Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas/Characters: Difference between revisions

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** [[Hurting Hero]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Alongside Sasha and Alone, to banish Hades back into the Underworld and keep him trapped there.}}
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[I Gave My Word]]: Takes this very seriously.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Tenma means "Heaven's steed". {{spoiler|Chosen by Youma as he knew his son was the reincarnation of the legendary Pegasus Saint.}}
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]: Both his signature moves consist on this.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Red to Alone.
* [[Shonen Hair]]
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** [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Gray Hair]]
* [[Badass Boast]]: When confronted by Spectres and told he's outnumbered, lacking the advantage Albafica had and can't win, he crosses him arms and says he will fight them ALL as is. He backs it up (in a single attack and never unfolding his arms)!
** [[Badass Arm -Fold]]
* [[Determinator]]
* {{spoiler|[[Died Standing Up]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Thanatos Gambit]]: On ''Thanatos himself'', [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|ha]]!}}
** {{spoiler|[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Taking You With Me]]: To Thanatos. Or rather his physical body.}}
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: He sure would wear a jacket and ride a motorcycle a if he lived nowadays.
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* [[Nature Hero]]
* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]
** [[Death of a Thousand Cuts]]
** [[Shock and Awe]]
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* [[Cute Little Fangs]]: As a little child.
* {{spoiler|[[Death By Flashback]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Let Them Die Happy]]: Rhadamanthys [[Faking the Dead]] so Regulus could die happy as he vanished. Regulus did, however, kill the godly part of Rhadamanthys and left him almost dead entirely, as stated by Alone.}}
* [[Expy]]: Of Aiolia.
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* [[Perpetual Smiler]]: Most of the time.
** [[Stepford Smiler]]: To some extent. Type A.
* [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]]: His signature offensive consists on a storm of punches delivered so fast they look like beams of light.
** [[Death of a Thousand Cuts]]: ...and may lead to this.
** [[Shock and Awe]]
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* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: To Tenma. He even calls Tenma his younger brother.
* [[Bishounen]]
* {{spoiler|[[De -Power]]: In order to fulfill his role as guardian of the Sealed Land until the next Holy War begins, he is given the Misopethamenos, a technique that greatly extends his lifespan, but severely weakens him physically.}}
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Means "child tiger".
* [[Power Tattoo]]
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* [[Bishounen]]
* {{spoiler|[[Died Standing Up]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Go Out Withwith a Smile]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Never Found the Body]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Obi-Wan Moment]]}}
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** [[To the Pain]]
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Hinted with Degel.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: Almost too literally.
** [[Playing With Fire]]: {{spoiler|Leads to [[Suicide Attack]]}}.
* [[I Am Not Left -Handed|I Am Not Right Handed]]
* [[Living On Borrowed Time]]: {{spoiler|He received a drop of Athena's blood the age of 10 to prolong his life, since then he was given the choice of longevity through [[De -Power|Misopethamenos]] or suffer the burn of the divine blood until his ultimate death. No points for guessing what he choose.}}
** [[Deadly Upgrade]]: Because it's [[Cast From Lifespan]]. But [[Living On Borrowed Time|he did not mind it at all]].
** [[The Hedonist]]
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** [[Disability Superpower]]: {{spoiler|Reaches the eighth sense through it, allowing him to defeat Aiacos.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Handicapped Badass]]}}
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]
** [[Start of Darkness]]: {{spoiler|Athena manages to counter it.}}
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|Alone shoots his own arrow back at him}}.
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=== Wyvern Rhadamanthys ===
* [[Bishounen]]
** Even with a [[Big Ol' Unibrow]]
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]
* [[Determinator]]
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* [[The Dragon]]: To Pandora.
* {{spoiler|[[Enemy Mine]]}}
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]
* {{spoiler|[[Half the Man He Used To Be]]}}
* [[Ho Yay]] and [[Foe Yay]]: With Leo Regulus on the first page of chapter 200.
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** {{spoiler|Saving Pandora from Alone's attack, after he was already missing half his body.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Power-Up]]: Became a [[Physical God]] after being infused with Alone's blood.}}
** {{spoiler|[[De -Power]]: His [[Power-Up|god-like state]] was overpowered and destroyed by Regulus at the cost of his own life, reverting Rhadamanthys back into a common Specter.}}
* [[Shonen Hair]]
* [[Three Amigos]]
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To Hades, and ''only'' Hades.
** [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: With regard to Hades.
* [[Villainous Valour]]
* [[You Killed My Father]]: {{spoiler|Regulus's reason to fight him.}}
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* [[Complete Monster]]: Fits all the requirements perfectly.
* [[Foe Yay]]: With Albafica.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]
* [[People Puppets]]: His technique [[Marionette Motion|Cosmic Marionettion]] gives him free control over the victim's body through energy strings. He can manipulate them or simply break them. [[Ax Crazy|Slowly.]]
