Serious Emotional Disturbances: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"Since the comic starts at the beginning of my life, there isn't actually much I can tell you without giving away the story. I will tell you, though (as long as you promise not to tell anyone else), that there's aliens, monsters, superheroes, rogue robots, pineapples, and a goat or two."''|'''9''', in the [{{=}}2 about page]}}
''[ Serious Emotional Disturbances]'' iswas a webcomicweb comic written by 9 Bridges. It followsfollowed the story of the main character (also named 9) through his life from early childhood onward, showing his raising and his gradual formation of his team of heroes, bent on staving off evil. He wants to be a superhero, you see.
Called ''SED'' by the fandom, and hashad a strong (if small) forum community.
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* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: Pretty much everyone, though notably {{spoiler|9 and Chuckles. 9, for his pre-time-skip training, apparently limitless stamina, and general epicness. Chuckles for evolving from just that guy on the team, to badass sharpshooter.}}
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