Skies of Arcadia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Call a Rabbit a Smeerp]]: Dog = Huskra.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: The S-Attacks.
{{quote| "Moons, give me strength!"}}
* [[Camera Screw]]: The Great Silver Shrine. Outside, you're upside down. Inside, the camera rotates a lot so that you're always right-side-up. It gets weird.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: In the Moonstone Mines:
{{quote| Alfonso: Sorry if I was interrupting one of your monologues, but I came to inform you that Vyse has infiltrated the mines.<br />
De Loco: [[Sarcasm Mode|Did you figure that one out all on your own? What gave it away, the blaring sirens?]] }}
* [[Chef of Iron]]: Gordo and his bistro.
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* [[Combined Energy Attack]]: Two of them, in fact: Prophecy and Blue Rogues.
* [[Compensating for Something]]: Vigoro's ship has one ''very'' large cannon.
{{quote| '''Vigoro:''' Hey Vyse! My cannon's bigger than yours!<br />
'''Aika:''' Talk about trying to compensate... That guy's got a complex. }}
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: The reason why you'll be using Delta Shield every turn for the last third of the game is because if an enemy uses a Silver [[One-Hit Kill|Instant Death]] spell, it ''will'' wipe out at least two of your four party members. Worse still is that even though you choose your actions at the start of each battle round, the computer is under no such restriction: therefore, it ''will'' use an instant death spell the second you decide not to use Delta Shield.
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* [[Final Boss Preview]] / [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: Galcian and Ramirez at any point besides their final appearances.
* [[Finishing Each Other's Sentences]]:
{{quote| ''''THE TIME HAS COME...''''<br />
''''[[Single-Minded Twins|...FOR YOU TO DIE.]]'''' }}
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* [[Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club]]: To outsiders, Pirate Isle is listed on maps as "Windmill Isle." A heroic example.
* [[Leave No Survivors]]: Let's just let Galcian explain:
{{quote| '''Galcian''': I don't think they're foolish enough to resist. However, if something should happen... Burn the village and kill them all. Let the bodies rot in the sun and leave one of our flags to set an example for others who may defy us.}}
** Subverted, however, {{spoiler|in that they ''weren't'' foolish enough to resist: the noncombatants were left alone and the Rogues were taken prisoner and later rescued.}}
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: This game was released during a time when companies were pumping out nothing but uberdark ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' clones. Mind, there are still many dark and/or poignant moments in the game, but they don't dominate the story as a whole.