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The most famous thing about Scotland (to people overseas) is [[Man in a Kilt|the kilt]] (the plural is "the kilt", by the way). These are mostly worn by men and have a variety of accessories, such as the sporran (a pouch worn on a loose belt) and a knife called Sgian Dubh ("Black Knife" in Gaelic), which can be carried in public (tucked into your over-the-calf sock) when worn with a kilt. A notable hat is the tam o'shanter, after a character in a [[Robert Burns]] poem.
Often in American (and even English!) television, all Scottish people will be wearing the kilt all the time. It also seems to be believed that Scottish people often go without underwear—especially when they compete in the Highland Games or when Highland Dancing. In reality you would almost never see a kilted person walking the streets of a Scottish town, and if you did they were probably on their way to a wedding or similar. Basically, in any situation where an American would wear a tuxedo, a Scotsman would wear a kilt. And underwear is actually required at the Highland Games and in Highland Dancing competitions! It's also a requirement to wear undergarments with rental kilts for far more grave reasons than embarrassment. Although if you own a kilt and are wearing it, it's far more common than is realised to go without underwear. It's more of a personal choice thing. You'll occasionally see a kilted person playing the bagpipes on certain high streets for charity or because they are part of an actual bagpiping club, but that's it.
In recent years this has changed somewhat, with some sport fans - mostly rugby and football - choosing to wear a casual version of the kilt and their team's jersey on the streets or to matches.
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Private schoolgirls (mostly those in North America and a few other places) wear plaid skirts, which are ''not'' kilts - they just look an awful lot like them.
A number of Scottish military regiments use the kilt in their uniform, but they have not been used in combat since 1940, not least because of a very good and [[Nightmare Fuel|nightmare fueleriffic]] reason involving mustard gas puddles on the battlefield.<ref>That sound you just heard was every male Troper in the world screaming like a little girl while curling into a fetal position.</ref> During [[WorldWordld War OneI]], the Black Watch (now part of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, but retaining their name as the 3rd Battalion of it) were supposedly dubbed "the Ladies from Hell" by the Germans, for their fierceness in battle.
The stereotypical "kilts, bagpipes, thistles, Highland cows" view of Scotland is often referred to as "the shortbread-tin version", after the packaging in which shortbread biscuits/cookies are marketed to tourists.
Interestingly the kilt may not have originally been [[No True Scotsman|"true"]] Highland dress but invented by an Englishman, of all things, who found the belted plaid a little to stifling and made cutoffs out of it. The belted plaid is a large garment rather like a wrap or poncho that can be folded different ways according to the users desire. They often had tassels to fit a belt through, hence the name. While the kilt looks more shapely then the plaid, an experienced wearer can make it look good. Also to be noted is that it is generally argued that until recently there was no such thing as different tartans being clan symbols, per se. Rather regional styles would grow because of craft traditions and dyeing material. As different clans had their own districts it is sort of the same thing in a way but there was nothing official about it. It is true however that Highlanders took a delight in bright and contrasting colors and used them as status symbols.
== Clans ==
The familiar feudal system which we know from ''[[Ivanhoe]]'' and [[King Arthur]] and which comes to mind when we think of the phrase "Middle Ages" was actually far more limited in scope in [[Real Life]] history. In any case it only took partial root in Scotland. Instead, especially in the Highlands and border regions, feudalism was rather light and merged with the Celtic Early Medieval pseudofamilial societies that we call [[The Clan]]. A Scottish clan was a tribal network named after it's first patron. It included the chief, the clan elders and the clansfolk which were often the tenants of the chief as well. Each clan operated like an independent principality. For instance the Macdonalds, who held the title of Lords of the Isles(rulers of Hebrides)were a great sea power in their own right and had history been just a little bit different, they could have been an independent power or been the subjects of the Crown of Norway. Several larger clans could field several thousand warriors. The clan system ingrained itself into Scottish life and was a referent for delicate matters of internal politics. For instance one King of Scots, when deciding how the Roma should be integrated into the system, simply declared one of them "Chief of the Egyptians"(Gypsies), thus effectively deciding that Roma were another Clan(it actually was fairly common practice to give a title to the Roma's official ambassador to a given ruler's court and chief was a rendering closer to Roma custom then the feudalistic titles given in other countries but they would have had different chiefs among themselves).
