• Angst? What Angst?: A few critics like Roger Ebert felt that the film made Bethany recover emotionally too quickly.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Marco Beltrami's score.
  • Nausea Fuel: The shark attack scene and the stump can be this to some.
  • Special Effect Failure: Sometimes the length of Bethany's stump changes throughout the movie.
    • The stump was gotten by photographing AnnaSophia wearing a green sleeve on the relevant arm and then erasing that arm in post-production. The real bite was almost up to the shoulder.
  • Tear Jerker: If you don't get choked-up at least once during this movie, you have no soul.
    • I never actually felt like crying. But the most painful part was watching her try to prepare food. The thought of the humiliation of not being able to do mundane chores without help seems horrible.