* [[Purple Eyes]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Brought Down to Normal]]: After his defeat, he is demoted from the Judge title and depowered.}}
* [[Power At a Price|Cast From Sacrifice]]: Two of his moves work like this. He doesn't risk his life, though; he prefers to [[Bad Boss|take the lives of his underlings and use them as human sacrifices to unleash the said attacks]].
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Terrifically strong, quite fast (and quite fast ''to'' attack with terrifically strong techniques), but kinda fragile when one manages to land a hit on him. {{spoiler|When Sisyphus is finally able to hit him, it's [[One Hit KO]].}}
* [[Playing With Fire]]
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Albafica, according to Dohko.
* [[Foe Yay]]: With Dohko, a ''lot''.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]
* [[Ineffectual Loner]]: Villainous version.
* [[Lonely At the Top]]: His natural ability is enourmously strong... so much that it kills anyone near him. His [[Undying Loyalty]] to Rhadamanthys is due to Rhadamanthys being the only one he ever met who's strong enough to not be affected by his poison.
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* {{spoiler|[[Dragon With an Agenda]]}}
* [[Expy]]: Of Ikki.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Subverted as he has no alignment to speak of.
* [[Klingon Promotion]]
* [[Noble Demon]]
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** [[Commuting On a Bus]]: Since chapter 48, all he does is ''very'' occasionally pop up alongside Pandora, doing some menial task for her.
** [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: To [[Alice in Wonderland]].
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]
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* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: He is last seen when {{spoiler|Alone}} summons the Star Guardians of the Lost Canvas and sends them to their respective temples. Never again.
* [[Scarf of Asskicking]]: {{spoiler|Which he passes on to Yuzuriha.}}
* [[Self -Made Orphan]]
* [[Shonen Hair]]
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* [[Power of the Void]]
* [[Rage Against the Heavens]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Sir Swearsalot]]
* {{spoiler|[[Soul Jar]]: His specter body.}}
* [[Story -Breaker Power|StoryBreakerPowers]]
** [[Reality Warper]]
** [[Time Master]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Action Girl]]: Once she dons the fabled Athena Cloth.}}
* [[Barrier Maiden]]
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Good wings, when donning her Cloth.
* [[Green Eyes]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Alongside Tenma and Alone, to banish Hades back into the Underworld and keep him trapped there.}}
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* [[Blue Eyes]]
** [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]
** [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]
* [[Cool Sword]]
* [[Dark Is Evil]]
* [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]
* [[Everybody Hates Hades]]: He certainly wasn't an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] in the mythology.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Black angelic wings of evil.
* [[Kill All Humans]]: His primary goal, because humans are corrupt and don't worship or at least respect the gods anymore.
* [[Pure Is Not Good]]
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* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]
* [[Creepy Souvenir]]: He intended to keep El Cid's severed arm as a souvenir.
* [[Cross -Dressing Voices]]
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
** [[Blond Guys Are Evil]] or [[Blondes Are Evil]] (when disguised).
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* {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]]}}
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]: Subverted. Alone's eyes are quite vivid, but full of soulcrushing, heartbreaking sadness.
** [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]: Has the most vivid eyes amongst all characters in the series.
* [[Expy]]: Arguably, of Shun.
* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: His little dog can turn into Cerberus.
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* [[The Corrupter]]: Pandora and Hypnos convince Alone that [[Insane Troll Logic|death is salvation]], leading to his [[Face Heel Turn]].
* [[Dark Action Girl]]
** [[WomaninWoman in Black]]
* [[The Dragon]]: The purpose of her life is serving as Hades's [[The Dragon|Dragon]] every Holy War.
** To Alone {{spoiler|until she discovers he was never possessed by Hades in the first place.}}
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** [[Retired Badass]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]
** {{spoiler|[[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?]]: "I wouldn't be the Pope if I wasn't able to predict the next moves of the gods."}}
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
** [[Old Master]]: To Manigoldo.
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* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]
* {{spoiler|[[Self -Made Orphan]]: He killed his father when he tried to reason with him.}}
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Dead Little Brother]]}}
* [[Expy]]: A male version of Esmeralda. Odd since she's a female version of Shun.
* {{spoiler|[[Goodbye, Cruel World]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Too Good for This Sinful Earth]]}}
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To the Silver Whale Saint.
* [[No Sell]]: Being able to purify and release spirits with his Holy Spout, he's immune to Sekishiki (spirit-based) techniques.
* [[Shout -Out]]: His offensive technique is a martial art invented by [[Arthur Conan Doyle (Creator)|Arthur Conan Doyle]], appearing in [[Sherlock Holmes]].
* [[Sinister Minister]]
* [[Theme Naming]]: All the Black Saints are named after a trait of personality. Allègre means "jolly".
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To the Silver Hound Saint.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
* [[High -Class Glass]]
* [[Telepathy]]: Thanks to a technique called Satori.
** [[Living Lie Detector]]