Sex Slave: Difference between revisions

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** In every edition except the 4th, dryads occasionally use their magical abilities to charm men to force them to become their lovers and companions. Although, in some editions, most release them after a while.
** The splat book ''Legions of Hell'' describes Glasya, the Archdutchess of Malbolge, the Sixth Hell, as a cruel sadist who deals with trespassers in her realm by casting them into torture chambers. Unless they are male and very attractive, in which case it might be worse; she has been known to either force them into this situation or offer it as an alternate punishment. It's suggested that she kills or imprisons most of them eventually anyway, once they bore her.
** The third-party ''Book of Erotic Fantasy'' actually has a spell called ''sex slave'' that can brainwash a victim for this purpose; the text does explicitly say use of the spell is an evil act.
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