• Colbert Bump: Had a bit of one when it was used for Reign Over Me. Adam Sandler was a Big Name Fan of the game when it was demoed to him and requested it be put in the scene where his character plays video games to cope with the loss of his family, mirroring Shadow of the Colossus' plot. The scene where he and Don Cheadle played through wasn't scripted, but footage of them playing the game naturally and being immersed into the experience.
  • Development Gag: The game selection screen for The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection has Shadow of the Colossus represented by the abstract artwork that was going to be the cover back when it was going to be called NICO.
  • Development Hell: The film has been announced for some time now, but doesn't seem to be coming out anytime soon. Nobody complains.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: The fabled "17th Colossus", which some people are still trying to find. Same for the upper levels of the temple, above the secret garden. However, hacking the game can lead to some very interesting finds.
  • What Could Have Been: Originally, the game would have been more of a sequel to Ico titled NICO. The game was very similar to the final product except there were more people on horseback, and the people on horseback were young men with horns (more children like Ico perhaps). Check it out.
  • A movie was announced and the script is being written by Justin Marks. How bad it will be is up for debate. On the one hand, the game is basically a puzzle game writ large. On the other hand, it has plenty of potential for Scenery Porn (which, as the The Lord of the Rings films proved, can take you somewhere) and a compelling plot too. It turns out that instead of Jusrtin Marks, the Director of Chronicle will direct the movie instead.