Examples of Scary Shiny Glasses in Real Life include:

  • Becoming a Dead Horse Trope in real life (if it ever actually applied) due to the affordability of anti-glare coating on lenses.
    • Nevertheless can still happen at some angles despite the coating, although never to the extent used in fiction.
  • Lavrentiy Beria (the chief of Stalin's secret police) and Heinrich Himmler (the SS Reichsfuehrer) wore round glasses. These glasses were probably not so shiny... but both guys, no doubt, were scary and creepy!
    • Also see the (still bad, but more Knight Templar) Maximilien Robespierre pimp-glasses. Which might have been shiny, and are occasionally portrayed in fanworks as such.
    • Oh, Beria's glasses were shiny.
    • Himmler's, too.
  • General Douglas MacArthur. Probably not unrelated, he was dismissed by President Truman... because he asked the Joint Chiefs of Staff to draw up plans to nuke China, should the necessity arise.
    • Part of that was because MacArthur continually circumvented the chain of command by going directly to the public and making his criticism of the Truman administration known.
  • Invoked by psychologist Philip Zimbardo in the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment. The volunteers playing guards were given sunglasses to wear at all times.
  • According to this Cracked article, real life lawyers invoke the trope to help hide the shifty eyes of their clients.
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