Sengoku Basara/Characters/Western Clans: Difference between revisions

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=== Chousokabe Motochika ===
{{quote box|[[File:chosokabemotochika_5650.png|frame]]}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Ryuzou Ishino]] (Japanese), [[Ian James Corlett]] (''Devil Kings''), [[Patrick Seitz]] (English)}}
{{quote| ''We're demons, eat 'em up and swallow 'em whole, haha!"''}}
Introduced in the first game but only playable in the second, Motochika is the [[White -Haired Pretty Boy|white-haired]] [[Pirate|pirate king]] of Shikoku. He rules his land along with his subordinates who affectionately call him "Aniki" (big brother). He dispenses violence [[Improbable Weapon User|with an anchor.]]
Known as ''Arslan'' in ''[[Macekre|Devil Kings]]'', who somehow develops a Scottish/Irish accent.
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* [[Badass]]
** [[Handicapped Badass]]
* [[Base Onon Wheels]]: More like base [[Recycled in Space|ON A BOAT!]] But it also has wheels.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do not, I repeat do NOT hurt his [[Nakama]]. Or your own [[Nakama]].
* [[Bishonen]]: Motochika was called "princess" when he was a boy. [[Took a Level Inin Badass|He did not like this so he changed his image.]]
* [[Blood Knight]]: Less so than others, but he's always up for a good fight.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: The previous games and anime. The third game gives him [[Eyes of Gold]] instead, for some reason.
* [[A Father to His Men|A Brother To His Men]]: Even though he's probably younger than most of them, he looks after the men and refers to them as blood brothers.
* [[Cool Boat]]: The game version is pretty cool. Fugaku takes the cake.
* {{spoiler|[[Defiant to Thethe End]]:}} In the anime. {{spoiler|Despite getting pummeled badly by Hideyoshi, Motochika still stood up and ''destroys his own fortress'' before he finally goes down. [[Unexplained Recovery|He got better.]]}}
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: In Motonari's blue route {{spoiler|after finding out that Motonari was responsible for Shikoku and that Ieyasu was innocent he willingly takes a hit from Motonari to end his own life.}}
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: He has one of those. Not in [[Real Life]] however. Probably just adds to his [[Pirate|pirateyness]].
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]: Looks like this most of the time when [[Super -Deformed]].
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: Motochika considers Masamune a friend, despite how they inevitably end up fighting every time they cross paths.
* [[Homoerotic Subtext]]: Some hints of this with Masamune and Mitsunari. And his relationship with Ieyasu is overflowing with it by the third game.
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* [[Idiot Ball]]: He makes a lot of stupid decisions in ''3'', some of which seem completely out of character. He also refuses to listen to reason until punched on the head.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Possibly one of the only examples here where it is actually called attention to in-series.
* [[In -Series Nickname]]
* [[Japanese Pronouns]]: 'Ore'
* [[Kleptomaniac Hero]]: Most of his story modes revolve around him roaming Japan and stealing anything that catches his eye.
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* [[Lovable Rogue]]: Despite his [[Pirate]] status and kleptomania, he's a really good guy.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: The [[Fan Girl|fangirls]] can't seem to get enough of "Aniki".
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: He does this in the paths where he finds out that {{spoiler|Ieyasu did not attack his men}}, to the point where he'll even get on his knees and beg for forgiveness.
* [[Nakama]]: His crew.
* [[Nice Guy]]: So long as you're nice to him. Even [[Love Freak|Keiji]] calls him the nicest guy he's ever met!
* [[Noodle Incident]]: So what did go on with that shark?
* [[One -Handed Zweihander]]: Uses that anchor with a single arm while he tucks the other arm away [[Final Fantasy X|Auron-style]].
* [[Pirate]]
** [[Pirate Parrot]]: And it has reached almost memetic status.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: He's also equally [[Hot -Blooded]].
* [[The Power of Friendship]]: One of Motochika's moves involve him whirling his anchor around, while his subordinates cheerfully root him on.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Manages to make his completely pink and purple outfit (with added floral patters) look not only fabulous but incredibly manly.
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* [[Spider Tank]]: His Akatsukimaru. Allied soldiers will even point out the resemblance when facing it.
* [[Talk Like a Pirate]]: His crew does this in ''Samurai Heroes''; keep in mind that every character in that game is 100% Japanese. While he himself doesn't have the accent, he uses archaic English terms like "sirrah"
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: From being called "princess" to the "Demon of Shikoku".
* [[Trap Master]]: His stage in ''3'' is filled with traps, and he can catch just about any enemy in his net.
* [[Unexplained Accent]]: ''Devil Kings''. What the hell?!
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]: Oh Yes.