The Clan system along the English border was slightly different from that in the Highlands; it's nature came from the constant warfare between England and Scotland, but lasted even after(roughly)amiable relations were established in the reign of Elizabeth of England and James of Scotland. When James succeeded Elizabeth forming the United Kingdom, the Border clans were ethnicly cleansed. After that they tended to be resettled in areas where highly ferocious people could be out of sight of [[The Government]] but not out of sight of indigenous peoples whom the crown also found inconvenient. In Ireland they formed much of the ancestry of the Ulstermen. In North America they became the "Scots-Irish" which settled in the Appalachians and further West. The Highland Clans took longer to subdue. They tended to take the side of the Stuart dynasty in the various civil wars and were almost eliminated culturally after the Battle of Culloden in 1745. They were saved by two quirks of history. One was that it was realized that Highlanders in fact made useful soldiers and were as apt to serve the crown as rebel against it. The other was the Romantic movement in literature, notably as represented by Sir [[Walter Scot]]. During this time ethnic exoticism became seen as colorful instead of dangerous, and the clans became fashionable in the ruling classes of Great Britain. Many of the customs we associate with the Clans in fact date from this period. For instance, the Tartans or clan heraldry on the kilts were in fact not standardized until this period. In another way, however this was a bad time for the Highlands, as it was the time of the notorious Clearances in which landholders(I.E. Chiefs) were evicting the tenants for the sake of changing the agricultural products. Some of the evicted tenants survived by migration, to North America and other places and others survived from the pay for soldiering. In any case the Clan system as in old times exists today more as a focus of identity then as the political system it once was.
== Scran ==
On a day-to-day basis, Scots follow the same "meat and potatoes" diet as the rest of the UK/Western World. Nevertheless, traditional dishes still coexist happily with the modern internationalised diet, McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks and the rest.
Scotland does have the dubious distinction of eating even ''less'' healthily than America. Scots will deep-fry anything that will stand still long enough,<ref>In fact, it's likely that the American obsession with deep-frying came from Scottish and Ulster Scottish immigrants to the South.</ref> so it's not surprising that Scotland has some of the worst rates of heart disease and bowel cancer in the Western world.
Some Scottish foodstuffs include:
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** Demonstrating how traditional and international food can be deliciously merged: The Spicy Haggis Panini.
* '''Irn Bru''': Pronounced "Iron Brew". Scotland's ''other'' national drink. Radioactive orange in color; alleged to have energy-giving properties, and to be made from girders. Believed to be a good cure for hangovers, which may explain its popularity.
** Scotland's ''other'' other national drink is '''[[wikipedia:Red Kola|Red Kola]]'''<ref>There are two varieties, Curries's or Barr's. We strongly advise you not get involved in a debate over which is better</ref> which is pretty much the same as Irn Bru only instead of radioactive orange it is radioactive red. Pretty much anything you hear about Bru can be applied to Red Kola, with all the same caveats. Red Kola is most popular in Ayrshire and the surrounding, for the obvious reason that that is where Curries used to make the stuff before being bought out. Also available in a boiled sweet form which is called Red Kola Kubes.
*** For anyone confused and wondering, Scotland's ''first'' national drink is of course '''Whisky''' of which there are [[wikipedia:List of distilleries in Scotland|huge amounts of types, brands, varieties, labels, and distilleries]].<ref>this is due to something of a renaissance in micro-brewing in the last decade or so. Some of these small operations will only brew one label on a very limited run before closing again, or change varieties and brewing methods with each casking</ref> Tasting them all and debating which is best is the work of a lifetime, so is debating exactly how many there are and which type is which for that matter. One which definitely isn't, is [[Spell My Name with an "S"|whiskey with an "e"]], which is Irish.<ref>And American, while "whisky" (no "e") is also Canadian. The distinction makes sense: the American frontier distillers who developed American whiskey were historically Ulster Scots--like most distillers in 19th-century Ireland--while Canadian ones were Scots from Scotland. While the American and Canadian styles of whisk(e)y were adapted for new grains in the New World--maize and rye (particularly rye in Canada)--the similarities between Irish and American whiskey and Scottish and Canadian whisky, respectively, remain clear to the attentive drinker. Not to say that any one of these is better than Scotch...</ref> Getting that wrong can also be a debate that will last a lifetime, ([[Violent Glaswegian|but also less than half an hour]]) if uttered in the wrong place.
