Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Difference between revisions

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* [[Richard Feynman]], in his memoirs, recalled attending a lecture in [[Hard on Soft Science|some social science or other]] wherein he encountered the following sentence: "The individual member of the social community often receives his information via visual, symbolic channels." {{spoiler|"Feynman "translated" this sentence as follows: "People read."}}
* The preface to ''The United States Department of Defense Fact File'' admonishes readers against this trope. See the [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness/Quotes|Quotes tab]].
* The military, perhaps especially the more modern military has that tendency. Some outsiders who don't take time to learn meanings consider it pompousity and sometimes it is, but iti's purpose is to cram complex thoughts into as short of speech as possible however awkward the result. For instance "Close Air Support" means air strikes for the direct purpose of supporting ground troops, well, "closely" (as opposed to interdiction which is aimed at incoming supplies and reinforcements).