Smackdown vs. Raw/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Awesome.SmackdownVsRaw 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Awesome.SmackdownVsRaw, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* [[Christian]]'s Road To Wrestlemania in 2011, most notably {{spoiler|his reunion with Edge, including the original catchphrases, entrance and theme music.}}
* ''Know Your Role'' had the real life angle of [[Triple H]] and his feud with The Rock and Austin, who appears to destroy the DX bus. Hearing Austin verbalize his atch phrases was awesome at the time.
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*** How do you win? First, {{spoiler|1=Kevin Nash (Who led the uprising) brings out a crowbar, takes out Cass & proceeds to beat Mr McMahon - The only other man left on the WWE's team - unconcious 7 pin him, before lazily covering the beaten & exhausted Cass. But he kicks out, and proceeds to fight Nash out of the ring, at which point Cass trys to suicide dive Nash into through the side of the cell... But Nash moves & sends Cass flying through both the cell wall 7 the anounce table, but Cass ''still'' gets up, only to be quickly overpowered by Nash, who tries to Jacknife powerbomb Cass only for him to escape by climbing up the cell. Nash follows, and ''then'' Cass spears him through the top of the cell, with the two men smashing through the ring underneath to boot. Then Nash starts climbing out of the hole, followed by Cass... And then Nash collapses back to the ground as Cass, beaten & exhuasted, climbs back into the ring}}. And ''only then'' does the referee call for the bell, {{spoiler|1=declaring Team WWE the winner as Cass, barely able to stand at this point, is embraced by John Cena & Triple H - Who gets in one final shot on Nash as he tries to attack Cass again - whilst Undertaker & Mr McMahon tear down the WCW logo on the stage}}. Don't forget, that at the start of this storyline, Jacob Cass was just the kid who won NXT, and in the course of 4 solid months {{spoiler|headlines ''three'' pay per views, two of which are ''freakin' [[Wrestlemania]] & Starrcade''; keeps coming back whenever WCW tries to take him out, even as John Cena & the Undertaker fall; and ends up being the sole survivor of a team including 5 former World Champions. A rookie that becomes WWE's savior?}} That's more than freaking awesome.
* 2010 had a cross brand Road to Wrestlemania where it would be determined who would be champion of champions. One week [[John Cena]] and [[Triple H]] have their own challenge for each other. Cena's is a crowd approval gimmick. Triple H however wants to see who can use their [[Finishing Move]] the most in a match.
{{quote| "Did I mention the ring would be surrounded in flames?}}
** ''Ring ropes are set'' '''''on fire''''' ''for the Inferno match.'
{{quote| [[Catch Phrase|"It's time to play the game."]]}}
* ''WWE '12'' introduces the Comeback to the game, which allows a player to reenact a wrestler's [[Five Moves of Doom]] sequence, and the awesome goes both ways here: For the player activating the comeback, actually getting to complete the sequence to win the match; and for the person on the receiving end, you can actually ''prevent'' the Comeback by pressing the correct button, and negating it.
[[Category:Smackdown Vs Raw]]