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[[File:Sonic_the_Hedgehog_125_3041.jpg|frame|Sonic the Hedgehog #125, featuring [[Loads and Loads of Characters|a portion]] of the cast.]]
The US comic book based on the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' video game franchise, published monthly by [[Archie Comics]]. Not to be confused with the UK's ''[[Sonic the Comic]]''.
Originally a tie-in with the [[Sonic Sat AM|SatAM series]], the comic debuted in 1993. When the series ended, the comic, which by then had developed its own continuity, received an influx of readers that kept going. (Issue 50: special statements by writer) The comic has beenwas published monthly since itsuntil inception2017.
The backgrounds between the two were very similar at first: Dr. Robotnik had taken over the Kingdom of Acorn and had turned everyone into robots. He was opposed by the Freedom Fighters, a band of, well, freedom fighters that operated out of their secret base of Knothole. Sally Acorn was the leader while Sonic the Hedgehog was their main fighter. But almost immediately, the comic series started to make its own characters and plots, so even though there were "background" similarities between characters, their personalities and nearly every event made them wholly incongruent, despite some tie-in issues. (The cartoon was originally darker than the comic in tone, but under Ian Flynn's pen the comic approaches the general tone of season 2.)
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Has a (fairly exhaustive) [[The Wiki Rule|Wiki]] in the [ Mobius Encyclopaedia].
=== ''[[Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' contains examples of: ===
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Locke, sometimes, though he meant well.
* [[Action Girl]]: Julie-Su, Bunnie, Sally, Amy, and several other ladies. It would actually be easier to name the girls who ''aren't'' this to some degree.
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* [[After the End]]: The whole comic is set here.
** Albeit an end the world's long since recovered from. Silver's time, 200 years in the future, is a better example (see [[Bad Future]] below).
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: NICOLE is a very nice AI, while A.D.A.M. is a very evil AI who tried to initiate a "Gray Goo" scenario. Honorable mention goes to the various Metal Sonics, Gamma, and Omega.
** And before any of them? E.V.E.
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Fiona preferred the "evil" version of Sonic to the real thing, and did a [[Face Heel Turn]] to stay his girlfriend when she found out "Sonic" was really "Scourge". (Well, this is what she ''claims,'' anyway... and this ''is'' [[Consummate Liar|Fiona]] we're talking about...)
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** During the "Enerjak Reborn" arc, it was revealed how just about everything Finitevus had done since his introduction had been part of his plan to create a new Enerjak. It was also revealed that he was the unnamed Echidna scientist who had attempted to return Chaos Knuckles to normal by draining his power (the backfire from that being what rendered him albino).
* [[Arm Cannon]]: Bunnie has one. [[Awesome but Impractical|Which makes her faint when overused]]. The Iron Queen tried to kill her this way in issue 203.
* [[Armed with Canon]]: Some of the Penders/Bollers feuding came down to this. Of particular note is the business with Antoine's bizarre [[Darker and Edgier|behavioral]] [[Took a Level in Jerkass|change]] after the [[Time Skip]]: Bollers had intended it to be organic growth, and it was the linchpin for several stories planned down the line. Penders [[Retcon|retconnedretcon]]ned it into having been the result of Antoine having been swapped out for his [[Evil Twin]] from another dimension.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: Maximillian and Alicia Acorn. Sally and Anti-Antoine's short marriage was also one of these, until Elias became king and annulled it.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Lifesaving]]: King Max to Sonic in #77.
* [[Artistic Age]]
* [[Artistic License Physics]]: In issue 175, after Eggman takes his taunts a little too far, Sonic has a break in his sanity and races over to the east coast in seconds and runs directly into Eggman's battle robot in the same amount of time, something that takes Eggman by surprise as he never believed Sonic could do that. The attack merely dents the shield because the robot was tailor-made to fight Sonic and counter his abilities, which proves its downfall when it's destroyed by Sonic's friends. The problem is that since the comic takes place on a future version of Earth, 175's fight takes place in what was Texas, it means Sonic crossed hundreds of miles -nearly a thousand miles- in seconds. Tailored to fight Sonic be damned, the force from a hit like that is an order of magnitude or two beyond anything Sonic's friends could ever manage, especially since Sonic would be going at least '''''half a million miles an hour''''' to make a hit like that, and should've destroyed the robot. Especially since Eggman never thought Sonic was capable of that, meaning it wasn't factored in the mech's design.
* [[Art Evolution]]: The look of the comic has gone through a number of changes over the years. At first, the comic's characters and looks were similar to [[Sonic Sat AM]]. Around the time [[Sonic Adventure]] was released, the comic redesigned Sonic, Tails, and Amy to reflect their game counterparts. In addition, the comic took on an [[Animesque]] style overall. Eventually, the characters were redesigned again into their current form. Sally, Bunnie, and other characters were updated from their Western models to the styles used in the video games.
