' theme so he could get part of the credit, and thus part of the royalties). "And yet, what a perfect metaphor for 20th century Communism! Taking the credit for the people who do the actual work, all while spouting party doctrine!"
Line 869 ⟶ 871:
* [[Training from Hell]]: Notes that Tuvok's attempts to put the Maquis through their paces in "Learning Curve" makes him come off as a massive jerkass, especially when he makes them run a 10 kilometre lap, with full packs and the gravity turned up 10%.
{{quote|'''Tuvok''': A particularly nice sign of dickishness from a man who has over ''[[Made of Iron|three times the strength]]'' of the people he's leading.}}
* [[Translation Train Wreck]]: In his review of the episode "[https://web.archive.org/web/20110106172735/http://sfdebris.blip.tv/file/4574217/ Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy]" he translates the lyrics of "La donna è mobile" using the Babylon 8 translation software resulting in this trope. Apperantly the song is about furniture.
* [[Trash the Set]]: In his review of the "Eleventh Hour", he notes that due to the Tenth Doctor's violent regeneration, Eleven can't use the still-rebuilding TARDIS, but at least he still has his ever-faithful sonic screwdriver, right? Cue it promptly exploding.
{{quote|'''Sfdebris''': Man, when Ten breaks shit, he really ''breaks shit'', doesn't he?}}
Line 935 ⟶ 937:
* [[You Can't Handle the Parody]]: Inserted into Dukat's rant in "Waltz."
* [[You Might Remember Me From]]: Brad Dourif, who "you might remember from ''Voyager'', where he was a killer. ...Or ''Babylon 5'' where he was a killer. ...Or ''[[The Lord of the Rings (film)|The Lord of the Rings]]'' where [[Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs|he betrayed people and then killed them]]."
** Hey kids, it's [[Mark Sheppard]]! "Great chance to talk about this performer in a ''rare'' appearance '''[[Firefly|in]] [[Star Trek: Voyager|a]] [[X Files|work of]] [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|science]] [[Doctor Who|fiction!]]'''"
* [[You Monster!]]: Notes the sheer horror of Janeway's actions in "Tuvix", where she forcibly executes Tuvix, who literally goes from person to person begging to be allowed to live. Besides the Doctor, everyone simply stands there and ''does nothing''.
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: Calls Past!Carey out for hitting on Seven in "Relativity" despite the fact that we later learn he's got a wife and two kids.
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