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And yes, the trope name sounds like a [[Mad Lib Thriller Title|Robert Ludlum novel]].
{{noreallife|this is a [[:Category:Rape Tropes|rape trope]], and All The Tropes does not care to [[squick]] its readers. If you have evidence of this happening in Real Life, tell the police, not us.}}
Please limit any [[Real Life]] examples to ones in the history books.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Mai-Otome]]'', {{spoiler|Tomoe does this to an imprisoned Shizuru by lying that Natsuki has also been captured and insinuating that she will help free both of them if Shizuru submits to her advances. However, Shizuru received a smuggled letter from Natsuki before going through with it, so she knew this was a lie and ended up using the event as an opportunity to steal Tomoe's key to her cell. Whether this was before or after the act was left ambiguous - we only see Tomoe passed out in the bed, dressed up as a baby, while an either topless or naked Shizuru is holding the key.}}
* The truth behind {{spoiler|Krauss and Natsuhi}}'s marriage in ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro ni]]'', as {{spoiler|Krauss's father Kinzou forced Natsuhi into it as a reconciliation of her family's debts to him.}}
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* Done in ''[[Slumdog Millionaire]]'', though somewhat strangely. {{spoiler|Salim is pointing a gun at Jamal, threatening to kill him, and Latika agrees to sleep with Salim to preempt Jamal's further attempts to protect her. There was no spoken ultimatum, but all things considered, there might as well have been.}}
* ''[[Indecent Proposal]]'' serves up a variation of this. After a married couple blow their life savings in Vegas, a wealthy businessman offers them a million dollars if the wife will spend one night with him. The couple make a mutual decision to accept his offer.
** The same basic setup is played for laughs in ''[[Honeymoon in Vegas]]''.
** And parodied in ''[[Kingpin]]'', in which three guys are involved, one of whom is Amish. {{spoiler|It turns out to be [[All Just a Dream]].}}
** Also parodied in an episode of ''[[Mad About You]]'', when guest star Robert Redford (the businessman in the original movie) makes the same proposal to Jamie. Instead of angst and fear, though, they are ecstatic and happily accept.
* In the Romanian film ''[[4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days]]'', Otilia helps her friend Gabita terminate her pregnancy in Ceauşescu-era Romania, when abortion was strictly forbidden. The illegal abortionist they locate, Mr. Bebe, eventually makes it clear that he expects both women to have sex with him as part of his payment. (In partial defense, he had a point that if they were caught, his punishment would have been far more severe than theirs.)
* This happens in the remake of ''The Getaway'' with Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, who play a couple (literal 'couple') of cat-burglars. The guy had been stuck in a Mexican jail (NOT nice) for a while, and suddenly got released. However, now a crooked cop wants him to pull [[One Last Job]], and the plot starts rolling... anyway, towards the end, the cop betrays them (of course) and in the process reveals that the female half of the couple actually slept with him in order to get her hubby out of prison. He's ''not'' happy, but it does work out in the end... which makes it a rare example where it actually went through - albeit 'offscreen.'
* In ''[[Cape Fear]]'', Max Cady confronts Bowden's wife Peggy on the houseboat and explains how he can legally get away with raping her by describing it as one of these if she reports it. For the record, [[Hollywood Law|he is incorrect]] and it ''does'' still count as rape.
{{quote|'''Cady:''' You proposition me. You instead of (daughter) Nancy. And I'll agree never to see you again, alright? Unless, of course, you want it. And that's how you give your consent.
'''Peggy:''' That's not consent, it's blackmail!
'''Cady:''' Reasons don't make any difference, you look that up. And as far as blackmail is concerned, you only ''think'' I'm going after Nancy. You're just playing it safe. And your husband, he's gonna appreciate your noble gesture, but he ain't never gonna forget it! So, all in all... I don't think you're gonna say too much about this, are you? }}
** {{spoiler|Of course this was never his real intent. Propositioning the wife was just a diversion so he could rape the daughter.}}
* In ''[[Back to The Future]]'' Part III, Mad Dog drops this one on Doc Brown and Clara; the point is for Clara to dance with Mad Dog to get him to leave Doc alone, but it's as close to lewd as one can get in a gingham dress. Shortly afterward he suggests she have sex with him to cover Doc's debt.
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** In the original play, it's also a subversion but for a different reason: In her agreement to his terms, the wife reveals some cringeworthy details of her sex life with obscene manchild Mozart and Salieri is so offended/Squicked by her wording that he throws her out.
* Played for laughs in ''[[History of the World Part One]]'': "hump/death, hump/death"
* A version of this happens in the film ''[[Film/Gloomy Sunday|Gloomy Sunday]]''. Rejection turns some guys into jerks.
* ''[[The Claim]]'' employs the ''[[Indecent Proposal]]'' variation: a world-weary prospector offers a desperate pioneer a lucrative gold claim in exchange for the pioneer's wife and infant daughter (in this case sex with wifey is more implied than stated outright). He accepts, and goes on to build a prosperous mining town, but his past comes back to haunt him when said wife and now-grown daughter return looking for financial support after the prospector died.
* In the third ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'', Elizabeth agrees to go with Sao Feng in order to save the crew of the Black Pearl, considering he had already been eying her in the opening Singapore sequence and later forced a kiss on her when she was on his ship.
