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The typical course of a soldier in the S.A.F. is detailed below (Commandos and Naval Divers follow a different route):
* Every [[New Meat|recruit]] begins his journey at the S.A.F. Basic Military Training Centre. This is where new soldiers are taught about the basics of military service, indoctrinated with the core values of the S.A.F. and generally go through a [[Training Fromfrom Hell|strict training regimen]]. Everyone receives basic Infantry training here, with activities such as [[Dramatic Gun Cock|weapon]] [[Gun Porn|handling]] and marksmanship, [[Grenade Tropes|grenade training]], obstacle courses, [[Million Mook March|long marches]], parades and a 6-day field deployment in the jungle. [[Sarcasm Mode|Fun]]. Recruits who have been certified and assigned a non-combatant status due to health problems do not do any of the physical stuff, and are reassigned to other training centres for further training after a typical period of 3 to 5 days.
* After Basic Military Training (BMT), all successful recruits, i.e. most, are promoted to the rank of Private. This is done at a Passing Out Parade (no, [[I Thought It Meant|this doesn't mean they all pass out]] and collapse during the parade<ref>It happens, but only to one or two dudes</ref>, but that they have passed out of basic training). Before completion of BMT, recruits are assessed according to their leadership abilities and physical aptitudes. This will determine the future course of their progression in National Service. Some will be selected to become Commissioned Officers, others to become [[Sergeant Rock|Specialists]] (what Non-Commissioned Officers are called in the S.A.F.) and the rest will be streamed into vocational schools.
* Those selected to be trained as Officers will become [[Butt Monkey|Officer Cadets]], and are trained for a grueling period of 9 months (12 for Naval Officer Cadets and in excess of 30 for Pilots) at [[wikipedia:Officer Cadet School (Singapore)|Officer Cadet School]]. Once they're done, they are commissioned as [[Ensign Newbie|2nd Lieutenants]]. Those selected to be trained as Specialists will become Specialist Cadets, and are trained for a shorter but no less tough period of 6 to 7 months at [[wikipedia:Specialist Cadet School|Specialist Cadet School]]. When these are done, they graduate as 3rd Sergeants and put on their three chevrons. [[Sergeant Rock|Sergeant Rock-ery]] is not a necessary outcome.
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Supporting the Combat Arms are the Combat Support Units:
* Army Intelligence - [[Main/ptitlewnwrl 6 yo|We'd tell you, but then]] [[Inverted Trope|they'd have to kill us]].
* Army Medical Services - [[The Medic|Medic]]! They most definitely do not run around in white lab coats with syringe guns, but these are the guys you want watching your back. One amazing thing about the Medical Corps is that a large majority of qualified medics were once untrained recruits, meaning the training must have been quite...[[Training Fromfrom Hell|intensive]]. Case in point, it used to take a Specialist medic (ie one with the rank of sergeant) almost as long to earn his chevrons as an officer to earn his stripes. Now? [[Up to Eleven|It can take even *longer*.]] Medical Officers are a different breed; most, if not all of them are actually medical graduates who deferred their term of service to complete their M.D. qualifications. In return for their deferment, they serve out their NS liabilities as Medical Officers.
* Army Maintenance and Engineering Support
* Army Supply and Transport - The backbone of the Logistics Corps. Without these guys, forget about fighting for more than a day. An Army does march on its stomach, after all.
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Under the Navy are 3 Fleets, which are further divided into 6 Naval Squadrons comprising all the vessels as mentioned above. These are supported by Naval Logistics Command, Naval Training Command and the Maritime Security Task Force.
One particular unit of note within the RSN is the Naval Diving Unit. These guys are considered the Commandos of the Navy, with a [[Training Fromfrom Hell|very harsh]] and [[Nintendo Hard|strict physical regimen and training programme]] that sees a staggeringly high number of selected recruits drop out of training within the first few weeks. These guys become frogmen, Combat Divers and quasi-Marines when they are finished with their training. You do '''NOT''' want to mess with these guys.
''Above All''
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