Shimoneta: Difference between revisions

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* [[Moral Guardians]]: Have become ''so'' influential that anything remotely "immoral" is persecuted.
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: Satirized, especially as it takes place in a world where censorship, political correctness and moralism have become the norm.
* [[Poor Man's Porn]]: Porn is considered contraband and hard porn is particularly difficult to acquire. As a result, the perverted terrorist Blue Snow shows a video of flies "body-melding" and dubs it. []
* [[Reality Ensues]]: The series does show the darker sides of what [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]] would look like when enforced for a prolonged period of time, which can make for some [[Mood Whiplash]] moments. {{Spoiler|Particularly in one scene where Anna almost rapes Tanukichi, not knowing how to handle her repressed sexual urges.}}
* [[Spiritual Licensee]]: ''Shimoneta'' is pretty much a more risque version of ''[[Demolition Man]]'' especially with its satire on political correctness.