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Sargon of Akkad: Difference between revisions

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* [[Hope Spot]]: While he's immersed himself in topics that would drive many to despair, he still comes across things that make him more hopeful for humanity, or at the very least amuse him.
* [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]]: Given what he generally tends to come across, he doesn't particularly have a high view of at least some segments of the human race.
* [[The Mean Brit]]: Averted, usually. He's rather amiable and prefers to give even his opponents the benefit of a doubt. Once he gets pissed off however, this goes into full effect.
* [[MST]]: A good portion of his videos, especially his "This Week in Stupid" ones and those in his secondary channel are some variation of this, as he dissects the material he's covering bit by bit.
* [[No True Scotsman]]: Averted. Sargon makes a point to avoid this trope, which partially stems from classical liberal views and his own distrust of dogma. He also doesn't mind defending conservatives, libertarians, and those he doesn't necessarily agree with.
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