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Written by [[Jane Austen]] and published in 1811, '''''Sense and Sensibility''''' is one of her best-known novels, not least because of the 1995 Ang Lee film ([[Sense and Sensibility (film)|which has its own page here]]). It tells the story of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, who, on the death of their father, are forced to move (along with their mother and younger sister) into rather more straightened circumstances. The novel follows Elinor's quiet, restrained love affair with Edward Ferrars (her sister-in-law's brother who is expected to marry a rich woman) and Marianne's more overtly-romantic love triangle with the dashing Willoughby and the older, reliable Colonel Brandon.
The main theme of the novel is the contrast between reasonable Elinor's patience and sense of responsibility and Marianne's headstrong love of romance ("sensibility" in the language of the time), which often leads her into trouble.
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The 1995 film cast [[Emma Thompson]] as Elinor and [[Kate Winslet]] as Marianne; a 2008 [[BBC]] [[Miniseries]], which drew heavy inspiration from the film and is comparable in quality, cast Hattie Morahan as Elinor and Charity Wakefield as Marianne. There is also a [[The Otherwoods|Tamil-language Indian film]] based on the book and 1995 film, starring [[Aishwarya Rai]] and available in the US under the title ''I Have Found It.'' In 2010, Marvel Illustrated produced a [[Comic Book Adaptation]], script by Nancy Butler, art and covers by Sonny Liew.
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* [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: Marianne to Elinor, although Elinor has much more affection for Marianne than the trope implies. Their youngest sister, Margaret, is rarely annoying -- and indeed has so little presence in the story that her existence is often forgotten; she does, however, have one moment of fulfilling the trope. When Mrs Jennings asks for information about Elinor's [[Love Interest]], Margaret innocently obliges.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]:
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