* [[Art Shift]]: Some stories switched artists halfway through, such as "Night of 1000 Sonics" in issue #19. The "End Game" story arc was also a story arc that switched artists (and even co-writers) between installments, and then switched artists between scenes in the final chapter.
* [[Art Style Dissonance]]: Stories where Jon Gray was the penciller are cartoony and hyper-exaggerated, which works great for the more comical moments, but the surprising part is that dramatic moments ''aren't'' [[Narm|Narmy]]y. Gray's style is incredibly expressive, even for darker moments.
* [[Ascended Extra|Ascended Extras]]s: The [[Mook|Badniks]] from the first two Sonic games were major characters early on.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: In issue 205, Robotnik says "Snoo-PING AS usual".
** [ "...FROM THE SHOW! I'm going to be on TV! I'm going to be a TV Star!"]
* [[As You Know]]: Among others, the "dragons can't lie" plot point in Endgame, never mentioned before or since.
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: Titan Metal Sonic attacking New Mobotropolis during the fallout of the Genesis Arc in issue #231.
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: Bean, typically and also literally -- Fionaliterally—Fiona manages to ditch him by throwing a set of shiny keys out the window, knowing he'll dive after them.
* [[The Atoner]]: {{spoiler|Dimitri}}, currently, following his [[Heel Face Turn]]. Knuckles also had elements of this after his stint as Enerjak. And NICOLE and Espio seem to be heading in this direction following their actions during the Iron Dominion arc.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: The Battle Bird Armada's Battle Lord. Likewise, his son and heir, Speedy.
* [[Axe Crazy]]: Rosy the Rascal, Amy's counterpart on Moebius. She's so in love with Scourge, [[Mad Love|she wants to bash his head in.]]
** The villain Kodos becomes this after going crazy from radiation poisoning. Bonus points for actually wielding an axe.
** Flying Frog is also pretty crazy -- Scourgecrazy—Scourge actually says that he makes Rosy look ''sane'' by comparison.
* [[Back for the Dead]]: Hey, it's Sir Connery from back before "Endgame"! Anybody remember him? [[Heroic Sacrifice|Well never mind...]]
* [[Badass Mustache]]: Dr. Robotnik/Eggman.
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** Snively doesn't think of himself as bald. Having about three hairs doesn't really count as a "full head of hair", but he's vain and deluded enough to think it does.
** ''Six'' hairs. That he's attached tracking devices (?!) to...
** Those hairs are REALLY''really'' important to him.
* [[Barefoot Cartoon AnimalsAnimal]]s: A few examples, such as Nicole in her lynx form, Rosemary Prower (Tails's mother), and the alien Ceneca-9009.
** Bunnie Rabbot D'Coolette after being deroboticized by Ixis Naugus.
* [[The Baroness]]: Lien-Da. She even has a [[Whip It Good|whip]]!
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* [[Big Bad Ensemble]]: Robotnik/Eggman has always been the overall [[Big Bad]] of the series, but there have always been villains who are independent of him who are major threats on their own (i.e. Finitevus, Scourge, Naugus, Mogul, the Iron Queen etc.). This is most apparent after the Genesis arc, where Naugus becomes equal to Eggman in terms of the threat he presents to the heroes, and his effect on the central plot.
** For that matter, both [[Shadow the Hedgehog|Black Doom]] and [[Sonic Rush Series|Eggman Nega]] have been confirmed to exist in this continuity, but neither of them has shown up directly yet due to copyright issues between Archie and Sega.
* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: Evil Sonic before he [[Took a Level Inin Badass|became Scourge]]. And Snively's an even better example - he successfully [[The Starscream|killed off Robotnik]] only to quickly become Eggman's toady instead, and even after {{spoiler|Eggman went insane}} and he teamed up with the Iron Queen, it's obvious that Snively wasn't the one wearing the pants in that "relationship".
* [[Big Badass Wolf]]: A whole mess of them form the Freedom Fighter cell known as, you guessed it, the [ Wolf Pack].
** However, their former member, Drago, is a traitorous wuss. He does [[Took a Level Inin Badass|become more threatening]] after his Legionization makeover. But [[Butt Monkey|it can only get him so far]]...
* [[Biological Mashup]]: Naugus' origin.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: Bunnie had her share of angst about being part Robian, but she mostly came to terms with it and used her abilities to help in the fight against Robotnik. Then she found out that her robot parts were literally killing her, and was forced to upgrade.
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** ''Sonic Universe Issue 37'' revealed that this is what happened to {{spoiler|G.U.N. Commander Hugo Brass}}.
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: Marine ([[Sonic Rush Series|no surprise there]]).
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Hershey during the End Game arc, when she learned that her [[Jerkass]] ex-boyfriend Drago Wolf tricked her into [almost] killing Sally. Let's just say that near the conclusion, the traitorous wolf learned the hard way about [[Unstoppable Rage|"a woman scorned"]]...