** Of course at this point in time Sao Feng also happens to think she's the goddess Calypso, which means that he's either assuming that all goddesses love sex (not hard), or [[Idiot Ball|not assuming that she's going to destroy his ship the second Calypso is free.]]
* Used in the movie ''[[Blindness]]'', read the example in Literature below.
== [[Literature]] ==
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* In ''[[The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay]]'', Sammy is in a gay club when it is raided by the police. A fed offers to get him off the hook if Sammy will have sex with him. Sammy agrees.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* Female example: In ''The Way We Live Now'', the evil American woman pulls one of these on Paul. She will reveal the fact that he has previously slept with her to his fiancee if he doesn't give her one last night. And there is no Third Option. Then again, it's hard to feel sorry for him when all he needs is to decide to ''not'' trick a woman into marriage on false premises.
* On an episode of ''[[24]]'', Teri Bauer offers herself to a thug in order to prevent him from raping [[Damsel Scrappy|Kim]]. She then uses the opportunity to steal his cell phone and call for help.
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'': In the beginning of Season 3, Ellen Tigh sleeps with a Cylon to get her husband out of jail. He's released, but {{spoiler|it was only a test. Now that it's established she'd do anything for him, the real condition to release him is to have her agreeing to spying on him while he catches up with the rebels. But as soon as her husband believes his rebel friends that she must be spying on him, he kills her after saying he would rather still be tortured in prison that having her spying on him. So not only did she agree to be raped for nothing, it got her killed by the very man she agreed to be raped for in the first place.}} Can't be more Greek tragedy that that}}.
** Yes it can: {{spoiler|Ellen is later [[Oedipus Complex|revealed to be Cavil's mother figure]], and she created him in the image of her father. [[Squick|Cavil knew all of this at the time]].}}
** And {{spoiler|we find out that Ellen and Tigh are both Cylons.}}
* On ''[[Farscape]]'', there is a variation where Aeryn tells Crais he can have anything he wants if he saves John from certain death. He immediately jumps to the obvious.
{{quote|''' Crais:''' Aeryn Sun - are you offering yourself?
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* A version appears, and is then averted, in the third season of ''[[Gossip Girl]]''. Chuck's [[Evil Uncle|uncle Jack]] has taken Chuck's hotel and offers Blair that he will return it in exchange for a night with her. After she initially refuses he sends her a dress and a note saying: "''One last chance to save your man.''" The whole thing turns into an aversion of the trope, since {{spoiler|Blair does indeed go to Jack to have sex with him in return for Chuck getting his beloved hotel back... only to find out that Chuck was in on it the whole time and even bought the dress Jack sent her. Need I say that Chuck was single when the episode ended?}}
* ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'': In the episode "First Contact" (4x15), Riker is being held prisoner in an alien hospital. He was sent to the planet surgically altered to look like the native species, but they're getting close to discovering that he's not one of them. One of the female orderlies at the hospital offers to help him escape, but only if he'd sleep with her, as she's never slept with an alien before. It's never shown on screen whether he agrees to sleep with her, but she eventually helps him escape, leaving the audience to presume.
* In ''[[Hispania]]'', Nerea discovers her fiancé Paulo is going to be crucified, so she goes to ask Praetor Galba and tells him Paulo is her brother, asking him to free him. Galba decides to take the chance to finally have sex with her - which he hasn't been able to do due to several circumstances - but before he gets her naked, Nerea blurts out that his wife Claudia and general Marco are conspiring to kill him. Paulo gets sent to the jail again.
* In the ''[[Supernatural]]'' episode "The Monster at the End of This Book", Lilith offers to refrain from bringing forth the Apocalypse if Sam Winchester will have sex with her and let her kill him and his brother afterward. Sam takes the opportunity to try to kill her.
* In War and Remembrance, in a variation Nattalie offers herself as a last resort to a Nazi camp guard. The guard just laughs and points out that Nattalie is not even in a position to bargain with that-but that he just doesn't feel like it.
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* The WWE even pulled a lesbian version of this: [[The Vamp|Dawn Marie]] agreed to break off her "relationship" with Torrie Wilson's father, Al, if Torrie slept with her (hinting that ''Torrie'' was Dawn Marie's intended target all along). Torrie agrees. Dawn Marie marries Al, anyway.
== [[Radio]] ==
* Subverted in ''[[That Mitchell and Webb Sound]]'', where the husband tries to persuade his wife to sleep with the moustache-twirling villain so he won't be killed... she, of course, vehemently disagrees, as it will dishonour her, but at the same time makes no secret of the fact that after he's gone she'll think nothing of getting hitched to the villain.
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* Oddly enough, used in a [[Visual Novel]]: ''[[Fate/stay night]]''. Gilgamesh offers to let Shirou live if Saber will agree to marry him... which is actually ''worse'' than being raped. She wouldn't care about being raped, but considers herself at least equal in position to Gilgamesh while he would view her as only slightly above property. Shirou lives anyway because Saber will disappear if he dies {{spoiler|unless Saber is bathed in the Holy Grail's ichor, which Gilgamesh notes absentmindedly may destroy her mind}}. Oh, and then later he does try to rape her.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
== Webcomic ==
* Although he's not precisely a villain, Jasper apparently pulls this in [[The Zombie Hunters]]—it's part of the deal Maureen makes to get him to keep searching for her friends, even after the 3-day cutoff after they disappear.