• Seeing Faust and Eliza together (and I'm not talking about the creepy skeleton version). They are just so cute together!
    • And their whole "Declaration Of Love" speech to each other in the anime was just adorable!
  • "Amidamaru is like my brother!" AWWWWW!
  • The climax of the Mt. Osore arc gets me Tearjerking every damn time. Anna is teetering on the brink of despair, the Giant Ogre THAT SHE created is just about to rampage and destroy everything about him, and all hope seems lost. Then along comes Yoh, wielding the Demon Slayer that Masumune pulled a Heroic Sacrifice to make. Heartfelt speeches are made, and then this line hits me:

Anna: I love someone. And you, Giant Demon, will be snuffed out.

  • I liked the end of episode 45, where we find out that Yoh and the others all took a kind of "character test". Each of them all saw the others in need of help, but were all told to leave them behind. Of course in the end, they all refused to leave the others behind. AWWWW