Sargon of Akkad: Difference between revisions

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** He's also one of [[JonTron]], to the point of the latter occasionally popping up every now and then.
** Subverted however with regards to [[Donald Trump]]. While he doesn't necessarily ''like'' the current US President, he's increasingly come to respect and sympathize with him, especially with regards to Trump's issues with the media.
* [[Colbert Bump]]:
* [[Colbert Bump]]:* In [ "Due Diligence"], Sargon recommended many video channels to his viewers, including [[StyxHexenHammer666]]'s content.
** Alongside the likes of Scottish comedian and Youtuber Count Dankula, he's encouraged viewers and others to support and help UKIP into becoming a more viable platform in 2018, as seen in videos like [ "War Plan Purple."]
* [[Conspiracy Theories]]: Occasionally pokes fun at these and deconstructs them. He also makes a point to bring up how truth can be stranger than fiction, and how the ''lack'' of secretive [[Illuminati]]-esque orders or cabals influencing events in real life [[Nothing Is Scarier|can actually be more concerning]] than their existence.
* [[Cool Teacher]]: In general, he manages to make history and socio-political commentary both engaging and fun.
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** On a similar note, he sees Antifa and anarchists as behaving like the "fascists" they claim to oppose.
* [[New Age Retro Hippie]]: He's expressed more than a few times how he's not exactly fond of them or certain movements born from the 1960s counterculture.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Sometimes, he comes across as this, particularly when dealing with the likes of [[The Young Turks]].
* [[One of Us]]: When he's not talking politics or social commentary, Sargon not only tends to demonstrate his nerdiness frequently. But he's also an amateur game developer [ who was working on an game] called ''Necromancer.'' And when that didn't push through, made a point to refund those who had donated to the game's development.
* [[Papa Bear]]: Looks the part, at least. Not to mention that he also has a child.