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: Occurs several times in the earlier issues. One example is Robotnik finding Crabmeat reading a ''Sonic the Hedgehog'' Archie Comic. He then punishes Crabmeat for reading the comic of his most hated enemy, before getting the idea to use the other comic books Crabmeat has for ideas for other robots. And yes, the other comic books are [[Lawyer-Friendly Cameo|implied]] to be real comics as well. No, it doesn't make any sense.
** Also falling into this category is Eggman's [[Talkative Loon|ramblings]] in issue 205. It appears he's finally figured out that he's in a licensed comic book. He still wants to get that hedgehog, though.
* [[The Brigadier]]: Commander Abraham Tower.
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]: Chaos Knuckles turning to regular Knuckles in #125, and {{spoiler|Bunnie being deroboticized}} in #232.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Pre-character development Antoine.
** On the villains' side, Drago. The fans hated him so much, he is punched in the nose once every appearance.
** Similarly, Nack the Weasel has started becoming this more in his recent appearances.
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* [[Cain and Abel]]: Lien-Da and Julie-Su.
* [[The Cameo]]: So far, the only appearances of [[Shadow the Hedgehog|Black Doom and the Black Arms aliens]] are a memory image of Black Doom and a single panel showing the Xorda locked in a war with the Black Arms (which explains why the Xorda never returned to see if their attack on Mobius succeeded).
** [[Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 (video game)||Mephiles the Dark]] and [[Sonic Shuffle|Void]] appeared as inmates in the Zone Jail in ''Sonic Universe'' #29.
** Chester Cheetah appears in issue 72. For some reason.
* [[Canon Foreigner]]: Tons. They outnumber the original characters.
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* [[Cheeky Mouth]]: It's Sonic the Hedgehog. Of ''course'' he has this.
* [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys]]: Antoine was pretty much the personification of this trope in earlier issues.
* [[Chickification]]: Sally Acorn was like this for a while. Thankfully ,it didn't last. Surprisingly, though, the lasting effects of it have yet to be [[Retcon|Retconned]]ned or reversed...
** Happened to her [[Xenafication|in reverse]] over the early issues. Sally grew more competent due to a combination of [[Cerebus Syndrome]], bringing her characterization more in line with ''[[Sonic Sat AM|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'', and getting her own mini-series.
** Most of the other female characters got Chickified at the same time Sally did (roughly around #132), but Sally's was so over-the-top that the other cases went largely unnoticed. Thankfully, it didn't last for ''them'' either.
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* [[Clear My Name]]: The "Mecha Madness" and "Endgame" storylines.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Bean doesn't really have lucid moments. You just find a way to make his madness work for you.
* [[Colon Cancer]]: The "Tales of the Freedom Fighters" stories got a bit out of hand in this respect -- considerrespect—consider the verging-on-self-parody title "Tales of the Freedom Fighters Presents: Geoffrey St. John: On His Majesty's Secret Service Part 4: The Mission."
* [[The Comically Serious]]: Shadow is occasionally used to this effect, particularly when paired off with characters like [[Bratty Half-Pint|Marine]] or [[Ridiculously Cute Critter|Cream]].
* [[Compulsory School Age]]: Inverted. After her [[Plot-Relevant Age-Up]], Amy still has to go to school with Tails and the other children, because despite having a teenager's body, they know [[Younger Than She Looks|what age she really is]].
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* [[Continuity Drift]]: To the point that any attempt to bring more than a minor element into the games is received poorly.
* [[Continuity Snarl]]: Trying to fit ''[[Sonic Adventure]]'' and ''[[Sonic Adventure 2]]'' perfectly into continuity caused problems. Made worse by the fact that the writers didn't have complete information about the games when they started writing the arcs...
** The ''[[Sonic Adventure]]'' snarl was particularly nasty, as it involved taking what had been (until then) a relatively archaic world with violent humanoids (see [[Fantastic Racism]] and [[Four-Fingered Hands]] below) and trying to force half of the cast into an [[Ordinary High School Student]] scenario ''and'' trying to introduce humans that were somehow completely different in personality than the ones met formerly without getting rid of the underlying [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] subtext.
* [[Cosmic Retcon]]: Happens in the stories set in the ''Mobius: X Years Later'' reality - Sonic goes back in time to fix damage to the timeline that threatens to destroy reality. Unfortunately, this creates an [[Alternate Timeline]] where instead of being a [[Utopia]] ruled by King Sonic, Mobius is a totalitarian state ruled by [[Knight Templar|King Shadow]]. {{spoiler|Fortunately, Sonic and many of his friends [[Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory|remember how things are supposed to be]] and manage to overthrow Shadow.}}
** Shades of this appear in a few of the Silver stories as well. Apparently, every time Silver goes back in time, some changes are made to the timeline. Unfortunately, none of these changes undo the [[Bad Future]] he lives in.
