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== Anime and Manga ==
* In ''[[Zero no Tsukaima (Light Novel)|Zero no Tsukaima]]'' or ''[[Zero no Tsukaima (Light Novel)|The Familiar Of Zero]]'', the eponymous familiar, Saito Chevalier de Hiraga, is considered a wash at first, with no redeeming abilities at all, until you find out that {{spoiler|he is actually the second coming of a legendary familiar capable of wielding any weapon, from the magic world or his own, real, world, with great expertise}}.
* ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'', with its last story arc being an allegory of the second coming.
* When the Senshi travel to [[The Future|Crystal Tokyo]], King Endymion explains to them that in the early 21st century, Earth fell into an Ice Age that only ended when ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' woke up from a thousand-year slumber and became Neo Queen Serenity.
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== Comic Books ==
* [[Superman (Comic Book)|Superman]] in ''[[Kingdom Come]]'', who left Metropolis when he realized that the people desired a hero like Magog over a hero like himself, returning to deal with a generation of heroes who patterned their ethos after Magog. Pastor Norman McCay sees this return as the prevention of the upcoming superbeing Armageddon at first, but then immediately his visions reveal that Superman's presence would catalyze the coming doom, not avert it.
* King Arthur, Merlin and the reincarnated Knights of the Round Table in ''[[Camelot 3000]]'' as they reemerge in an overpopulated future world of 3000 A.D. to fight off an alien invasion masterminded by Arthur's old nemesis, Morgan Le Fay. Arthur is awakened accidentally from his resting place beneath Glastonbury Tor by a young archeology student, Tom Prentice.
* The ''[[X -Men]]'' "Second Coming" part of the Messiah Complex trilogy follows the return of Cable and Hope from the future to the present. Their arrival sparks off action from Bastion and his allies Stephen Lang, Bolivar Trask, William Stryker, Graydon Creed and Cameron Hodge. Bastion tells them that the Mutant Messiah has returned and gives them orders to kill her.
* In ''[[The Chronicles of Wormwood]]'', Wormwood's friend Jay is the Second Coming of Christ, although he's <s>not often</s> entirely lucid for all of a minute at the climax of the series. Because he has severe brain damage as the result of a cop caving in the side of his head with a nightstick. Lift the dreadlocks on his right temple and you can see a three-inch scar. His daddy sent him to Earth in the freaking sixties. [[Police Brutality]] at its finest.
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== Live Action TV ==
* In an episode of ''[[The Flash (TV series)|The Flash]]'', Barry Allen is accidentally thrust 10 years into a future where Central City has been taken over by his brother's killer, Nicholas Pike, and where an underground group of citizens were waiting for the Flash to return in order to [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong|set things right]].
* The 2003 ''[[The Second Coming (TV series)|The Second Coming]]'' Two-Part Drama by Russell T Davies, which is about Steve Baxter, an ordinary Englishman who turns out to be the second coming of Christ.
* ''[[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation]]'' had a Klingon religious caste try to use [[Clone Jesus|cloning]] and [[Fake Memories|memory construction]] to recreate their local Messiah Kahless, so that they (with he as their puppet) could take over the Klingon Empire and "[[Glory Days|restore it to greatness]]". The episode ended with the truth being revealed, and both the clone and Klingon Society took it remarkably well: as a compromise Kahless II ends up becoming the figurehead Emperor (a previously vacant position).
* On the ''[[Misfits]]'' Christmas Episode, an [[Sinister Minister|evil Priest]] manages to acquire an array of flashy superpowers, including the ability to walk on water, in order to convince the local population that he is the second coming of Jesus (so [[Complete Monster|he can steal vast quantities of money from the poor and sexually abuse women without repercussions]]).
== Mythology ==
* Baldur, who like Christ is loved by all, is betrayed by one of his companions ([[Jerkass|Loki]]), and who will eventually return to rule the Earth after the [[Endofthe World As We Know It]]. Unlike Christ though, he didn't get better - at least not yet. [[CS Lewis (Creator)|C. S. Lewis]] ([[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|and his friend Tolkien]]) actually proposed Baldur was a [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute|Norse-friendly version of Jesus]].
* Prince Csaba, the mythical successor of Attila the Hun, took this trope to it's natural extreme, by not only staying true to his word and actually returning, but doing it no less than four times, and is believed to return yet again, when his people needs him the most. Incidentally, some believe that he is to be expected again in the near future.
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== Video Games ==
* In ''[[The Legend of Zelda: theThe Wind Waker (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker]]'', everyone expected the Hero of Time to return to deal with Ganondorf when he was released from his imprisonment, but he didn't, which led to the flooding of Hyrule. This didn't deter the surviving citizens of Hyrule from dressing up boys in the garb of the Hero of Time in the hope that they can one day instill the same level of courage in them to defeat evil. However, years later, a new hero who ended up bearing the Triforce of Courage was recognized by Ganondorf as "the Hero of Time, reborn". Even Hyrule Castle is seen to be honoring the Hero of Time as a [[Messianic Archetype]].
* Aleph in ''[[Shin Megami Tensei II]]'', an [[Clone Jesus|artificial Messiah]] created by the Messians after they got bored waiting for the real Second Coming. Needless to say, YHVH is pretty pissed at this.
* Gordon Freeman in ''[[Half Life]]'' does one better. He is seen basically as the second coming (the little bible references like Judith Mossman betraying him (Judith is the female form of Judas) don't help stopping it).
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* Dreamy Smurf in ''[[The Smurfs]]'' dreams that he has been taken to the land of the Pookies, who have been waiting for his return to deliver them from the tyrannical Norf Nags. The end of the episode, however, [[Or Was It a Dream?|may suggest that it was otherwise]], as Dreamy trips over a crystal similar to the ones seen in his dream.
* Simba in ''[[The Lion King]]'', who returns to the pride he left to depose his uncle Scar as the rightful king.
* Lucy of ''[[Lucy, the Daughter of Thethe Devil]]'' hangs out with an indie DJ who just so happens to be the second coming of Jesus Christ. Ironically, most of the time, she gets "JC" to help her dad out without meaning to. Meanwhile, they are all pursued by a [[Church Militant]] faction of priests and nuns.
* ''[[Futurama]]'' had a throwaway reference to Jesus's second coming in 2148, which was not described, but was apparently very destructive. The show proper is set eight centuries later, so one can draw their own conclusions. However, the Professor occasionally swears by ''Zombie'' Jesus.