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** Also, The Sorrow. Though that's because he got SHOT in that eye thus likely causing the single tear but you know... Boss just squeezes out like 2 tears as well(though she probably could have cried more). Manly tears indeed.
** Averted with Otacon (though he's not the epitome of manliness) who bawls like a bawling thing at the drop of a hat.
* From ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep]]'', Terra {{spoiler|when Master Eraqus dies}} and Aqua {{spoiler|during the [[Say My Name]] segment of the secret ending.}} Quite the [[Tear Jerker]] in both cases, although the latter example is more hopeful. Also Sora {{spoiler|once he starts feeling Ventus' heart and taking it in, and thus starts feeling by magic heart-to-heart empathy what any sane person would feel after [[Tear Jerker|that ending]].}} Notably, since Sora's feeling it by proxy, ''he doesn't even know why he's letting out that single tear''.
* From ''[[Kingdom Hearts: 358 Days Over 2|Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over 2]]'', Roxas gets one {{spoiler|when he kills Xion}} at the end of the game.
* From ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]] Final Mix+'', {{spoiler|after Sora fights Roxas and beats him,}} an extra cutscene not found in [[Kingdom Hearts II]] initiates, with {{spoiler|Roxas and Axel on the clocktower in Twilight Town. At the end of the cutscene, Roxas says he has to go back to Sora, Axel and Roxas say their goodbyes, and a single teardrop is shown falling and disappearing. There was no indication of the person who cried, whether Roxas cried again, or if Axel, also a Nobody, is the one who cried.}}