Short-Lived, Big Impact: Difference between revisions

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* [[Older Than Print]]: ''[[The Canterbury Tales]]'' was never even finished. It is still considered one of the most influential books of the English language despite the fact it was written in Middle English.
* [[John Keats]] was only 25 when he died, with only three books of his work published, but is considered one of the Great Romantic Poets.
* Stieg Larsson, author of [[The Millennium Trilogy|the ''Millennium'' Trilogy]] (of which ''[[The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo]]'' was the first book), died under mysterious circumstances before finishing what was supposed to be a five-book series. The series became a phenomenon, and many a modern author is already showing influence from his books, especially amongst the Nordic countries.
* The Brontë sisters, [[Charlotte Bronte|Charlotte]], [[Emily Brontë|Emily]] and [[Anne Bronte|Anne]] were extremely successful and influential authors, but they only wrote a total of seven books between the three of them.
* John Kennedy Toole committed suicide at 31 without publishing anything. Years after his death, ''[[A Confederacy of Dunces]]'' got published, received a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and became a canonical work of Southern Literature. You'll still find plenty of references to it around New Orleans.