* [[Walking Tank]]: Inordinately fond of using these in his stages.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Mostly. For some reason he's blond in ''Heroes''. A benevolent subversion, unlike all the other examples in the series.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: The anime implies he regards Mouri as this, and is not happy about the fact that Mouri doesn't seem to reciprocate the feeling.
=== Mouri Motonari ===
{{quote box|[[File:mourimotonari_3903.png|frame]]}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Shigeru Nakahara]] (Japanese), [[Samuel Vincent]] (''Devil Kings''), [[Sam Riegel]] (English)}}
{{quote| ''"Oh glorious sun, bless our army."''}}
Originally an NPC in the first game like Motochika, Motonari is the ruthless [[Light Is Not Good|"Child of the Sun"]] who sees his soldiers as merely pawns to be [[We Have Reserves|sacrificed]] in his name. This makes him the polar opposite of Motochika, who [[The Power of Friendship|even brings his men into the action]]. He attacks with a [[Rings of Death|giant bladed ring]] that he can use to set traps. Oh and he can also [[The Neidermeyer|attack his own men]], a trait only shared by [[Psycho for Hire|Mitsuhide]].
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** Comes off as an [[Informed Ability]] in the Anime, despite his lack of screen time in the first season.
* [[Chewing the Scenery]]: He's cruelly calm mostly. But when introducing himself? Hoo boy...
{{quote| ''I am the child of the sun, Mouri Motonari! Now cooooommmeeeee!''}}
* [[The Comically Serious]]: Which makes any time he gets involved with Xavism comedy gold.
** His alternate costume in ''3/Samurai Heroes'' even makes him look like a clown.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Death Glare]]: Able to transform his mooks into a gibbering wreck with one glance. He even manages to out-stare [[Kubrick Stare|Mitsunari]] at one point.
* [[Did Not See That Coming]]: He is defeated in the anime's second season by {{spoiler|the ''worst'' strategist of the Sengoku era, namely Yukimura, who is [[Too Dumb to Fool]] and attacks Mori's mobile base on foot because it never occurred to him that he ''couldn't'' do such an obviously suicidally stupid thing}}. Mori's thoughts on the matter are to the tune of "[[This Cannot Be!]]".
* [[Easy Evangelism]]: Becomes a Xavist in the second game. He'll [[Never Live It Down]]. It's something that he tries to suppress.
** {{spoiler|He rejoins the fold}} in Sorin's storyline in ''Utage''.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: While he barely tolerates Yoshitsugu, even a self-righteous prick like him made it very clear that he has absolutely no respect for him and his utter lack of honesty and integrity.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better Withwith Rainbows]]: One of his weapons is a giant circular rainbow.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: His moveset involves a lot of graceful twirls, for no apparent reason other than to look fancy.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: In ''3'' both of Motonari's story paths make Yoshitsugu learn the hard way that he has a ''lot'' to learn before he can out-scheme Motonari. Not like Motonari ever gives him the chance though.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: More like an evil chuckle, but still no less disturbing.
* [[Friendless Background]]: Which is often used as a [[Freudian Excuse]] by the fans. Motonari says he neither needs nor wants friends.
* [[Grievous Harm Withwith a Body]]: Not above using his mooks as human missiles.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Before he got his ringblade in the second game, he wielded a paper command baton that could set you on fire.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: Never gets tired of telling everyone how there is no way they could ever comprehend his genius plans, or reminding them that his intelligence is superior.
** Like in the anime, this comes off as an [[Informed Ability]].
* [[Intelligence Equals Isolation]]: About the only person he can talk on an equal level is Yoshitsugu, and Mouri despises him. Apart from that, he only has rivals, pawns and enemies. Motochika delivers a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] to him on the subject in the third game, claiming that if Motochika were to die his friends and companions would carry on his memories and name after death. Mouri, on the other hand, is going to die alone and unloved and be forgotten within a generation, {{spoiler|especially given that Motochika is about to kill him for masterminding the Shikoku massacre}}.
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]: Motonari is this ''in spades''. He thinks only he matters in his clan, the rest of his soldiers mean nothing at all. And he feels the same about all the others clans.
* [[Japanese Pronouns]]: 'Ware'
* [[Jerkass]]: It almost seems like his goal is to become the epitome of this trope.
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* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Lampshaded by Oichi in the fighting game.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Come ''SB3'', he is the undisputed master of this, screwing ''everyone'' over in the most cruel fashion order to take over the country.
* [[The Minion Master]]: Can summon archers to shoot at enemies. Or [[Grievous Harm Withwith a Body|to toss at them]].
* [[The Neidermeyer]]: Subverted -- he's a decent fighter and can take care of himself, but still treats his soldiers like dirt.
