Smallville/Characters/Clarks Allies: Difference between revisions

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* [[Elvis Impersonator]]: {{spoiler|In "Fortune".}} Seriously.
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: EMP grenades, high-tech cars -- you name it.
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: Wait... [[Death Note (Manga)|L]]?!
** [[Battlestar Galactica|Gaeta]]?!
** [[X Men Evolution|Gambit]]?!
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* [[Secret Identity Identity]]: Oliver Queen really doesn't exist. Sometimes he's not sure Green Arrow does either.
* [[Secret Relationship]]: With {{spoiler|Chloe}} in Season 9. The relationship is soon discovered by Clark and Lois, though...
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]: Whenever he's in a suit.
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: Seems to be his job description some days.
* [[Suicide By Cop]]: Winslow Schott plans to kill Oliver with a bomb during one of Oliver's bleakest periods of depression and self-loathing... and Oliver actually tries to make Schott's plan work.
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* [[Cheap Costume]]: Bart wears sunglasses and a red hoodie with a lightning bolt sewn on. Oliver wears green leather and, again, sunglasses. A.C. dresses in green scuba pants and an orange shirt. Victor wears a silver-grey jumpsuit. Dinah relies on a makeup mask, a [[Hell-Bent for Leather|black leather outfit]] and a wig in her [[Secret Identity]]. Clark, of course, had his red jacket/blue shirt combo (later a black [[Badass Longcoat]]). For bonus points, compare their looks with those of the JSA, who all wear their classic spandex costumes.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: All of them on occasion, but especially Victor.
* [[Five-Man Band]]: One could make the case that, in "Justice", [[Badass Normal|Green Arrow]] was [[The Hero]], [[Superman|Clark]] [[The Lancer]], A.C. [[The Big Guy]], [[Genius Bruiser|Victor]] [[The Smart Guy]], and [[Bratty Half -Pint|Bart]] [[The Chick]]. The addition of Black Canary and the [[Martian Manhunter]] to the team, as well as Clark and Oliver's more or less joint leadership has altered this dynamic considerably, however, and it likely no longer applies.
* [[La Résistance]]: How they see themselves.
* [[Superhero]]: They move closer to the archetype with every episode, but aren't quite there yet, having yet to move into the public eye or wear their classic costumes.
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* [[Big Eater]]
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]
* [[Gratuitous Spanish]]: In "Justice".
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Of the childish variety.
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* [[Walking Swimsuit Scene]]
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: A.C. bordered on this in his first appearances, what with sinking ships and blowing up factories in order to [[Animal Wrongs Group|save the environment]].
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: Arthur manages to be pretty [[Badass]] despite this.
=== Victor Stone (Lee Thompson Young) ===
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* [[Strawman Political]]: Subverted. While her hard-right wing views are mocked by Chloe, Clark and Oliver, the show never dissects them, thus making it impossible to prove her wrong in or out of series.
* [[Stocking Filler]]: Fishnet style.
* [[WomaninWoman in Black]]: A non-evil example. Her outfit color nicely accentuates how dangerous she is, though.
=== [[Martian Manhunter]] / J'onn J'onnz / Detective John Jones (Phil Morris) ===
The last survivor of the extinct Martian race, J'onn J'onnz was a former intergalactic police officer, tasked with pursuing [[Phantom Zone]] criminals. A friend of Clark's biological father Jor-El, he was asked to watch over Kal-El after his arrival on Earth. First appearing in Season 6 as a guardian figure during Clark's battles with the Zoners, J'onn is {{spoiler|[[De -Power|depowered]] in the Season 8 premiere "Odyssey" after saving Clark's life}}, and takes on the identity of police detective John Jones. He serves as Clark and Oliver's contact inside the Metropolis PD; eventually {{spoiler|regaining his powers thanks to Doctor Fate}}, he now works with the [[Justice League]] on an ongoing basis.
* [[Alliterative Name]]
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* [[The Obi-Wan]]
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: In his guise as a cop.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Well, if you're a villain, anyway.
* [[Shapeshifter Mode Lock]]: Gets trapped in human form in {{spoiler|Season 8}}.
* [[Superhero Packing Heat]]: Following his [[Shapeshifter Mode Lock]], yes.