* '''Deep-fried Mars Bars''': Are actually real. They originated as a novelty item somewhere in some corner of darkest Scotland - although its true origins are shrouded in the mists of time<ref>and alcohol</ref> - and have since spread to become a novelty item everywhere else: a kind of national joke and conspiracy, but if a tourist asks for one, he's getting one. (Note that [[Separated by a Common Language|what is marketed as a Mars bar]] in the UK more closely resembles the American Milky Way bar than the American Mars bar.) Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee all claim to have invented it.
* '''Scotch Pies''': a Scottish institution even more than the 'White Pudding Supper'. If they went away, what would the football fans eat instead? It doesn't bear thinking about.
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* The '''Scotch Egg''', a hard-boiled egg that has been de-shelled, wrapped in sausage meat, rolled in breadcrumbs, and--[[Running Gag|yes]]—deep-fried.
** Contraray to popular belief, the Scotch Egg was actually invented in Victorian London. *nods*
* '''The Swally (beer&alcohol)'''. Scotland also brews the official strongest beer in the world. It is made by the ''Brew Dog'' brewery, is 41% alcohol by volume (that is around 80 proof for those on old money) and called ''[http Sink The Bismarck]''.
*** A note on Scottish beers, a weary traveller may find beers labelled as 60, 70, 80, or 90 Shilling. This due to a quirk of past Scottish licensing laws ([[The BBC]] has a good article [ here]) Basically the lower the shilling, the weaker the beer. Lager is generally Tennents' (who used to put pictures of half naked women on their cans) and they do a lot of sponsorship of major events.
*** As with Whisky (above) there are a [[wikipedia:List of breweries in Scotland|number of microbreweries making specialist beers]]. Once again, sampling them all would be the work of a lifetime.
*** Scotland also has number of Fruit Wine makers, most famous are probably [ Cairn O'Mohr] (say it [[Incredibly Lame Pun|out-loud]]) and [ Moniack Castle].
** Be warned, alcohol is [[Serious Business]] here so tread lightly.
* '''Square Sausage''': Sasauge. [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Shaped like a square]]. Can be eaten as breakfast, lunch or dinner; in the former cases, often combined with a roll. Can be sold either refridgerated or frozen forms; the latter has twice been mistaken for [[Sticky Bomb|SemTex]] at English airport security, the second occassion being with the star of police drama [[Taggart]]. Needless to say, this was funny as hell.
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The Scottish legal system has historically been different from [[The Common Law|that of England]], and the separate legal system was guaranteed by the 1707 treaty, and diverged a bit more with devolution (but not much, since the main change is that the same separate Scottish law is now mostly made at Holyrood, rather than Westminster: it's still the same law). An interesting example is that in Scotland, there are three court verdicts: Proven, [[Not Proven]] (otherwise known as "not guilty and don't do it again" or the "bastard verdict"), and Not Guilty. Owing to the prevalence of Anglo-American media, very few people in Scotland know this. Also, Scots receive more tax per capita than they do in England, which has caused a degree of outcry in the past. The justification given is that Scotland has a greater amount of sparsely populated rural areas than England and as a result, fewer schools, hospitals, etc. are needed. Some also argue that, if it were a separate nation, Scotland would rightfully claim enough of Britain's North Sea gas deposits- which are held by the Union as a whole- to offset this apparent imbalance. It has also been observed that certain areas of England receive a similarly above-average revenue, particularly the former industrial heartland [[Oop North]], which has suffered from a similar post-industrial depression in recent decades.
The Act of Union also guaranteed a separate Established (though not state) Church. The Church of Scotland is Presbyterian, the Free Church of Scotland has no established status but a religious monopoly in most of the Western Isles and is even more Presbyterian (they take "T' S-habbath" like Orthodox Jews). Then again there's the Free Church (Continuing), the Associated Presbyterian Church and the Free Presbyterian Church, they all broke off from one and other over the past three centuries, it's all a bit People's Front of Judea. Whilst Britain's other established (and for that matter state) church; the Church of England is Anglican (aka Episcopalian). The Queen, is the official head of the English church, but an ordinary member of the Church of Scotland and somehow converts to a new religion every time she crosses the border.
