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== Live Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Buck Rogers in the 25th Century]]'' has R4 which is as far as we can see desert. More important it is a garbage dump for failed genetic experiments. This is a fig-leaf like [[Justified Trope|justification]] for an episode which is pretty close to a [[Science Fantasy|traditional fantasy]](containing what are effectively a gnome, a demon, and even orcs).
* ''[[Star Trek]]'' has a tendency to either have totally Earth-like planets (class M) or Single Biome Planets. At least in the Original Series, they used so many Class M planets in order to keep production costs down. Most planets home to advanced civilisations have some degree of weather control, although the extent this is used to change the biome varies with some simply using them to prevent dangerous weather.
* ''[[Star Trek]]'' has a tendency to either have totally Earth-like planets (class M) or Single Biome Planets. At least in the Original Series, they used so many Class M planets in order to keep production costs down. Most planets home to advanced civilisations have some degree of weather control, although the extent this is used to change the biome varies with some simply using them to prevent dangerous weather.
** Ferenginar, the Ferengi homeworld, is a class M planet that's home to virtually constant, planet-wide torrential downpours, due to weather control technology and the Ferengi's preference for rainy days.
** Ferenginar, the Ferengi homeworld, is a class M planet that's home to virtually constant, planet-wide torrential downpours, due to weather control technology and the Ferengi's preference for rainy days.