Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains: Difference between revisions

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(BOT: Replaced link(s) to "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" with link(s) to "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy")
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== Type I Examples ==
=== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ===
* Evangeline from ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]''
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* Napoleon in the ''[[Temeraire]]'' series. Indeed he often comes off as better than the people running Britain.
=== [[Live -Action TV]] ===
* Garak in ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'', he does have standards. He is also quite utterly unapologetic about the rather horrifying things he has done (and does).
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== Type II Examples ==
=== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ===
* Fate Testarossa in the first season of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]''.
* Suzaku from ''[[Code Geass]]''.
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**As Anderson points out in the Afterword, [[Very Loosely Based on a True Story|the real Gunnhild]] is unlikely to have been as bad as all that though she was unlikely to have been a Scandinavian version of a [[Girl Next Door]] either. History may or may not be written by the winners but [[Captain Obvious|sagas are written by skalds.]]
=== [[Live -Action TV]] ===
* Ben from ''[[Lost]]'' usually bounces between this type and Type I and Type III.
* The Master from ''[[Doctor Who]]'' fits into this trope given that the only reason he does what he does is because he's been driven absolutely insane by the drums in his head, and that the drumming was put there deliberately
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== Type III Examples ==
=== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ===
=== [[Anime]] & [[Manga]] ===
* Pain, Konan and {{spoiler|Itachi}} of ''[[Naruto]]''
* Gil Graham from ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's]]''.
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* Nicci of the ''[[Sword of Truth]]'' series, along with several minor villains who aren't [[Complete Monster]]s, such as Michael and Sebastian.
=== [[Live -Action TV]] ===
* Lex Luthor in ''[[Smallville]]'' is often this.
* Walternate from ''[[Fringe]]'' seems to fall into this category. Yes, he wants to destroy our universe, but for all he knows there isn't any other way to save his. Not to mention that he thinks the two universes are at war. True, he is openly malevolent towards {{spoiler|Olivia while she is trapped on the other side, along with anyone that helps her}} and is quite ruthless, but he occasionally has ''higher moral standards'' than Walter. {{spoiler|Most obviously displayed when he flat-out rejects his top scientist's idea to text cortexiphan on children, an idea that Walter developed and executed far before the conflict between the universes began}}.
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== Type IV Examples ==
=== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ===
* Haku from ''[[Naruto]]''.
* Coyote Starrk from ''[[Bleach]]''
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* Alyssa from the [[Mai-Otome]] manga, who wants to end the Otome system so that she can spend more time with her sister.
=== [[ComicsComic Books]] ===
* [[Sub-Mariner|Namor the Sub-Mariner]] whenever he is antagonizing the other superheroes of the [[Marvel Universe]]. His actions are mostly due to his hot-headed and anti-social personality.
* Lucas Lee from [[Scott Pilgrim]].
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* In many of the original [[Sherlock Holmes]] stories, the perpetrator or the closest equivalent turns out to have merely been the victim of the circumstances, not known what they were doing, merely committing a lesser crime for understandable reasons, or at least to be a [[Sympathetic Murderer]] taking justice in their own hands against an [[Asshole Victim]] who really had it coming. Once they're exposed and explain themselves, Holmes tends to let these characters off the hook even when they actually did do something illegal.
=== [[Live -Action TV]] ===
* Lt. Kavenaugh on [[The Shield]] at least until the premiere of season 6 when he crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]].
* Enos from ''[[The Dukes of Hazzard]]''. He is never really portrayed as corrupt or evil, and despite his [[Designated Villain]] role (by default by being on the same side as Boss Hogg), becomes quite sympathetic and likable over the course of the show. Enos is plagued by a strong sense of duty. He's a deputy, and sworn to uphold the law. Unfortunately for him, Boss Hogg controls the law. At times, one has to wonder if his goofing up isn't at least somewhat intentional as a way of helping the Dukes. Especially considering that he was able to become the head of the Los Angeles SWAT team.
* [[Minion with an F In Evil|Sgt. Shultz]] and [[Innefective Sympathetic Villain|Col. Klink]] from ''[[Hogan's Heroes]]''
=== Theater[[Theatre]] ===
* John Dickenson in ''[[1776]]'' is staunchly against Independency, even coming to blows with protagonist [[John Adams]]. His only claim to villainy is he's a Loyalist that truly believes America's best course is to remain with England.
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