The West of Scotland is also notorious for the sectarian feud between Catholics and Protestants, typically made manifest in the Old Firm - Celtic and Rangers, Glasgow's most widely recognised football teams—Catholics for the most part allying themselves to Celtic and Protestants to Rangers—and the question "What team are you?" being used to ascertain your religious denomination. Note that this question is also used by those of a less than social disposition as an indicator of whether or not you're allowed to live another day, and is always rhetorical - the correct answer is whichever team the asker supports, and wrong answers or attempts to [[Take a Third Option]] often end in violence. A safe answer for those who are unsure is "Queen's Park"—since, despite being one of the country's worst teams, their home ground is the national stadium and should instill enough patriotism in the attacker to allow you to escape to safer ground, or at least change the subject. Although present in other parts of Scotland such as Edinburgh and Dundee, nowhere else is the conflict so aggravated. It's also (far more prominently and scarily) present in Northern and even the Republic of Ireland.
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Glasgow has its own subway system, albeit much smaller than the [[London Underground]]. It's nicknamed the Clockwork Orange for its colour. It's one big circle, with two lines running in opposite directions.
Finally, Scotland also has differing traditions for the holiday season. Christmas is traditionally less important (people working on Christmas Day is still quite common, and almost everyone is back at work by the 27th), with an increased emphasis on New Year's Eve (known as Hogmanay). Hogmanay is, more or less, a gigantic booze-up. Ceilidh music and the singing of Auld Lang Syne are also very common. Street parties are held - most famously in Edinburgh - and [[The BBC|BBC Scotland]] has an evening of programmes dedicated to it. Both New Year's Day and January 2 are [[Bank Holidays]] in Scotland, basically to deal with the almighty hangovers from Hogmanay. Hogmany programming traditionally revolved around the late, great Rikki Fulton's ''[ Last Call]'' monologue prior to the bells. Over time this has been replaced with ''Chewin' the Fat'' and ''[[Still Game]]'' specials and football-themed sketch show ''Only an Excuse''. The [[BBC]] coverage is often mocked as consistently being downright awful for [[The Eighties|some unfathomable reason]].
See also [[Scotireland]], [[Violent Glaswegian]], [[Everything's Louder with Bagpipes]], [[Man in a Kilt]], [[Brave Scot]].
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== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie]]''
* ''[[Casino Royale 1967]]''
* ''[[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek]]'' - Montgomery Scott, the proudly Scottish [[The Engineer|chief engineer]] of the USS Enterprise.
* ''[[The World Is Not Enough]]'' (the funeral)
* ''[[The Wicker Man]]''- original version.
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* ''[[Scooby Doo]] and the Loch Ness Monster''. Oh, god... Kilts, bagpipes, haggis, Nessie, horrible horrible accents... it just doesn't end!
* ''[[The Piano]]'' features Scottish characters but is set in [[New Zealand]]. Hence a lot of the accents suck massively.
* ''[[In the Loop]]'' has the 'Double Scotch' duo of Malcolm Tucker and Jamie MacDonald. Some of the best examples of Scottish swearing in cinema.
* Ironically, ''[[Laurel and Hardy|Bonnie Scotland]]'' only has a short bit in Scotland before taking off for India for the rest of the film.
* [[Canon Foreigner|Gutsy Smurf]] from ''[[The Smurfs (film)|The Smurfs]]''.
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* The [[Bob Skinner]] detective novels by Quintin Jardine.
* And don't forget ''[[Rob Roy]]'' by Sir [[Walter Scott]], although the accuracy of that may very well be questionable.
** Nowadays, Scott is the person most frequently credited/blamed for inventing the whole notion of Bonnie Scotland. And not just because of his surname.
* According to [[Word of God]], ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'''s Hogwarts is located somewhere in the Scottish Highlands. Parts of [[Harry Potter (film)|the movies]] have been filmed there, particularly the third one in which much of the action takes place outdoors (in Glen Coe).
** Specifically, somewhere in the vicinity of [ Dufftown], according to Hermione.
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* In ''[[Lonely Werewolf Girl]]'' a [[Theme Park Version]] of the Scottish Highlands features as the base of the Werewolf royal family. The sequel ''[[Curse of the Wolfgirl]]'' has a more realistic<ref>well as realistic as you can be in a book about werewolves and fire-demons</ref> version along with the city of Edinburgh.
* In the ''[[Necroscope]]'' series all the standard "shortbread tin" stereotypes are invoked, then brutally eviscerated. Much like several main characters.
* ''[[Outlander (novel)|Outlander]]'' began in Scotland, and then moves to France and pre-revolution America.
* ''[[The Railway Series]]'': Donald and Douglas are from Scotland, which is reflected in their accent.
* ''The Loch'', by Steve Alten is an obvious case, but readers may not be prepared for how much it goes into detail. Everything from the geological conditions that formed Scotland to its religious traditions to its legal traditions to its spats with England come up.
