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[[File:SidMeiersPirates.jpg|frame|''Live the Life!'']]
''Live the Life!''
{{quote| "Forget the points, the mathematics - just have an adventure. Go do things and wander around this world!" - |[[Sid Meier]]}}
'''''Sid Meier's Pirates!''''' can refer to any of three related games. The original game was released in 1987; an [[Updated Rerelease]] called ''Pirates! Gold'' came out in 1993; and the latest game in the series (reverting to the original title) was released in 2004. The basic premise of the games is the same: You start out as a new [[Pirate]] captain in the [[Welcome to The Caribbean Luv|Caribbean Sea]] with a Letter of Marque issued to you by one of four nations (England, France, Spain, or the Netherlands). The game is a [[Wide Open Sandbox]], allowing you to take a wide variety of actions: Go the traditional pirate route and attack other vessels for [[Pirate Booty|loot and plunder]], [[Casanova|romance]] [[Love Interest|beautiful governor's daughters]], search for other pirates' buried treasure using [[Treasure Map|Treasure Maps]], clear the high seas of all rivals who would stand in your way, or even [[The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything|go the boring]] [[An Entrepreneur Is You|"peaceful trader" route]]. One notable feature of the game is that the protagonist can never actually ''die''; defeat in combat (or failure in other regards) generally leads to being either thrown into a [[Cardboard Prison]] or marooned / cast away on a desert island, both of which you can eventually escape from. Also, [[No Stat Atrophy|unlike many other games]], age ''does'' affect your character; his fencing and dancing skills decline noticeably with age.
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* [[Adaptation Distillation]]: In older versions, the different nationalities and starting years would actually give you different background stories. Montalban wasn't selling families into slavery through the ''entire'' 1600s. (Or was he?)
* [[Alternate History]]: A large crew can completely reshape the geopolitical situation of the 17th century Carribbean. Capture every town for the Dutch, if you care to. Do it in 1560 (in the original version), before the [[wikipedia:Eighty Yearschr(27)Years' War|Eighty Years War]] even begins. Did you just start the Dutch Rebellion [[The Gump|yourself]]?
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: Named Pirates from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries all sail together. But [[Rule of Cool|how cool is it]] to take on Henry Morgan, Blackbeard, and Jean Lafitte in the same game?
* [[Another Side, Another Story]]: The 1680 Spanish "Costa Guarda" game can feel like this.
* [[Armor Is Useless]]: Played with. Certain captains - particularly Spanish military - wear curiasses and breastplates, but they don't seem to be any tougher than unarmored captains. On the other hand, the Leather Vest and Chain Curiass that you can buy are so useful that they're practically a [[Game Breaker]] on any difficulty short of Swashbuckler, especially since the latter makes your character virtually immune to sword thrusts. In the ground combat minigame, certain defender units will be shown as wearing armor, and while they are more powerful than unarmored militia, they aren't by a great degree.
* [[Artificial Brilliance]]: If you start greatly weakening a faction's overall presence in the Caribbean, they ''will'' start launching a number of naval invasion fleets to recapture their colonies. Enemy ships also react differently based on what they are. Trade ships surrender very quickly, especially if badly outnumbered or outgunned. Smugglers will ''always'' try to run away, and since they're sailing in Sloops they've got a good chance of escaping. Pirates, warships with invasion forces aboard, and Rayomondo/Mendoza will try to ram to bring you to grips, but if you've got a large enough crew they'll try a few broadsides with grapeshot to tip the odds in their favor. Pirate hunters, however, will try to wipe out your sails with chain shot and beat you with grape shot before moving in for the kill, making them one of the more frustrating opponents to fight. Big, powerful warships - especially Spanish treasure ships - will try to destroy you with massed broadside fire.
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* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: AI ships seem to take no damage from sailing into rocks. Also, while your character's swordsmanship decreases with age, it seems that ol' Marquis Montalban drank from the Fountain of Youth.
* [[Cool Boat]]: The Brig of War, Mail Runner, Royal Sloop, and Ship of the Line are the best of their respective classes. The latter is the rarest and most powerful ship in the game.