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* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Fiona, Princess Alicia, Lien-Da, Buns, Rosy the Rascal, and Julie-Su back when she was a Dark Legionnaire.
** Conquering Storm looks to be one in the near future.
* [[Darkest Hour]]: The series has had a few over the years, the climax of "EndGame", the destruction of Knothole, and the Iron Dominion occupation of New Mobotropolis being the most prominent. And now, following the events of "Genesis", it appears to be heading into another one -- seeone—see [[It Got Worse]] below.
* [[Dark-Skinned Redhead|Dark Furred Redhead]]: Sally, Prince Elias and Queen Alicia.
* [[Dating Catwoman]]: Rouge is trying to invoke this trope with Knuckles, much to Julie-Su's annoyance.
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* [[Death by Childbirth]]: Snively's mother. There's a lot of speculation that his father hated him for it. [[Freudian Excuse|Could explain a lot]].
* [[Death From Above]]: How Eggman ultimately destroyed Knothole.
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: The Substitute Freedom Fighters. One eventually becomes so bitter about it, he runs for office just so he can make a difference and vent his frustrations. Two other members of the Substitute Freedom Fighters are on the council as well.
* [[Deus Ex Machina]]: [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in an issue when they need something to free NICOLE from her [[Mind Control]]. Their choice falls on the Particle-to-Light Organizer and Transporter Device. [[Don't Explain the Joke|Don't get it?]] {{spoiler|PLOT device.}}
* [[Devil in Plain Sight]]: Mammoth Mogul's current status. What this means for his {{spoiler|future status as Silver's mentor}} is currently unknown.
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* [[Dirty Coward]]: No real shocker that [[Meaningful Name|Snively]] is one of these.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: The Xorda. It's not a good idea to piss them off. Or be at all [[Sins of Our Fathers|genetically related]] to anyone who may have pissed them off ''several millenia ago''.
* [[Doesn't Like Guns]]: Ostensibly, the Kingdom of Acorn has had a strict "No guns" policy ever since a previous war was started because two kids were playing with a gun. In practice, there has been some [[Depending on the Writer]] variation on this -- Bunniethis—Bunnie, for example, wielded guns for some time, although she never used them. Rotor's stance on the matter has been inconsistent even in the hands of the same writer, though explanations have been given since for this apparent contradiction. Julie-Su also freely uses a gun, but she's technically not a citizen of Acorn in the first place.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: The animosity between the Dingoes and the Echidnas is almost an exact analogy for the [[Arab-Israeli Conflict]]. Who plays who is just as much [[Alternate Character Interpretation|up to interpretation]].
* [[Doom Magnet]]: Nate Morgan, arguably.
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: Happens with such frequency that Sonic's begun to [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshade]] it. The heroes have, at various junctures, teamed up with Robotnik, Snively, their "Suppression Squad" alter-egoes, the Destructix, the Dark Legion, and even Finitevus. They usually get backstabbed, and Sonic's started to lampshade ''that'', too.
** By and far, the biggest of these situations was when the ''entire planet'' united to fight off the [[Alien Invasion|Xorda invasion]]. And naturally, as soon as the Xorda were fought off (and Sonic was sent into space), Eggman stabbed his allies in the back.
** We have a non-Freedom Fighter example in the Babylon Rogues teaming up with their rivals/former comrades the Battle Bird Armada to regain the Babylon Gardens -- whichGardens—which, ironically, puts them in opposition to the Freedom Fighters, since the Gardens are apparently under New Mobotropolis.
* [[Engineered Heroics]]: At one point Sonic sets up a plan to help Antoine impress his father by dressing up as his own [[Evil Twin]] and having Antoine defeat him. Then the real Evil Sonic showed up and Antoine knocked him out without realizing it wasn't Sonic in disguise. When he realized he'd actually decked an actual bad guy and won, he fainted.
** Which, incidentally, says a lot about just how pathetic Evil Sonic was prior to turning into Scourge.
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{{quote|If there ''are'' any lessons to be learned, it's one you so obviously forgot! As I begin to absorb the incalculable power you possess, consider this: there is ''always'' someone else who is smarter, stronger, and even more ''ruthless'' than you.}}
** Notably, Dimitri's later characterization would push him further and further towards [[Anti-Villain]] status.
** Teaming up with the [[Monster of the Week|villain du jour]] and winding up on the losing end of this was also [[Evil Twin|anti-Sonic's]] second most common gimmick (the most common, of course, being the instigator of [[Clear My Name]] plots), although that changed after [[Took a Level Inin Badass|he did]].
* [[Evil Twin]]: Everyone from Anti-Mobius. But special mention has to be given to Anti-Sonic, who used the Master Emerald to turn himself green, renamed himself Scourge the Hedgehog, and has become a recurring villain.
