Shadow Raiders: Difference between revisions

Single Purpose Planet
(Single Purpose Planet)
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* [[Single Biome Planet]]: Each of the planets are defined by a single geographical type (Usually whatever their name is): Ice - ice, Rock - rocks, Fire - volcanoes, Bone - swamps, Jungle- jungles, Sand - sand. This is one of the few [[Justified Trope|justified]] examples, as virtually all of the planets seen are artificial.
* [[Shout-Out]]: There are a number of scenes in the first season that heavily mirror sequences from [[Star Wars]].
* [[Single-Purpose Planet]]: The five-planet star system of the Cluster, where there are four inhabited planets, which are Fire, Rock, Bone, and Ice, each have unique inhabitants and resources where each depends on each other. There are also other planets from star systems that neighbour it like Tek and Sand:
** Fire is covered in volcanoes and lava pools, with humanoid aliens burning fire on the tops of their heads. They produce energy for the Cluster.
** Rock is made of rock, and the people are humanoid rock people with gem-like hair. The resources they produce are metal ore and minerals.
** Bone is known for having earth and fertile soil, mostly made of swamps. The people on this planet are reptilian, and they produce food as their resource.
** Ice is a frozen planet with the aliens being blue insectoids. The planet's resource is water.
** Planet Tek was a planet eaten by the Beast Plant. It was made of metal and looked composed of technology. Its inhabitants resembled robots.
** The Beast Planet is the show's main antagonist that sends out Beast Drone and Beast Generals (beings made from null-matter), who are sent out to planets to crush their defenses to ensure the Beast Planet's consumption.
* [[Taking You with Me]]: When {{spoiler|Planet Fire's World Engines fail}}, and it falls so far behind the rest of the Cluster that it will be inevitably devoured by the Beast, {{spoiler|the Grand Vizier orders it evacuated. Then he [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|deliberately turns it around]] and ''rams'' the Beast with Planet Fire}}.
** The self-destruct of {{spoiler|Planet Jungle}} is also a variant of this, since its World Engines were inoperative and it was going to be eaten anyway.