* [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: If you romance a Governor's Daughter enough in the 2004 version, then when you next visit the port the Governor will tearfully tell you that she has been kidnapped by the Evil Colonel Mendoza and beg you to hunt him down and rescue her. (Successfully doing so leads to the opportunity to propose marriage shortly after.)
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: {{spoiler|After the final battle with Montalban, he will hand over a ''ton'' of gold and any specialists you're missing in exchange for his life. He also becomes your cabin boy (though there are no in-game consequences).}}
* [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything]]: Every single ship you encounter in the Caribbean actually has a "mission" that it is set to complete, be it sailing from one port to another to deliver people, supplies, or soldiers. Allowing them to complete these missions causes the target port to grow larger and stronger and wealthier, so blowing up every ship you see might not be in your best interests. Different ships also have different effects; smugglers, for example, won't boost the target port at all but will boost the port they launched from. Military payroll ships boost military strength across the entire faction's ports by a small but noticeable amount. An invasion fleet will decrease the strength of the port it was launched from. Grain and regular trade ships will boost population when they arrive at their target port.
* [[Diagonal Speed Boost]]: Land battles allow diagonal movement in this manner.
* [[Disney Villain Death]]: Strangely averted with the Marquis de la Montalban, considering how grievous his offenses were and the fact that your climactic battle with him takes place on the top of a tower.
* [[Disposable Bandits]]: Generic, unaffiliated, pirates are a common [[Random Encounter]] when sailing, and can be hunted as a way to gain booty without taking on a national government. One unique aspect of the game's implementation is that ships encountered are not automatically identified, and sticking around to identify a ship decreases the odds you'll be able to get away or have initiative in the fight, but attacking straight away runs the risk of biting off more than you can chew and attacking other-wise non-hostile targets, possibility to the extent of starting a fight with a nation.
* [[Distressed Damsel]]: If you romance a Governor's Daughter enough in the 2004 version, then when you next visit the port the Governor will tearfully tell you that she has been kidnapped by the Evil Colonel Mendoza and beg you to hunt him down and rescue her. (Successfully doing so leads to the opportunity to propose marriage shortly after.)
* [[The Dog Shot First]]: The instant you buy a duelingduelling pistol, other pirates will start kicking off swordfights by shooting at you and missing. This, of course, gives you the moral authority to [[Only a Flesh Wound|shoot them in the shoulder, giving you a slight advantage.]]
* [[The Dragon]]: Baron Raymondo is one of Montalban's henchmen, and the guy you have to go after to get any news about your family members' locations.
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: Did you "accidentlyaccidentally" sink/capture one of a faction's ships? No problem! Just pay the nearest governor for that faction a thousand gold, and they'll forget it ever happened, and will even encourage you to strike at their own enemies.
* [[An Entrepreneur Is You]]: Possible, but not really that exciting. Made difficult to do as a long-term strategy by the fact that a week passes whenever you enter a town, and the town's limited supply of money for that week.
* [[Exactly What I Aimed At]]: Used amusingly in the duels with the "named" pirates. After you do this a couple of times, the pirates start [[Subverted Trope|subverting]] it with their [[Genre Savvy]], but it's always immediately [[Double Subverted]].
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* [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels]]: A hallmark of many [[Sid Meier]] games.
* [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Ship]]: The Ship of the Line.
* [[Insurmountable Waist High Fence]]: Can actually be used to your advantage in the [[Stealth -Based Mission|Stealth Based Missions]]; while you can climb over them, the guards can't.
* [[I Surrender, Suckers]]: If you pummel the ship of an Evil Spaniard ([[Big Bad|the Marquis of Montalban]] or [[The Dragon|Baron Raymondo]]) hard enough, the ship will raise the white flag and surrender as soon as you board it; however a swordfight with the villain in question will ensue.
* [[Joker Immunity]]: The older versions had a variety of evil Spaniards to chase down, but the 2004 version recycles Montalban, Raymondo, and Mendoza, giving them this status.
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* [[Obvious Beta]]: The game shipped with several intended features [[Dummied Out]]. For example, as originally intended, you would have needed to build up your relationship with the Indians and the Jesuits, but instead, they just trust you completely all the time, making the items that are intended to improve your relations with them absolutely useless. Firaxis claims this was due to a rushed release date.