** Averted with Anti-Knuckles, who's a good guy, just more mellow and pacifistic than Knuckles.<ref>and speaks with an Irish accent, for some reason</ref>. That doesn't stop him from fighting when he thinks he has to, though.
** Finitevus is also something of an evil twin to Knuckles. An accident transformed him into a negative image of Knuckles, and he uses the exact opposite methods that Knuckles does; while Knuckles favors direct action, Finitevus uses his powers over dark magic and subterfuge. And while Knuckles is a Guardian, biologically engineered and trained from birth to be an ultimate protector, Finitevus wants to '''BLOW IT ALL UP!'''
* [[Executive Meddling]]: Part of the reason why previous head writer Ken Penders left, and part of the reason behind some of the fan frustration. Ever wonder why new writer Ian Flynn doesn't get Sonic and Sally back together? This is why.
** Sega's put in a number of mandates such as: Sonic can never lose, he can't cry ,<ref>he can get teary-eyed, but not actually cry</ref>, he can't have a steady girlfriend .<ref>dating is allowed it seems</ref>. Weirdest of all is that a number of the game characters have parents in the comics, but the comic is very rarely allowed to have those characters addressed as such, using something like "My m-"
* [[Explosive Leash]]: When the Dark Legion is stripped of their cybernetics, Lien-Da cuts a deal with Eggman where they will serve him if he restores them; to ensure the loyalty of his new "Dark Egg Legion", Eggman plants bombs on them.
** When the Iron Queen sets off Lien-Da's bomb, Eggman repairs her, and plants another bomb.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Several characters, including Dr. Quack, Amadeus Prower (Tails' father), and Patch (aka the anti-Antoine).
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Sleuth Dog and Fiona Fox.
** Later, Geoffrey St. John -- thoughJohn—though it turns out Geoffrey didn't actually ''switch'' sides but had been working for Naugus since [[The Mole|before he was introduced]].
* [[Fake Defector]]: Dimitri, when he joins Robotnik. "You make it sound like I'm purposefully weakening the greatest evil this world has ever known from within."
** Duck "Bill" Platypus of the Downunda Freedom Fighters -- afterFighters—after his people willingly joined with Eggman, he did as well in order to make sure they didn't suffer too much under his rule, while still being loyal to his team.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: The Overlanders and Mobians are usually pretty antagonistic to each other due to a long history of conflict between them. Attitudes have softened, however, as the comic has gone on, and the two have fought together more and more against their common enemies.
** Also the Dingoes and the Echidnas, who are constantly at one another's throats.
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* [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]]
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Three guesses.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: Finitevus is one of the most urbane [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Maniacs]]s you're ever likely to meet. All the better to contrast with [[No Social Skills|Knuckles]], of course.
** Eggman is this on a good day. [[Complete Monster|On a bad day...]]
* [[The Federation]]: United Federation, a federal constitutional republic which is an ally of the Republic of Acorn and a mayor player in the Second Robotnik War, ever since the Freedom Fighters saved Station Square, the capital city, from Chaos.
* [[Feudal Future]]: But Prince Acorn has begun to give the populace more control of their government after an attempted coup, so at least it is progressing.
* [[First-Name Basis]]
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* [[Flash Forward]]: The "X Years Later" storylines.
* [[Footnote Fever]]: Almost every single time the comic references a previous event, there's a footnote helpfully telling you exactly what issue it took place in. In particularly referential issues, the phenomenon is [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded. Frequently.]]
* [[Four-Fingered Hands]]: Rarely consistent, given its conflicting source material -- thematerial—the cartoon gives every Mobian four fingers, while the games give almost every one of their characters five. Right now, the number of fingers depends on the artist, with some giving every character five fingers, and others giving the Sega characters five and everybody else four. Similarly, earlier issues had established that the main difference between humanoid Overlanders such as Robotnik and proper Humans such as the characters seen in the Federation was the number of fingers: four and five, respectively. Thanks to artistic interpretation, this has since been quietly ignored.
* [[Fourth Wall Mail Slot]]: Characters have occasionally answered fan mail "directly" through Sonic-Grams, the online blogs, and during a "novelty question month" on Ian Flynn's messageboard.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Fiona's abandonment issues have definitely played a major role in shaping her pscyhe.
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* [[Funny Schizophrenia]]: Bean. Take Daffy Duck, cross him with [[Deadpool]] (albeit a [[Bowdlerize|G-rated Deadpool]]) crank him [[Up to Eleven]], and then multiply that times infinity. You just might get there.
{{quote|'''Bean''': That was awesome! How do your glutes feel?
