Smug Super/Playing With

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Basic Trope: A super hero or villain who is highly confident.

  • Straight: Super Bob has Super Strength to remind villains of how powerful he is.
  • Exaggerated: ...and went on to recount each of the times where he saves the day!
  • Downplayed: Super Bob only introduce himself and his title.
  • Justified: Super Bob is one of the most powerful beings on Earth and has successfully defeated every villain and foiled every crime known to man, and has been lauded each time for his efforts.
  • Inverted: Super Bob has superstrength, but told the villains how weak and pathetic he is.
  • Subverted: Super Bob is not as strong as what he claims himself to be.
  • Double Subverted: Super Bob used his left hand all along.
  • Defied: Super Bob is confident in his abilities and himself, but he decides to remain humble about it.