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* ''[[The Thick of It]]'' - features many references to the Scottishness of its lead character [[Magnificent Bastard|Malcolm Tucker]] and his [[Bastard Understudy]] Jamie. Tucker is called '[[Hamish Macbeth (TV series)|Hamish MacDeath]]' and 'The Gorbals Goebbels' by opposition MP, Peter Mannion.
* ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Star Trek]]'' had Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Chief Engineer of [[Cool Ship|the starship]] ''[[Cool Ship|Enterprise]]'', and arguably the most famous fictional Scotsman, [[Fake Nationality|as played by a Canadian]]. And not even a Scottish-Canadian (who, as noted above, are plentiful), but an ''[[Scotireland|Irish]]''-Canadian. Nonetheless, despite the [[British Accents|very fake accent]], both character and [[James Doohan|actor]] are fondly regarded by actual Scots, largely because the character is a personification of all the positive stereotypical traits associated with Scotland (ingenuity, work ethic, boisterousness, loyalty, pride in both his work and his homeland, and ability to hold his liquor) and is portrayed with just the right combination of lightheartedness and gravitas.
* ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' had an episode where the [[Planet of Hats]] people were supposed to be descend from Scots. Needless to say not a single one of the accents involved would be recognised as Scottish by anyone from Scotland.
* ''[[Smallville]]'' would occasionally make a thing of the Luthor family's Scottish roots. That [[Did Not Do the Research|Luther is a German name]] didn't seem to occur to them. Justified because in a later season we find out that {{spoiler|Lionel Luthor actually made that up}}
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "The Eleventh Hour", the Doctor demands to Amelia "You're Scottish. Go fry something!"
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** They visited later the same subject matter in the songs "The Battle of Bannockburn" and "Highland Tears".
** Recently they released another album based on Scotland, ''The Clans Will Rise Again''.
* [[Franz Ferdinand]], being a Scottish band, get inspiration for a fair number of songs from the vibrant (and distinctly non-shortbread-tin) Glasgow nightlife. The most obvious [[Shout-Out]] was in "Do You Want To", in which they name-check the Glasgow art gallery Transmission.
* Scotland has a large body of traditional and folk music, much of it dealing with Scottish life and history. The most prominent exponents of Scottish folk were The Corries, a duo comprised of Ronnie Browne and the late, great Roy Williamson, who helped popularise the folk revival of the '60s, and penned ''Flower of Scotland'', the nation's unofficial anthem. Other artists include Silly Wizard, The Clutha and The Tannahill Weavers, among many others.
** Highly successful celtic rock band Runrig hail from the Hebridean island of Skye. Much of their music deals with Scottish culture and tradition and makes use of the Gaelic language. They have covered several traditional songs, most famously ''Loch Lomond'', which became something of an anthem, and the definitive rock adaptation of the song.
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== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==
* Much like Scotty from ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Star Trek the Original Series]]'' the most famous Scottish wrestler - "Rowdy" Roddy Piper - is in fact Canadian.
* Scotland has a number of independent wrestling groups - including the Scottish Wrestling Alliance (SWA) who famously got a pay-off from [[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWE]] when the latter launched NXT, a name which was already used by the SWA for a similar concept.
* Notable Scottish wrestlers who are actually from Scotland include Drew McIntyre and The Highlanders (Robbie and Rory). "Superstar" Bill Dundee - of Memphis wrestling fame - was born in Scotland but raised in Australia.
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* "Nanty Puts Her Hair Up" from ''New Faces of 1952''.
* The Reduced Shakespeare Company's version of ''Macbeth'', which manages to pack virtually every Scottish stereotype known to man into the roughly 1.5 minutes it takes them to do the play, complete with deliberately horrendous accents.
* ''The Steamie'' a well-regarded play set in a public washhouse (or "steamie") in Glasgow in [[The Fifties]].
== [[Video Games]] ==
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== Other ==
* [[George Macdonald Fraser]], who wrote, among other things, his splendid history of the Border Clans, ''[[The Steel Bonnets]]'' and his memoir of his experiences in a Border regiment during [[World War II]], ''Quartered Safe Out Here''.
* Newspapers provide us with ''The Sunday Post'', which is Heather and Shortbread in Sunday newspaper form.
[[File:125px-Flag of Scotland .svg 4812.png|framethumb|The Scottish <s>trope</s> <s>[[Macbeth|play]]</s> flag]]
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