'''Sonic''': [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|Shut. Up. Bean.]] }}
* [[Furry Confusion]]: Muttski is a non-anthropomorphic dog: he walks on all fours, can't talk (until he gets a [[Translator Microbes|Translator Microbe]], which only makes him a [[Talking Animal]]), and is treated as a pet... but Mobius also contains [[Funny Animal]] dogs (like Sleuth Dawg). It's established that Tasmanian Devils are "One of the few Mobian races that never fully evolved" and are treated like dogs in some respects, but Muttski doesn't appear to be one.
* [[Fusion Dance]]: {{spoiler|Gamma's "soul" enters Omega's mind, fusing their thoughts together and granting Omega the ability to feel proper emotion.}}
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* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Sonic Universe 17. Bunnie and Antoine setting up a tent. (Bonus for being their honeymoon.)
** In issue 8, Bunnie says she's the "sax cymbal" of the team. [[Sarcasm Mode|Gee, I wonder what that could refer to...]]
* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: Feist, the 200-foot mystical panda who inhabits the special zone and intermittently [[Third Person Person|talks in the third person]]. Even in [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink|this comic]], he's treated as a [[BLAMNon Sequitur Scene]].
** He was a pretty interesting way to explain the creation of the Special Zone and the formation of the seven Chaos Emeralds, though.
* [[Go-Karting with Bowser]]: Snively plays hockey with Sonic in issue #33.
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* [[How Dare You Die on Me!]]: Sonic was thought to had been dead after an explosion of alien tech, but was really flung halfway across the universe. He returned a year later and continued his role as a hero. This, however, led to Sally breaking up with him.
* [[Humans by Any Other Name]]: "Overlanders."
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]: There has been some subtext in this direction, although there have been subversions and exceptions since nearly the beginning. The Mobians and the "[[Humans by Any Other Name|Overlanders]]" were at war... over what turned out to be a misunderstanding, and there were bastards fighting on both sides of the conflict. Yet humans were portrayed as the more warlike and barbaric species even in flashbacks that predated the war. With the introduction of more [[Sympathetic POV]] humans such as Nate Morgan and Hope Kintobar, and the human cities from the games, their (our) image appears to have improved, and the comic seems reluctant to dip back into the old subtext.
** Since the [[Sonic Adventure]] saga, humans have looked even better. Compared to the likes of the Xorda and Black Arms, humans are one of the ''least'' bastardly species that exist.
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: The earliest issues loved this one.
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** Granted, everyone pronounces the T due to her robotic parts. Her uncle has apparently been getting similar treatment.
** it is pronounced "Ra-BOT" in the cartoon, which vocalized it before the comic pronounced it.
*** That's not for dispute though. The comic book simply pointed out what her last name was prior to being roboticized. Yes, the characters in the comic pronounce it "Rab-BOT", but that couldn't have been her last name for her entire life, right? So they decided that her "REAL" last name was pronounced "Rab-BOW", which is spelled "Rabbot". Prior to this revelation most people would have assumed that Bunnie's last name prior to roboticization would have been "Rabbit". The point of this was most likely to avert the [[Species Surname]] trope.
**** Of course, now that she's [[Happily Married|married to Antoine]], this is a moot point.
* [[It Got Worse]]: {{spoiler|First off, we get Mina of all people, her new-found fear of Nicole in the wake of the Iron Dominion arc getting augmented by Ixis Naugus' powers, sparking off a mob mentality against the very AI defending New Mobotropolis. Then Naugus himself makes a power play for the crown, marching right up into the Council and demanding the crown. And getting it given to him, even as Sonic points out [[Obviously Evil]] he is, and has been. ''Then'' Eggman makes his return, hitting the world with his Genesis plan, nearly beating Sonic, and more importantly successfully roboticzing Sally. ''Then'' Naugus makes himself look like the hero, getting the people behind the evil wizard as the king. '''Then''' the Battle Bird Armada successfully blows a gigantic hole clean through New Mobotropolis, again nearly killing everyone. And to top it all off, once things start to settle down and it looks like Geoffery St. John will be brought to justice for his actions as a traitor... Naugus gets him pardoned as the unquestioned king. So in summation. Nicole traumatized, the people against Nicole and uniformly for Naugus as King, Naugus actually being the acknowledged king of the Kingdom of Acorn, Sally becoming Mecha Sally and a slave to Eggman, and New Mobotropolis has a gigantic hole in it. In the space of a single day.}}
Line 354 ⟶ 353:
** And before any of them, Tobor and Kragok.
** Nate Morgan and Colin Kintobor.
* [[Kill the Cutie]]: Princess Sally, [[Not Quite Dead|over]] and [[Only Mostly Dead|over]] [[Death Is Cheap|again.]]
* [[Kissing Cousins]]: A distantly related version, when it's revealed that Julie-Su is descended from the evil side of Knuckles's family tree.
** This is kind of stretching it, considering there's ''18 generations'' between the parents of Edmund and Dmitri, and Knuckles.
Line 361 ⟶ 360:
* [[Knight Templar]]: King Shadow from an alternate timeline.
