Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Actually no, it's because of trope decay, because as mentioned above, it has nothing to do with whether people agree with the message. It has to do with how it works [[In-Universe]]. People say [[J. K. Rowling]]'s stance on racism made her story more effective. Almost everyone agrees racism is bad. Hence: some anvils need to be dropped (for the record, that page is desperately in need of a name change).
** And in some cases, to avoid [[Do Not Do This Cool Thing]]. For example, ''[[Pleasantville]]'' was quite blunt in its message of "The good times you felt in your childhood were not as great as you think they are." This is because if it weren't obvious, a lot of its audience would see the idyllic [[The Fifties|50s]] [[Suburbia]] [[Sitcom]] setting as something to strive for because life is so peaceful and innocent, rather than the sterile, meaningless, and stagnant world that it was.
*** [[Your Mileage May Vary|That's you're opinion]]. The '50s may be portrayed too nostalgically, but right now can be described as crude, shallow, meaningless, and (if the entertainment industry is any indication) increasingly unimaginative (read: boring as hell).
** It mostly depends on how relevant it is to the real world and/or how strongly people feel about it. Oh, and how many people feel strongly about it.
** It's essentially intellectual masturbation. "I like this anvil! I agree with this anvil! So it was ''so important'' that it be dropped!" Generally, not really. Most of the uses of this trope on the wiki apply to differences of opinion or issues that are decades or even centuries out of date. It's basically the tropes opinion of a tumblr reblog saying "This is so important you guys".
*** Sometimes, yes. Often, no - dropping the anvil makes the message clear in a way that no amount of sugarcoating can. See the [[Second World War]] discussion above for one example. For another, consider the residential schools that natives were forced to attend in Canada: yes, we all know that taking children away from their parents and raising them in a different culture is wrong, but we don't know ''how'' wrong it was and how much damage it did (and is still doing decades after the program was ended) without having the anvil dropped on us.
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