* [[Nice Hat]]: A very nice big green hat.
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* [[The Rival]]: His designated rival is Motochika, though Mouri doesn't really seem to care one way or another about it.
* [[The Stoic]]/[[Perpetual Frowner]]
** [[Not So Stoic]]: He loses it whenever Motochika shows pity or accuses him of being [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!|"lonely"]]. That or when he starts having flashbacks of being a Xavist.
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: He is ''very'' pretty. And has ''very'' curvy hips.
* [[Trap Master]]: His techniques are all about setting traps, either with explosive decoys or barriers that bounce enemies around.
* [[The Unfettered]]: Motonari's goal is to ensure peace for his clan, and his complete lack of scruples in going about this even shocks ''Yoshitsugu.''
* [[The Un -Smile]]: If he shows the faintest glimpse of a smile, you'd better ''get the hell out'' before you become wrapped up in whatever he's scheming.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Goes through an utterly satisfying one in ''3'' if Motochika discovers {{spoiler|his role in Shikoku's destruction}}.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: His attitude towards his men, whom he does not hesitate to kill off for any reason.
* [[What Measure Is a Mook?]]
{{quote| ''"I'll soak the earth with the blood of subordinates. Then I'll hunt down the strays..."''}}
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: [[Shoot the Hostage]] taken to the extreme.
=== Shimazu Yoshihiro ===
{{quote box|[[File:shimazuyoshihiro_6805.png|frame]]}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Kenichi Ogata]] (Japanese), [[Paul Dobson]] (''Devil Kings''), R Bruce Elliott (anime), Anthony Landor (''Samurai Heroes'')}}
{{quote| ''"It has been a long time since I've had this much fun!"''}}
Leader of Satsuma in Kyushu. A [[Cool Old Guy]] who likes nothing more than kicking back and getting drunk off his ass. He has a rivalry with [[Humongous Mecha|Honda Tadakatsu]]. He is called as ''Zaan'' in ''Devil Kings''.
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* [[Blood Knight]]: There are two things in this world he loves: good sake and good fights.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Booze -Based Buff]]: Like Keiji, one of his skills has his take a huge swig from his sake jug to increase damage.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Easy Evangelism]]: Shows up as a Xavist sometimes.
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]
* [[Old Master]]: One of the most accomplished swordsmen about, so much that every other character seems to want lessons.
* [[One -Hit Kill]]: Equipping all his special items in ''3'' allows him to kill enemies like this. Doing so however effectively turns him into a [[One -Hit -Point Wonder]].
** His third super art is one as well, having a long wind-up time but is an instant kill against anyone if it hits (except Nobunaga on hard).
* [[Red Baron]]: Is known as "Shimazu the Beast".
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=== Kuroda Kanbe ===
{{quote box|[[File:kurodakanbei_2413.png|frame]]}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Rikiya Koyama]] (Japanese), [[Richard Epcar]] (English)}}
{{quote| ''"Damn it! Why can't I, just once, not be the one losing?!"''}}
New character for ''Sengoku Basara 3''. A convict who used to serve Hideyoshi, but was chased to Kyushu and imprisoned by Mitsunari after he tried to seize power himself. Fights with his hands manacled plus a huge chainball attached to it.
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* [[Blow You Away]]
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "'''WHYYYYYYY?!'''" ("'''NAZEEEEE JAAAAAA?!'''")
* [[Chained Byby Fashion]]
* [[The Chew Toy]]: So much so that the universe is probably out there to make sure all his plans fail and he never gets free from his cuffs.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: The Toyotomi we can understand. But the guys who befriended and trusted him, and promised to help unify Japan?
* [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: His is the only moveset which has moves which embarrass and humiliate the user, including his normal attack (where he spins his flail until the button is released or he gets dizzy), his Super Art Depression where he hits his manacles against the ball and gets depressed when it fails to shatter them, his Super Art Rolling Attack (where one bad moment of steering will splat him hilariously against a wall) and the above-mentioned Bad Bomb Super Art.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]: He at least makes good use of his punishment, even managing to smash a huge hole in the side of a ship with it.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Having such rotten luck would probably make anyone bitter. That and regularly dealing with Yoshitsugu.
{{quote| '''Yoshitsugu:''' Like water and oil... a perfect mix.<br />
'''Kanbe:''' Water and oil, huh? We're never gonna get along... }}
* [[Determinator]]: He ''will'' find a way to get his freedom. Eventually.
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* [[Easy Evangelism]]: Becomes a Xavist in Sorin's second stage.
* [[Epic Flail]]: His ball and chain function this way.