* [[One Hundred Percent Completion]]: A perfect score is 127 points. Strangely, you don't get points for rescuing your grandfather (if you already have all four map pieces to find him) or finding the final lost city (under the same condition), meaning you can get a perfect score without completely fulfilling your quests.
* [[One-Man Army|One Ship Armada]]: You can practically conquer the Caribbean by yourself for whatever country you want, or just rampage around the high seas, destroying everyone's ships.
* [[Orphan's Plot Trinket]]: The family locket, in the newer version's introduction. It's actually the [[Berserk Button|final straw]] that launches your career in piracy.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: In each of the games, your character's [[Backstory]] always involves his parents (and the rest of his family for that matter) disappearing, and it becomes up to you to find them. The 2004 version plays it even more straight, as your parents are notably absent from the intro and are not among those you rescue.
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* [[Speaking Simlish]]: In the newer versions.
** And in four distinct accents, one for each nationality!
* [[Stealth -Based Mission]]: Sneaking into enemy ports, as well as out of them when you're escaping from your [[Cardboard Prison]].
* [[Surprise Difficulty]]: Playing at any of the four (originally three) lowest difficulty levels isn't terribly difficult. Sure, Rogue (the second highest) is hard, but it's not impossible. But when you're no longer satisfied with a scant 30% of the plunder, you decide to bump it up to Swashbuckler for that 50% share and discover you have entered ''Hell itself''. Storms will rip your ships apart when before they did little damage. The captains of Mail Runner ships (the smallest, least defended ship) will fight as if they were captaining a fleet of Brigs. Land combat, previously difficult, will become nigh impossible. The wind will change constantly, and ''always'' against you in naval battles. Swordfights will become a test of luck rather than skill, as apparently everyone you cross swords with trained specifically to defeat ''you''. Suffice to say, Swashbuckler difficulty is excruciatingly hard, never lets up, and makes sure you ''earn'' whatever ending you get.
* [[Thicker Than Water]]: Your poor, enslaved family.
* [[Thirty Years' War]]: The political backdrop if you start in 1620 or 1640.
* [[Treasure Map]]: In addition to the fairly straight examples, there're also maps that help you locate long-lost kidnapped family members.
* [[Unwinnable by Design]]: If you take too long to track down the Marquis of Montalban, you'll probably be too old to outmaneuver him in swordfights; specially in the harder difficulty settings.
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* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: As the game is about piracy, this comes with the territory. However, a common tactic among players is to ''slaughter the majority of their own crews'' (by leading them into hopeless battles) before dividing up the plunder. This won't increase the portion the [[Player Character]] gets to keep, but it will for the rest of the crew. As a result, they'll be happier with their share, you'll be seen as a more capable leader, and more people will want to join you on your next expedition.
** Of course, if you're wildly successful in your current voyage, slaughtering extra crewmen could put you over the top of the bar, enabling you to sail until retirement without dividing the plunder. Usually takes most players at least three divvies to get that far, however, as a frigate of some sort is a must, and sometimes the bastards just won't spawn. (Using a Royal Sloop runs the risk of easy disarmament against Spanish nobles and Montalban by having too few crew members if they decide to ram you early, of course.)
*** Land invasions have the same effect; you will make enough profit and lose enough men never to never need to divvy. You can completely conquer the Caribbean for your chosen country this way. Might want to take along some cargo ships for the extra crew capacity.
** Get a Ship of the Line. Disable the enemy ship's sails with chain shot, wipe out their crew with grape shot, then circle around the helpless, drifting hulk and pound it to splinters with cannon fire. For extra cruelty, do it to an [[Curb Stomp Battle|Indian War Canoe]].
** Go to a pirate port or native settlement, and tell them to attack the biggest, most heavily-defended port in the area, and watch them gleefully sail off and get trounced. Then follow up behind them and wipe out the weakened garrison and sack the town. ''Suckers''.
** Escort a fleet of immigrants to a port, boosting the town's size and wealth. Then sack it.
* [[Welcome to The Caribbean Luv]]
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