** And the Sand Blaster Freedom Fighters can be pretty fanatic in fighting Robotnik/Eggman. So much so that in their first appearance, they tried to strand Sonic and Tails in their city so that they would always be there to help them fight.
* [[Know Your Vines]]: Sonic was picking flowers to bring to Sally, only for a random background character to wander by and inform him that he's making his girlfriend a bouquet out of poison sumac. Then he starts scratching madly, which makes him swell up until he can't move. This, unfortunately, coincides with Robotnik making Pseudo Sonic, a robotic duplicate meant to infiltrate Knothole and discredit Sonic.
* [[La Résistance]]: The Freedom Fighters. Though post-Endgame (when Robotnik went from a dictator to an external threat) they've become more of a special forces unit reporting to the government of the Kingdom/Republic of Acorn.
** Post-Genesis, they seem to be heading in this direction again {{spoiler|in reaction to Naugus' coup.}}
Line 414 ⟶ 413:
** Sonic remarks that he beat Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts when he was eight, which is the age he would have been when you subtract the number of years ago ''[[Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' aired from his current age.
** When Eggman escapes from the Eggdome in #205 in a giant tortoise robot, he shouts, "[[Waxing Lyrical|I will destroy the blue one, you know!]] [[Sonic Adventure 2|He's the obstacle that always gets in my way!]]" Also see [[Ascended Meme]].
* [[Necessarily Evil]]: Finitevus. Sort of. He doesn't show regret for cruelly lying and manipulating people -- justpeople—just the opposite, really -- butreally—but he's never seen doing it for sadistic purposes ''alone''.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Seneca-9009's [[Dark and Troubled Past]]. She invented a de-roboticizer to help the metallic aliens of Biotex. She learned too late that the Biotexans evolved their metallic bodies as a defense against deadly microbes. Oops...
** And in issue 225, Eggman tells Sally that if she and the other Freedom Fighters had finished him off any of the times they'd had the chance, they could have prevented him from {{spoiler|rebuilding the Death Egg in a more powerful form}}.
Line 427 ⟶ 426:
* [[Nuclear Weapons Taboo]]: Partially subverted in the comic itself; played straight with the Kingdom of Acorn.
* [[Oddly Small Organization]]: The Freedom Fighters, though it's temporarily subverted at different points in the series. This later comes back to bite the main characters in the tail when three of the disenfranchised former members of the Substitute Freedom Fighters become leaders in the government.
* [[Off-Model]]: It was so bad that there is [ a blog] dedicated to these moments. Fortunately, it's gotten a lot better about it in its later years, but it still pops up every now and then.
* [[Offhand Backhand]]: Bunnie to Naugus in #173.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: Dr. Finitevus believes that the world is hopelessly corrupt and must be "cleansed with emerald fire." He is utterly convinced of the righteousness of his position and quite willing to lay down his own life to achieve his aims.
Line 460 ⟶ 459:
** And the Dark Legion from time to time.
* [[Pyrrhic Villainy]]: In the [[Yet Another Christmas Carol]] plot.
* [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]]: The Destructix, comprised of Predator Hawk, Sgt. Simian, Lightning Lynx, Flying Frog, Sleuth Dawggy-Dawg, and Drago Wolf. They haven't gotten much characterization over the years, and mostly show up when various [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s need some minions to throw at the heroes.
** Though this is changing since Drago and Sleuth left.
** The Badniks--theBadniks—the original Dr. Robotnik's swarm of little animal-themed [[Mecha-Mooks]] who served mostly as comic relief in the comic's early days. They'd been forgotten about for ages, but were reintroduced a couple of years ago.
** As of ''Sonic Universe'' #37, Eggman has a new group of personal enforcers in the [[Evil Knockoff|Metal Series]] robots {{spoiler|including Mecha Sally}}.
* [[The Real Remington Steele]]: Fiona, who was introduced as a Robotnik-created bot years before her real self appeared.
Line 498 ⟶ 497:
** One particular example is M, Robotnik's android "daughter." She's a sunglasses wearing android [[Made of Iron]], who eventually gets her outer shell blown off to reveal a skeletal-looking body underneath. [[The Terminator|Now what does this remind you of?]] To add to it, there's the fact that she looks like a female version of Arnold.
** A supplemental piece of art for an earlier comic was also a [[Homage]] to Disney's ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]''.
** Eggman's rambling in STH 204 is likely a [[Shout-Out]] to the hybrids in ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]''.
** [ Think again,] [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Sugar-Queen!]]
** In issue #225, Eggman says, "[[The A-Team|I love it when a plan comes together!]]"
Line 532 ⟶ 531:
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: Omega prefers this to happen in every mission he's taken part in so far. So far, he is pleased.
