Shadowjack Watches Sailor Moon: Difference between revisions

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One constant feature of this series have been periodic summary comics, in which the characters themselves comment on the events so far in a [[No Fourth Wall]] way. These, too, have been getting increasingly elaborate from season to season.
Currently the recaps have reached the end of the S series, and are currently going throughthorough the mangaSuperS season.
An index for all episodes is maintained on [ this page], and [ this one] lets you go directly from one episode to another without having to open new tabs, but for the best experience, it is recommended to start [ at the beginning of the first thread] and read through everything, including the recap posts themselves and everyone else's posts. Yes, the threads are ''long''.
'''Note to editors:''' Since the author himself or someone following the forum threads in a spoiler-free manner could be browsing this article, please spoiler-tag anything not yet revealed as of the latest recapped episode.