• When Hohepa saws through the boards of Steve's part of the latrine.
    • The following exchange:

 Steve: In my experience, an arson is a cry for help.

Mr Gormsby: In my experience, a cry for help is someone crying 'Help!', whereas an arson is someone crying 'Steve is a bastard!

  • In one episode, evidence is found of a student-teacher relationship and the student involved refuses to name the other person. Gormsby, Steve and Dascent ask all the teachers, leading to the following:

 Steve *awkwardly*: Did you have sex with Afioga in the fara nui?

Ms Tangaroa (the resident lesbian): Oh, get fucked!

  • Mr Gormsby's spelling test. It includes words such as 'gonorrhea', 'bastard' and 'buggery'.