* [[Super Dickery]]: Issues #28, #203, and #204
* [[Super Mode]]: Among others, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Scourge can invoke this with enough [[MacGuffin|MacGuffins]]s.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Robo-Robotnik/Dr. Eggman, for, well, himself. Continuity treats them as the same character, more or less.
* [[Talkative Loon]]: Bean.
Line 544 ⟶ 543:
* [[Tiny Guy, Huge Girl]]: Four-foot tall Snively [[Unholy Matrimony|dating]] the statuesque Iron Queen.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Team Dark. Shadow's mellowed out, but Rouge is a thief who's in it for herself, and Omega is a [[Sociopathic Hero]]. And if Abraham Tower has his back story from the games...
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Antoine takes several, Evil Sonic when he becomes Scourge, and {{spoiler|Dr. Eggman}} big time after he {{spoiler|overcomes his [[Villainous Breakdown]] purely with logic, snaps out of his insanity, and puts himself back in the game arguably more dangerous than ever. His return to sanity is even punctuated by quite possibly the most dark and ominous panel Eggman has ever appeared in.}}
** Especially obvious in {{spoiler|issue 225}} where he {{spoiler|toys with Sonic to stall for time, then nonchalantly injuring/possibly killing Sally. Then he fires his superweapon ''while holding a glass of wine''.}}
** In Scourge's case, it also included gaining several levels in popularity - the fans like him a lot better when he's not just a cliched [[Evil Twin]].
Line 550 ⟶ 549:
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Chili-dogs for Sonic.
* [[Trickster Mentor]]: Archimedes the Fire Ant filled this role for Knuckles, by way of a clever scheme that initially made Knuckles and the readers believe he was being set up as a villain.
* [[Ungrateful Bastard|Ungrateful Bastards]]s: The Nerbs go straight from this to [[We Want Our Jerk Back]].
* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: Scourge and Fiona. Also the Iron King and Queen, who (thankfully, for [[Squick|obvious reasons]]) are just in a marriage of political convenance. And the Queen also had a thing on the side with Snively.
** And if there was any doubt that Scourge and Fiona truly cared about each other, take this into account: after Scourge was arrested by the Zone Cops, Fiona tracked down the Destructix, got them to work for her, and then ''intentionally got arrested'', all so that she could break him out.
Line 585 ⟶ 584:
** Finitevus considers himself one. [[Omnicidal Maniac|Though he]] [[Complete Monster|isn't]].
** Let's not forget Lien-Da.
** {{spoiler|Geoffrey}} is one as well -- hewell—he {{spoiler|helped Naugus become king}} because he honestly believes it's for the Republic's own good.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Things generally shake up every twenty-fifth issue.
** Issue 25: Not much of a Wham, unless you count introducing Amy and Metal Sonic
Line 592 ⟶ 591:
** Issue 100: Eggman gains the ability to roboticize by touch and uses it on Nate Morgan; Kodos, Arachnis, Tobor and Kragok are all [[Killed Off for Real]]; and the Robians are freed from Eggman's control.
** Issue 125: The conclusion of Xorda arc; Sonic is sent into space, which allows for the one-year [[Time Skip]] when he gets back to Mobius.
** Issue 150: It's revealed to the readers that Sonic and Antonie have been replaced by their [[Evil Twin|Evil Twins]]s from Moebius.
** Issue 175: The Destruction of Knothole.
** Issue 200: {{spoiler|Eggman's [[Villainous Breakdown]]}}.
Line 602 ⟶ 601:
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Both Dimitri and Knuckles were turned into the crazed god Enerjak by draining power from the Master Emerald.
* [[Women Are Wiser]]: Most of the females, while still having their own shortcomings, are somewhat more level headed than their male comrades. Sally in particular, though having a few [[Never Live It Down|infamous moments of ill perception]], is arguably the most "normal"-acting character in the comic (though both her and Bunnie had near equally wacky and blundering personas than Sonic and co in the earlier light-hearted issues).
** Notably averted with Lien-Da, who's in her 30's and still acts [[Adult Child|like a spoiled child half the time.]]
* [[World of Badass]]
* [[Word of Gay]]: Ken Penders got around the CCA somehow by hinting at one of the characters in the "Mobius: X Years Later" storyline being gay... and somehow doing this while showing the life partner, threading the relationship into the text. Once fans started searching, it became obvious (and confirmed by Ken), that the hinted couple was ''Rotor and Cobar'', the latter an echidna scientist from ''the Dark Legion''.
Line 612 ⟶ 611:
* [[Yet Another Christmas Carol]]: An early, non-canon story.
* [[You Called Me "X" - It Must Be Serious]]: Snively begins to suspect that Eggman is slipping when he calls him by his real name.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: The first Robotnik, often. Eggman has also shown aspects of this from time to time.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: King Shadow to {{spoiler|Lien-Da}}.
* [[Zen Survivor]]: General von Styker, after his son ousts him from power.
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