** [[EverythingsEverything's Better Withwith Spinning]]: How he tends to use said ball and chain. If done too much he'll get dizzy, however.
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: At least one of his soldiers states that Kanbe is a good-looking guy.
* [[Failure Is the Only Option]]: He's never going to get those cuffs off his hands. Not if that damn bird has anything to say about it.
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* [[Made of Iron]]: Getting blown up or rammed into walls doesn't seem to bother him much.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Makes up for his lack of speed with a wide range.
* [[Perma -Stubble]]: It's not as if he can shave with his hands like that...
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]: He seems to have mostly accepted that everyone is out to ruin his life, takes his defeat in relatively good grace and just keeps coming back for more.
* [[Short HairwithHair with Tail]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: Come on, you know it's obvious that he's a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Street Fighter|Cody Travers]]...
** Also, his [[Suplex Finisher|Super Art Criminal Smasher]] is basically Zangief's Final Atomic Buster.
* [[Sleeves Are for Wimps]]: And with arms like that, who needs convincing? Helps that it looks like he ripped them off himself.
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** Also, if ignored by Mitsunari, Kanbe will use it as an opportunity to take over his headquarters at Osaka Castle.
* [[The Strategist]]: [[Informed Ability|Supposedly.]]
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: Yoshihiro's blue and green paths sees Kanbe joining in a [[Power Trio]] with Yoshihiro and Muneshige and becoming joint ruler of a united Kyushu.
** In his own green path, he teams up with fellow series punching bag Ujimasa and eventually conquers the country on his own terms
* [[With My Hands Tied]]: Although he doesn't actually ''choose'' to fight this way.
* [[Wrestler in All of Us]]: Takes after Hideyoshi, since he's got a Piledriver and a [[Suplex Finisher|German Suplex]] in his repertoire.
* [[Yank the DogsDog's Chain]]: In the end of his story mode, after defeating Yoshitsugu and both Ieyasu and Mitsunari, he finally recovers the key to his shackles... which gets promptly stolen by a hawk.
** [[Brick Joke]]: {{spoiler|It's possible to have Kanbe insult Mogami Yoshiaki's pet hawk earlier.}} Then the aforementioned theft happens.
=== Tsuruhime ===
{{quote box|[[File:tsuruhime_2238.png|frame]]}}
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Ami Koshimizu]] (Japanese), Kat Steel (English)}}
{{quote| ''"There are no limits to what I can do!"''}}
New character for ''Sengoku Basara 3'', a sweet, naive young archer girl and [[Miko]] with no knowledge of the outside world. Obviously Ranmaru's [[Spiritual Successor]]. Uses a pink bow, and is implied to have hidden psychic powers.
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* [[Cooldown Hug]]: Gives one to {{spoiler|Oichi}}, promising to become her friend.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Apparently, {{spoiler|her whole family are dead}}. Though you wouldn't know this from her demeanor.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better Withwith Sparkles]]
* [[Genki Girl]]: She literally doesn't know the meaning of the word 'sadness'.
* [[Get Back Here Boss]]: Mixed with [[Time Limit Boss]], when first encountered in her stage she'll jump to different boats after a certain period of time. Eventually she'll just jump to the far end of the map regardless of whether or not she's defeated.
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* [[Miko]]/[[Joshikousei]]: Her outfit appears to be a mixture of both.
* [[Naive Newcomer]]
* [[Onee -Sama]]: Sees Magoichi as this, even referring to her this way.
* [[Oracular Urchin]]: She can foretell the future by performing a special ritual. This makes her very sought after by other armies.
* [[Panty Shot]]: Due to her not-so-[[Magic Skirt]], she gets a lot of these. The camera seems to go out of its way to capture them.
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* [[Rescue Romance]]: Picks up a crush on Kotaro after he takes out some Mooks going after her... {{spoiler|and Motonari...}} {{spoiler|and ''Mitsunari'' too.}}
* [[Running Gag]]: Tsuruhime runs to embrace Fuuma, only for him to disappear and her to fall flat on her face. Also being rescued by him then forgetting to ask his name before he leaves.
* [["Silly Me" Gesture]]: In her standard stage ending, complete with bubbles and "tehe!"
* [[Smitten Teenage Girl]]: Kotaro is way out of her league, and she doesn't even know his name, but she doesn't show any signs of giving up yet.
* [[Technical Pacifist]]: [[What Measure Is a Mook?|Mooks aside]], Tsuruhime never kills any [[Nominal Importance|named]] characters in her story. {{spoiler|Only Kotaro showing up to strike the finishing blow saves her from getting killed by someone who exploits this. Several times.}}
[[Category:Sengoku Basara (Video Game)/Characters]]
[[Category:Sengoku Basara Western Clans]]