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== Fan Fiction ==
* In the "Vanguard City" storyline on [[DeviantArt]] by author Sara-Quinn,[ Sexarella] (an android with an uncanny resemblance to [[LollypopLollipop Chainsaw| Juliet Starling]] is an unholy combination of this Trope and [[Killer Robot]], originally purchased by a group of [[Otaku]] teenagers but reprogrammed an assassin. While Sexarella herself seems nearly mindless (and seems to ''believe'' she's doing the typical function of this Trope) her programming has been altered and modified in a way that she does not bother with consent, and her "advances" can cripple or even kill a victim. (And this is ''not'' a case of [[Double Standard Rape (Female on Male)|Double Standard Rape]] at all; she's perceived as a dangerous threat.) This is far from the only time in [[Porn With Plot| this particular story]] to use [[Interplay of Sex and Violence]] as a plot device. Note that while the link is SFW, much of the storyline is not.
== Films -- Live-Action ==