Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* The immediate aftermath of the Endgame arc (Issues 50 and 51). So Robotnik is defeated and it looks like Moebius is free again and everyone's happy. But how many of the Freedom Fighters turn to Sonic and take the time to say "Uh, sorry we were idiots and believed Robotnik's scam, turned our backs on you and believed that YOU of all people would actually betray us and kill Sally?" NONE. Sonic must be the noblest creature in the universe to not throw their medal back at them and tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine.
** No kidding. I can understand the Freedom Fighters being confused and upset about 'Sonic' killing Sally, but they just completely accepted it at face value. This is despite the fact that they ''know'' Robotnik can make perfect robot duplicates (the Sally mini-series), or Sonic could be brainwashed/amnesiac (in an earlier issue), or it could be a hologram, or a thousand different credible reasons. They were in Robotropolis, for God's sake, and they never assume that Robotnik could have been behind it.
** If I remember correct the entire endgame arc (including issues 51) was supposed to be, yeah Sally's really dead, this is why I'd say it's a failed [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw]].
** And actually, while we're on this topic, I just remembered Sonic's court case after the Mecha Madness special. They did have a credible reason to doubt him - it seemed perfectly in character for Sonic to run off and try his plan anyway - but they were such ''assholes'' about it. Sally was the only one who was all "I really am sorry, but this is the law." while Bunnie was ready to sic a sawblade on Sonic's behind if he stepped out of line. It's like a Goddamn running theme for Sonic's friends to be jerks to him whenever he's accused of anything.
*** Though this seems to be happening less and less, or it's entirely justified (last time I can think of an accusation that could be considered without merit is during the whole pre-Scourge Scourge story around about issue 160, where Scourge (at the time not green, nor scarred but still Sonic's [[Evil Twin]] from an [[Alternate Universe]])took over Sonic's life and in essence made him do things out of character, but not so much that people suspected that it was Scourge.